Never Been Single...


Well-Known Member
My girl has been on my phone non stop about the newest man in her life. The thing is, I actually like this one. But 2 months into it sh*t is already starting to hit the fan. She says he's moving to fast and she says it makes her uncomfortable - I personally think THEY (collective) are moving to fast and it is making her uncomfortable.

So we got to talking - drilling down to figure out why she always ends up in this situation. That she meets a dude and 2 months later it seems like they've been together for ever - lawd knows it feels that way for me considering she's on my phone nonstop analyzing his every move. The Conclusions:

She Thinks - It's because guys mistake her boredom for genuine interest. In other words, they present the opportunity for activities, and she takes those opportunities. When the activities run dry, the interest slows down - however all along they've mistaken her interest in activities as an interest in THEM (which is true to a certain degree).

I think - She doesn't know how to be single. She's always in a relationship - phasing one out and phasing one in. Always got somebody up to bat and somebody in the bullpen warming up in case this one doesn't work out. She's broken up with ex'es but never actually CUT THEM OFF. So their's always someone waiting in the cut.

Has anyone here never been single?? Is it a problem??? Is it good to be constantly do a juggling act or sometimes, do we have to close doors and AGREE not to open them up again?? How do we find the balance??
It's one or a combo of the two:

- She's needy


- She's got game...

I'm thinking it's the latter and wouldn't worry about it. :look:
It's one or a combo of the two:

- She's needy


- She's got game...

I'm thinking it's the latter and wouldn't worry about it. :look:

Im gonna have to 2nd that. I dont really see the problem. If she feels like he wants too much, she can tell him to fallback for a minute. If he insists that them being together is crucial, she can strike him out and start hanging with one of her other admirers
I was just thinking I need some therapy or something because I'm like this too. I haven't been truly single since I was about 14. I've always had a boyfriend, or somebody waiting. I've never gone back to an ex, though. Once they're gone, they're GONE. Now that I'm divorced, I'm actually sooooooo happy to be single. I don't know how to act!

Maybe it is a self esteem issue? I think thats what it was for me. Once a guy showed some interest I was like hmmm, let me see what he's talkin about, then eventually I'd decide I liked the new guy better and my boyfriend got kicked to the curb. I liked being liked. I was so....unnoticed growin up that when I did get some guy attention, I didn't want to turn it away. Like I was playin catch up.

IMO, its a bad bad cycle to get into because you don't even have time to catch your breath! Can't figure out what went wrong and how to possibly prevent it again, or figure out what it is you really want.
Trust and believe this has never been an issue with me... :rolleyes: ...but a friend of mine is like this. For her, it's because she's cute and always needs to have a man. And she puts up with a lot of ish just to say she always has one too. For me, it just can't be that serious.
It's one or a combo of the two:

- She's needy


- She's got game...

I'm thinking it's the latter and wouldn't worry about it. :look:

The bolded is what I tend to believe.

I have a friend, she never has her own man, but always has some dude(s) she's checking for. Always doing "drivebys" to see if they are home, or who's car is parked outside of their house. She's quite pitiful, in the aspect that she has never had a healthy relationship with a man. She's now in her mid 40's. You would think with all of her experience, she would have the game on lock, (being a player) but she still operates like a novice.
Im gonna have to 2nd that. I dont really see the problem. If she feels like he wants too much, she can tell him to fallback for a minute. If he insists that them being together is crucial, she can strike him out and start hanging with one of her other admirers

I'm not knocking my girl, cuz she has game. We all do! :lick:

But I'm saying - men you KNOW you don't want to deal with and have no business dealing with because they're childish and stupid - why not close the door??? Why leave it open?? Why call them every so often and text message them - and then get mad when they do the same stupid childish crapola they did the first 145907812349078 times you went down that route.

I'm not so worried about the current situation - cuz if it needs to slow down, it needs to slow down. What concerns is the fact that nothing is ever final...

...and frankly I'm tired of hearing about it. I guess I'm feeling like Miranda dealing with Carrie and Mr. Big except these dudes don't have Mr. Big's money, aren't have as attractive or spontaneous and these dudes aren't hurting my girl, she's just disappointing herself.
The bolded is what I tend to believe.

I have a friend, she never has her own man, but always has some dude(s) she's checking for. Always doing "drivebys" to see if they are home, or who's car is parked outside of their house. She's quite pitiful, in the aspect that she has never had a healthy relationship with a man. She's now in her mid 40's. You would think with all of her experience, she would have the game on lock, (being a player) but she still operates like a novice.

See I'm with you. Flip it around. Let me meet a man who at 28, 29 or 30 has NEVER been single. I'm a little concerned. Because...
- you're obviously not so comfortable with who YOU are and need to always have someone around to validate what you're about
- you may not understand when I need to take the time out to be with my friends (or by myself)
- you probably are one of those who tends to lose themselves completely in relationships. Her hobbies become "our hobbies". Her place becomes "our place". Her thoughts become "our thoughts".

Jumping from relationship to relationship - you don't learn anything. You're always blaming the other party for the failures, not realizing that the ONLY common thread with the other parties besides the fact that they're all of the same sex, is YOU.
Trust and believe this has never been an issue with me... :rolleyes: ...but a friend of mine is like this. For her, it's because she's cute and always needs to have a man. And she puts up with a lot of ish just to say she always has one too. For me, it just can't be that serious.

I'm with you - and I'm not saying it's always a good thing. I'm so against being-in-a-relationship-just-for-the-sake-of-being-in-a-relationship that I'm that girl that loses interest in 2.5 seconds. Forget being pleasantly surprised, if you can't keep my interest in the first 10 minutes of meeting you (meaning, I"m not looking around the room or wondering where my girls went or why they're playing this wack ass music, or where the girl standing behind you got her shoes or if I locked the front door when I left the house) then no number for you.
