Never DUST, never TRIM. Who?


New Member
Maybe not "never ever" but at least not cutting hair on some sort of schedule.

I haven't trimmed in almost 8 months. I think I dusted once since that trim. I wear my hair down often. Can't tell if I have tons of splits and the Dominicans never say anthing to me about needing a trim (when they have done so in the past).

Should I be dusting or something at this point? If no, then when?
Do you need another person to dust the back of your head?
depends on how long your hair is and whether or not you can get to the back of your head to trim. if you have see-through ends and such, you want to get it trimmed before your hair continues to split and fall out. but trust , if you're splits were a problem , you would be able to see it on wet or dry hair. do you notice lots of breakage? (and by breakage meaning short to medium length hairs that are not coming directly from your scalp) what is your hair type? is it natural or relaxed?
I'm relaxed and my hair is almost APL. I don't have thin ends although my layers are growing out. I feel like I should cut something every so often, but I don't know how often.
I trim on an as needed basis, at least until I get to a length that I like. My last trim was back in October when my SHS took the liberty of cutting about 2 inches off of my just past SL hair. I'm really scissor shy now, even though I am in need of a trim. I'm wearing braids most of the, so I don't care as much. I think it depends on your goals.
Hi nvybeauty,:)

U read my mind, I was thinking about starting a thread about trimming. I have not had a trim in I don't know how long but I do dust my ends sometimes. Is it possible to grow hair long when you have split ends? I don't remeber who it was but I saw someone's before and after pics in their siggy (hair was beautiful) and they said they did not trim their hair during their hair journey.

Anyway, you can dust your ends on your own. How often you do it is totally up to you and your hair.;)
sweetcoco said:
Hi nvybeauty,:)

U read my mind, I was thinking about starting a thread about trimming. I have not had a trim in I don't know how long but I do dust my hair sometimes. Is it possible to grow hair long when you have split ends? I don't remeber who it was but I saw someone's before and after pics in their siggy (hair was beautiful) and they said they did not trim their hair during their hair journey.

Anyway, you can dust your ends on your own. How often you do it is totally up to you and your hair.;)

SandySea said:
I trim on an as needed basis, at least until I get to a length that I like. My last trim was back in October when my SHS took the liberty of cutting about 2 inches off of my just past SL hair. I'm really scissor shy now, even though I am in need of a trim. I'm wearing braids most of the, so I don't care as much. I think it depends on your goals.

I am in a very similiar situation. I got an "exagerated" in September and have not had one since. I am very hesistant in getting a trim any time soon. My hair is not splitting because i always have it in a bun and i pamper my ends.
I trim my own hair and only do it as needed. Lately, I've been trying to trim the "V" away from my hair and make it a "U" shape so I gave myself an aggressive trim about 2 weeks ago but it may be another year before I touch scissors again.

I think it's a good idea to S&D every 8-12 weeks, but it's not mandatory, IMO, if the ends are well taken care of.
sweetcoco said:
Hi nvybeauty,:)

U read my mind, I was thinking about starting a thread about trimming. I have not had a trim in I don't know how long but I do dust my ends sometimes. Is it possible to grow hair long when you have split ends? I don't remeber who it was but I saw someone's before and after pics in their siggy (hair was beautiful) and they said they did not trim their hair during their hair journey.

i think it would be easier to maintain and dust it through the whole process. Ive seen many chicks go without trims and have the split ends get extremely bad. Then when they reach their goal length they end up having to cut off the dead ends anyway because you can see right through them. When it gets too bad , the ends can possibly split all the way up overtime and your hair will break off piece by piece.
Divine Inspiration said:
I trim my own hair and only do it as needed. Lately, I've been trying to trim the "V" away from my hair and make it a "U" shape so I gave myself an aggressive trim about 2 weeks ago but it may be another year before I touch scissors again.

I think it's a good idea to S&D every 8-12 weeks, but it's not mandatory, IMO, if the ends are well taken care of.

See..when I was a kid, I used to S&D before I even knew what it was called. I would sit at my desk, look through my hair and snip away at splits. But then, the front of my hair was always shorter than the back (which was never searched). I'm scared to s&d because of it.
I can't remember who it was but there is a member here who has a fotki that tracked her growth from neck to mbl in 2 years time and she said she didn't trim once during her journey, 2 years! When my hair is out, I have a habit of looking at my ends especially sitting at my desk at work and if I see a split I will just trim that strand. Funny thing though, I'll have like 2 or 3 split end strands in a group of 50 to 75 strands, the rest around it will be fine so, :perplexed, but since reading about that member I've been thinking I'll only trim maybe twice a year, it's been 4 months since my last trim.
mzhotniz86 said:
i think it would be easier to maintain and dust it through the whole process. Ive seen many chicks go without trims and have the split ends get extremely bad. Then when they reach their goal length they end up having to cut off the dead ends anyway because you can see right through them. When it gets too bad , the ends can possibly split all the way up overtime and your hair will break off piece by piece.

Hi :wave:,

Thanks for clearing that up for me!;)
I dust my ends after every other relaxer. That saves me from having to trim or cut every now and then. At first I thought about not putting myself on a schedule but this works for me. I don't want to late until it is to late.
nvybeauty said:
See..when I was a kid, I used to S&D before I even knew what it was called. I would sit at my desk, look through my hair and snip away at splits. But then, the front of my hair was always shorter than the back (which was never searched). I'm scared to s&d because of it.

Well, if it wasn't an ongoing practice, but something you just did once a month, it probably wouldn't result in shorter hair...especially if you're ONLY snipping away at splits, not just random hair that's healthy.

SweetCoco, S&D means search and destroy and refers to holding the ends of the hair and searching for split ends, then snipping (destroying) them.
I don't trim. I haven't since I did the big chop in July 2005. I am MBL now, hopefully moving in on WL. My plan is to trim about 6 months after I get to waist length. I don't have split ends, thank goodness. Over the past couple of years I have cut the end off of single strands only if they have an knot that cannot be worked out.
I guess that's what I really need to stop doing. Trimming. My hair does not seem to be moving and I guess that's because I can't seem to keep my hands off the scissors. I have to stop!:mad:
I haven’t dusted or trimmed in a while, I think maybe since last September. I’m trying not to trim at all. Since I hardly ever use heat or style my hair period for that matter, I think I can do it. Baggying will probably help too since I’m doing that now.
I havent trimmed in over 6mths and don't plan to till I reach fulll APL...Im 2 inches a waiting for the rest of my hair to catch up to the longest part....I just take care of my ends (protect. style'n) ...I honestly thinks its unnecessary to trim unless your hair is an bad shape:look:
I have no schedule for trimming or dusting.

My ends are not even and it doesn't bother me. Because I rarely wear my hair down it doesn't matter. When I take my hair down before washing I examine my ends, if I see a split I cut it off but I don't trim regularly. Luckily I rarely have a split end. I don't bother trimming of those single strand knots.
I was once an obsessive trimmer and had no idea when I would ever see growth so I had to get myself in check. I put myself on a schedule, once every 3 months but then I started to S&D, so I just had to restrict myslef. Now I am trimming either every 3 months or dusting once every 6 weeks. Gotta cut them ends. I am going to try to not to dust in July as scheduled and just do a healthy trim in September (my anniversary of healthy hair care, I was not thinking about growth at that time) I need to do a straight hair comp. then because I did a pretty big chop to get some things even.

Back on topic. I am trying to get to the point where I trim more infrequently. My hair does not need it, I am just obsessed with cutting my hair.
I havent trimmed my hair for about 5 months, but by choice. I DO NOT trust any stylist around here one bit. I was thinking about learning how to self trim.
Would any of u ladies agree that after taking braids down that there needs to be a trim? We all know that braids make your hair grow but in da process it splits ends,even more so with like micros and other braids that are meant to stay up a while.
My hair hasn't been "trimmed" since June/July 2006. I dusted last month and my hair has been doing just fine.

I have to note that my hairdresser ALWAYS tells me how damaged and split my ends are when I see her (eyeroll). She's been banned from coming near me with scissors so she, of course, must comment....:look:

There's a chart somewhere of what split ends look like. It changed my life b/c I thought dry, crunchy ends meant they were split.
sowhut said:
I am in a very similiar situation. I got an "exagerated" in September and have not had one since. I am very hesistant in getting a trim any time soon. My hair is not splitting because i always have it in a bun and i pamper my ends.

This sound like my story...
SvelteVelvet said:
I can't remember who it was but there is a member here who has a fotki that tracked her growth from neck to mbl in 2 years time and she said she didn't trim once during her journey, 2 years! When my hair is out, I have a habit of looking at my ends especially sitting at my desk at work and if I see a split I will just trim that strand. Funny thing though, I'll have like 2 or 3 split end strands in a group of 50 to 75 strands, the rest around it will be fine so, :perplexed, but since reading about that member I've been thinking I'll only trim maybe twice a year, it's been 4 months since my last trim.

that's def. Candy_C
When I wanted to keep my hair shorter, I used to trim monthly. Once I decided to grow it long, I stopped trimming. I haven't trimmed in over a year, and my ends are still fairly healthy. I do check them, and will trim when it's necessary. So far, I don't need a trim.

I really think that trimming frequency depends on what the hair needs, and how well we take care of our ends. Is it possible to grow hair long without trimming, absolutely. However; the ends MUST be taken care of.
LocksOfLuV said:
that's def. Candy_C

She probably did it too but I wasn't talking about her. There was another one, I believe she wore buns (PRO.styles) for that same amount of time too. I believe I may have saved her fotki as a favorite, it was so inspirational.

ItsMeMe..about the braids, not necessarily. I just came out of micros and when I got my touch-up my hairdresser tried to feed me that same mantra, 'you just came out of braids you need a trim' I kept those bad boys moist for the most part, I studied my ends front and back right and front of her to see and show her I had no splits, my ends were just fine after my braids and she had to agree because I could look at my own ends with my naked eye, she couldn't tell me she saw something different. So I don't think that's a 'rule'. If you need a trim, you need one, but I don't believe braids create split ends.