Never had long hair...can't retain length (4b/4c) help.


Well-Known Member
After reading the "Is 4b hair designed to be short" thread i'm feeling a discouraged. I have never had hair past shoulder length. NEVER in my life. Recently, after wearing my hair in kinky twists for some months, i had noticed an improvement in the condition of my hair and the back of my hair was just past collarbone length, the top of my hair hovering at chin length (before a much needed trin set me back:wallbash:) I trimmed about an inch and although i am seeing improvement in the hair of my hair (Somewhat) i feel like i can never retain length. I'm starting to wonder if i will ever reach my hair growth goals of apl or bsl:ohwell: It doesn't help that i have very slow growing hair, and by the time my hair needs a trim i end up chopping most of my growth.

is it possible that i'm just unable to grow long hair?:nono:

my regemine is
(IN BRAIDS/kinky twists)
-wash every 2 weeks with creme of nature shampoo for dry hair(old formula) and condition with Giovanni smooth as silk/watered down LeKair Cholesteral+EVOO/ Suave Humectant/ V05 Moisture milks/ Herbal Essesences Long Term Relationship.
-spray daily with my own glycerine mix, African Pride braid spray or s curl.

-oil rinse/detangle with EVOO
-wash with Avalon organics lemon shea clarifying poo or creme of nature for dry hair
-Aphogee 2 minute reconstructer/ protien treatment
-Deep condition with LeKair Cholesterol+EVOO or Yes to Carrots Moisturising mud mask
-put into protective style until next wash day ie flat twist/cornrows/twists

I hate that my hair is so short, i've been natural for 6 years and my texture is 4b/4c. I'm never going to relax my hair again because everytime i have it has fallen out and i don't want to feel like i have to wear extensions for the rest of my life! I feel like braiding is my only option since i really don't like weave and wigs.

what do you guys think? :nono:


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Don't give up!!:bighug:

I have a question. How are your eating habits? Are you taking vitamins? Do you exercise?
Your hair IS growing...but for some reason, your ends are breaking off before you can see length. Maybe try braiding/twisting with your own hair instead of extensions?

Do you take any multi vitamins? Any anemia? Do you ever use heat?

I'm sure someone can help with your products and how they may/may not be helping your hair. Hang in there!!
I think you're having trouble retaining the length that you do get.
Your genetics allow only a certain length.
I think you are using too much protein too often. For me, as a natural, I don't need protein everytime I condition, moisturizing cons are more important.
Don't give up!!:bighug:

I have a question. How are your eating habits? Are you taking vitamins? Do you exercise?

I take a centrum multivitamin and ultranourishar or Country life Maxi Hair daily. I try to exercise regularly. I am about 40lbs overweight and i've been struggling to lose the weight recently. But i'm an ex jock:lachen: and pretty fit. Sometimes i will work out 6 days a week for a month and then go a month without working out at all!:blush::perplexed
I think you're having trouble retaining the length that you do get.
Your genetics allow only a certain length.
i'm beginning to think that might be the case. My sister and my mum have beautiful thick (Ghanaian, lol) heads of hair but i've noticed that they have never had long hair either:ohwell:. I mean, it's longer than mine, but never apl...but what i don't get is, my hair IS growing, so surely there has to be a way for me to retain this length. I'm just so discouraged.
is it possible that i'm just unable to grow long hair?:nono:

my regemine is
(IN BRAIDS/kinky twists)
-wash every 2 weeks with creme of nature shampoo for dry hair(old formula) and condition with Giovanni smooth as silk/watered down LeKair Cholesteral+EVOO/ Suave Humectant/ V05 Moisture milks/ Herbal Essesences Long Term Relationship.
-spray daily with my own glycerine mix, African Pride braid spray or s curl.

-oil rinse/detangle with EVOO
-wash with Avalon organics lemon shea clarifying poo or creme of nature for dry hair
-Aphogee 2 minute reconstructer/ protien treatment
-Deep condition with LeKair Cholesterol+EVOO or Yes to Carrots Moisturising mud mask
-put into protective style until next wash day ie flat twist/cornrows/twists

what do you guys think? :nono:

It seems like maybe you are using too many protein laden products. I'm going through a bit of protein overload myself.

Do you/have you ever co-washed? Try that, without the V05 (protein) and find something more moisturizing. I like Hello Hydration, or Tresemme Vitamin E. I no longer shampoo at all, co-washing brings alot of much needed moisture to my strands.

Do you shampoo/moisturize/condition in sections? How do you detangle?

Look into some deep moisturizing treatments that aren't protein based as well.

Also, don't be discouraged. I've been on my natural journey a little longer than you. It wasn't until almost 2yrs ago I started to learn more about my hair and how to treat it better. It's truly a journey and a learning process. Have patience with yourself and your hair. HTH
i'm beginning to think that might be the case. My sister and my mum have beautiful thick (Ghanaian, lol) heads of hair but i've noticed that they have never had long hair either:ohwell:. I mean, it's longer than mine, but never apl...but what i don't get is, my hair IS growing, so surely there has to be a way for me to retain this length. I'm just so discouraged.
I think what others have suggested is key. You need a regimen that balances moisture and protein. Too much moisture and your hair will be limp, weak and mushy. Too much protein and your hair will be dry, breaking and not retaining an inch of length.
It seems like maybe you are using too many protein laden products. I'm going through a bit of protein overload myself.

Do you/have you ever co-washed? Try that, without the V05 (protein) and find something more moisturizing. I like Hello Hydration, or Tresemme Vitamin E. I no longer shampoo at all, co-washing brings alot of much needed moisture to my strands.

Do you shampoo/moisturize/condition in sections? How do you detangle?

Look into some deep moisturizing treatments that aren't protein based as well.

Also, don't be discouraged. I've been on my natural journey a little longer than you. It wasn't until almost 2yrs ago I started to learn more about my hair and how to treat it better. It's truly a journey and a learning process. Have patience with yourself and your hair. HTH

i did try cowashing for a while but i was using the V05 coditioners. I'll definitely look into those other conditioners. I found that co washing did help a little but then my hair wasn't really retaining moisture even after a good leave-in (Kimmaytubes leave in) and sealing with coconut/olive oil. I did the hair porosity test a week ago and realized my hair is porous so i used some Roux Porosity control during my last wash and that seemed to help a bit. The only conditioner that i've really felt a difference with is the LeKair with some Olive oil, but i know that has protein also. I upped my protein after a lot of breakage. Actually i just closely examined a few strand s in the front of my hair and i've noticed quite a few mid strand splits:nono:. Can you recommend any deep moisturizing conditioners ? and what ingredients should i look at for that indicate protein in a product? (i hope i don't come across as COMPLETELY clueless :perplexed)
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Do you shampoo/moisturize/condition in sections? How do you detangle?

i used to detangle with trader joes nourish spa, or yes to carrots conditioner. I detangle at first with my fingers, then with a detangling shower comb and then with my modified denman brush. I wash and detangle in 4 sections.
These days i detangle with olive oil before i wash.
It seems like maybe you are using too many protein laden products. I'm going through a bit of protein overload myself.

Do you/have you ever co-washed? Try that, without the V05 (protein) and find something more moisturizing. I like Hello Hydration, or Tresemme Vitamin E. I no longer shampoo at all, co-washing brings alot of much needed moisture to my strands.

Do you shampoo/moisturize/condition in sections? How do you detangle?

Look into some deep moisturizing treatments that aren't protein based as well.

Also, don't be discouraged. I've been on my natural journey a little longer than you. It wasn't until almost 2yrs ago I started to learn more about my hair and how to treat it better. It's truly a journey and a learning process. Have patience with yourself and your hair. HTH

Cosign on the conditioner issue. I think you should leave the vo5 alone - this is not good conditioner for your hair type. Come to think of it I never got anything out of cholesterol conditioners either when I tried them (I'm also 4b/c) - and haven't touched them in years. There are other drugstore brands that are more moisturizing. You'll have to experiment so maybe get the tester sizes first if you don't want to be stuck with big bottles of product you can't use. Also search the board for threads on the following - oil rinses, ceramides and jbco (jamaican black castor oil).

You have very pretty hair - thick and full and technically speaking collar bone length hair is not short. Stylists would call it medium. Also you probably have a lot of shrinkage and can't tell your full length unless you press your hair out making sure to get the root area. Don't get caught up in comparing your length, growth rate to others here on the board or elsewhere online coz everyone is unique. My guess is that your hair may be slow growing but it does grow and you'll see length eventually if you just keep taking care of it and be patient.
I don't have much to add, just wanted to say that your hair is very pretty in the pic you posted. :yep:

I'm mostly 4b and I've never had hair past SL either. I am now transitioning and my hair is slowly becoming much healthier. I cosign on what others said about the protein. Now that I'm mostly natural I rarely use protein on my hair at all, my hair just doesn't need it. Also, have you tried sitting under a steamer when u deep condition? Sitting under a steamer weekly or biweekly with a moisturizing conditioner really turned my hair around.
Don't give up :naughty:

I don't have any advice. Just I know you feel when your hair just stops growing. Try something new, change up your regime.. and you'll find something that works for you.

Good luck, hun :)
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I don't think I believe a certain type of hair is destined to be short, I just think people do not know how to properly retain length.

If you want inspiration check out Sera252 (correct her name if I'm wrong please) channel on youtube.
I believe all hair can grow up to BSL with the right routine and care beyond that its all about genes .Perhaps you re manipulating your hair too much and in addition to that protein overload might be the culpript for your lack of visible growth ,as another poster said your hair is growing ,you re just not retaining lenght,also make sure you moisturize your hair on a daily basis concentrating on the ends .A Moisturizing spritz will do when you have your hair in twists,u can do your own mixing 2 cups of boiled spring water,5 drops of lavander oil and nettle leavs ,infuse overnight and add a spoon glycerin for extra moisture .
Im confident your hair will be longer in no time :)
First, don't get discouraged. For a long time I thought that my hair would never grow past SL because of genetics and I have found that this is not true. I don't think it's genetics at all. From what I've read, I think that you're incorporating too many protein-based products and not enough moisture. You just need to find a balance and stick with it. Also, as far as your trimming goes, maybe don't trim and inch, but just dust to keep your hair in good condition. You may find that you don't actually need to trim an inch of hair all the time. Give it time to grow and then give yourself a nice trim; however, don't go crazy with the scissors.:nono:

Also, if you don't already, start taking a multi-vitamin, eat more foods that are high in protein (fish, chicken, eggs, etc.) and incorporate some exercise that gets you sweating.

Your hair is growing, you just have to find a balanced regime that works for you. Once you find what works, you will meet your goal in no time.

When I started out, my hair was not even NL (see below), but after 3 1/2 years of trial and error and learning what works for me, I am almost MBL. Should have already been there except I let a stylist rip a lot of it out. After that, lesson learned, I became a DIY and now I'm well on my way.

The April pic below shows BSL; however, after my relaxer last Saturday, I am a little past BSL. I haven't uploaded those pics yet, but will hopefully post tomorrow.

Keep us posted on your progress.


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Please don't give up. I know when I first went natural I neglected my ends terribly, and that caused me to continue to have breakage even though my hair was growing. Natural hair especially needs to have the ends moisturized, so in addition to what the other ladies mentioned about protein and the conditioners, make sure you keep those ends in good shape. Also, you may not need to trim as often as you think. Maybe that is causing the delay in seeing results also.
I think you're having trouble retaining the length that you do get.
Your genetics allow only a certain length.

I agree with this! I am 4b and I dont eat right, I dont exercise! I stress all day everyday! But my hair is still growing, its all about taking care of it and using the right products for me. I know if I did exercise and drink more water and eat healthier my hair would be moreeeee healthy and perhaps grow more fast...... but i will get into that regimen when I am out of school.
4b hair requires lot of moisture and I think you're not retaining length because that's the problem.
As others have suggested you need a very moisturizing condition and you need to deep condition often. Also try prepooing or oil rinsing HTH.
Do not give up.I think 4b hair is very exotic. It holds hair styles longer then my (3c-b,4a) hair, it looks cute in puffs, and the hair is usually thicker. :)
1. Give it time...
2. Simplify your regimen.
3. Some of the people with the longest hair do very little.
4. You must find the right balance of protein and moisture
5. Do PS Styling...
6. Remember that 4B natural hair does not act like 4B relaxed hair....Once its relaxed its more like type 1 or 2 so it acts differently.
7. Type 4 natural hair is fragile, so you must protect the ends and keep it up as often as possible.
8. Hone your techniques...keep doing'll get into a rhythm eventually......

Finally: Listen to your hair! Learn to determine if it needs moisture or doesn't always need both every week or even every other week.....Best of Luck.
Hey OP,

I feel your frustration with the hair not retaining length. My hair should be much longer now, but due to neglect I had to do a lot of chopping. It grew to below BSL but got stuck there due to my not spending any time on my hair. So I had to cut it to SL earlier this year.

There is something that you said that caught my attention. You said you have mid strand splits. There is something that you are using or doing that is causing this. Whatever it is, stop it. I had a million and one of those. And what would happen is that my hair would grow down and those splits would grow down as well, making the hair look extremely thin. Also, my hair would easily break at those mid shaft splits.

The situation has improved significantly since I stopped going to the hairdresser. They used to brush my hair with a paddle brush while wet. And I would have them blowdry my hair with the pik. I knew better that this wasn't to be done, but internship was hell and I really had no time to be spending on my hair. It was a wonder how I actually reached the hair dresser. Half the time I was sleeping as I was always recovering from duty.

I cosign with the other advice.. moisture is the key, and protect the ends as well. Be really gentle with your hair, it is the most fragile of all the hair types. Wish you all the best.
First off, please don't get discouraged or give up. I've been natural for 7 years now and I'm just now starting to approach shoulder length. I agree with what most women said about making sure your ends are properly moisturized. You should also try simplifying your regimen a bit. Once I stopped using so many products on my hair I saw a change.
Your texture is just like my DD's and she reached APL around her 7th birthday this year. So I know you can do it! I have no advice right now, just want to lift your spirits.
Have you reached out to any ladies here with the same texture to maybe find a solution?
Be encouraged!
do you have split ends? take a small section of hair, hold it up to the light and look at the ends of the strands. Are there forks on the end? Are there fly-aways in the middle of the strand? Are there bubbles on the strand? Do the strands go from being smooth to have bumps on them?
I don't think it's impossible at all. Truthfully...and I know I might get shot for this... but I think that it might be easier for a 4b/4c to retain length than a 4a. I seem to notice more ssk issues in 4a hair than in 4b/c. Also, on and on the forum, I don't know any 4a waist lengthers beyond Edenise. All of the natural waist lengthers I know are 4b/4c. *shrugs* I'm not discouraged but it has seriously given me pause to consider a texturizer or a BTK in the past to get rid of the ssks.