Networking and Friendships


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
I got this email today and thought I'd share it... very powerful speech!

The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.

Consider this:
Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person. Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere.

With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it. Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.

"A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses."

The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad.

Note: Be not mistaken. This is applicable to family as well as friends. love, appreciate and be thankful for your family, for they will always be your family no matter what. Just know that they are human first and though they are family to you, they may be a friend to someone else and will fit somewhere in the criteria above.

"In Prosperity Our Friends Know Us. In Adversity We Know Our friends."

"Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them."

"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude."

Colin Powell, commencement speech

Thanks for posting this, Laela! I'm going through a process right now of re-evaluating who I keep around me in my circle of friends/acquaintances/associates & a lot of the points really hit home.
Hi, Grace,

Good post... the Bible has some good words on friendships and choosing them wisely. Over the years, I've dropped people or grown apart from friends who no longer share my values or walk with God. I still love them and wish them well, but there are times, like Abraham, we have to separate ourselves, even from Family members in order to get closer to God. :yep:

My prayer for you today is that you draw into your life only good, like-minded people, with great ambition and a purpose in life. I Corinthians 15:33 clearly says that bad company corrupts good character. Prov 22:24 tells us to steer clear of making friends with angry people. And Prov 27:6 describes a true friend. I hope these Scriptures will help shed some light for you. Good friends will tell you want you don't want to hear, the truth, and will be there for you just like Jesus, the true friend. They are like water to a dying plant :yep:

I wish you well, Grace!

There's a reason my circle is small and this post you have made proved it. I'm a firm believer in "you are what you associate with" so be careful with who you let into your life. Great post!!
Hi, authenticitymanifesting,

Not sure who the true author is.. It's believed that Colin Powell didn't really write this, but it really doesn't matter...the words ring true and I agree w/ all its content. :yep: God bless you.. I hope you're enjoying your Sunday!

I agree with your entire post. I've always been taught association leads to assimilation.
Thank you so much Laela :Rose: I cannot tell you how much your prayer moved me when I read it because I pray for that very thing so fervently. Your prayer has truly blessed my spirit. :bighug:God bless you!

Hi, Grace,

Good post... the Bible has some good words on friendships and choosing them wisely. Over the years, I've dropped people or grown apart from friends who no longer share my values or walk with God. I still love them and wish them well, but there are times, like Abraham, we have to separate ourselves, even from Family members in order to get closer to God. :yep:

My prayer for you today is that you draw into your life only good, like-minded people, with great ambition and a purpose in life. I Corinthians 15:33 clearly says that bad company corrupts good character. Prov 22:24 tells us to steer clear of making friends with angry people. And Prov 27:6 describes a true friend. I hope these Scriptures will help shed some light for you. Good friends will tell you want you don't want to hear, the truth, and will be there for you just like Jesus, the true friend. They are like water to a dying plant :yep:

I wish you well, Grace!

Thank you for your prayer. I prayed it for myself.

Hi, Grace,

Good post... the Bible has some good words on friendships and choosing them wisely. Over the years, I've dropped people or grown apart from friends who no longer share my values or walk with God. I still love them and wish them well, but there are times, like Abraham, we have to separate ourselves, even from Family members in order to get closer to God. :yep:

My prayer for you today is that you draw into your life only good, like-minded people, with great ambition and a purpose in life. I Corinthians 15:33 clearly says that bad company corrupts good character. Prov 22:24 tells us to steer clear of making friends with angry people. And Prov 27:6 describes a true friend. I hope these Scriptures will help shed some light for you. Good friends will tell you want you don't want to hear, the truth, and will be there for you just like Jesus, the true friend. They are like water to a dying plant :yep:

I wish you well, Grace!

Thanks for this post and somewhat of a confirmation to
a situation that I am going through with a childhood friend.
I am just trying to get away from thinking that I am being
judgmental. But at the same time I know that we are on
separate paths. This message is just allowing me to exhale and
to let go.

Thank you for allowing the Lord to speak to you and move you to post this. I praise Him for you! This is something that I have been praying about fervently. It is so true that the people you surround yourself by will either raise you up or bring you down. Its been heavy on my heart lately to begin cutting away certain people again. A couple of weeks ago my pastor preached about new circumcision. He said that when we first become saved we do a vast circumcision, we cut away some people, cut away things we used to involve ourselves in and places we used to go. The initial circumcision is hard because we are new in Christ. He then said as we continue may have to do other circumcisions if the things and people we are surrounded by aren't alinging with our vision and where the Lord is taking us. It should become easier for us to discern and cut away.

Your message on mediocrity helps take this message to a deeper level for me. Negitivitiy is a spirit and if we give the enemy a foothold and surround ourselves by negative doers and thinkers that spirit can come on us if we aren't careful.

Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. This is something that I learned early on in my walk and is such a valuable lesson that I thank God that I learned when I did. Thank you again for being a blessing to me today. The Lord is so awesome and he never ceases to amaze me with His Love, and Kindness.

Be blessed sister.
Hi, Paradise,

I was hopping on/offline today but I wanted to address you to wish you well as your pray is manifested. Your testimony is a blessing to me, to see God working on you and in you, molding you to be what he created you to be. To God be the glory! :clap: He will bring into your life the right people at the right time; he will make your paths cross with people who will find favor in you. All because you prayed fervently for it, and with a humble heart.

When we look inward and in the mirror, is when we get the answers and when God can really do some work on us. :yep:

God bless you today, Sis! :bighug: You're in my prayers.


Thank you for allowing the Lord to speak to you and move you to post this. I praise Him for you! This is something that I have been praying about fervently. It is so true that the people you surround yourself by will either raise you up or bring you down. Its been heavy on my heart lately to begin cutting away certain people again. A couple of weeks ago my pastor preached about new circumcision. He said that when we first become saved we do a vast circumcision, we cut away some people, cut away things we used to involve ourselves in and places we used to go. The initial circumcision is hard because we are new in Christ. He then said as we continue may have to do other circumcisions if the things and people we are surrounded by aren't alinging with our vision and where the Lord is taking us. It should become easier for us to discern and cut away.

Your message on mediocrity helps take this message to a deeper level for me. Negitivitiy is a spirit and if we give the enemy a foothold and surround ourselves by negative doers and thinkers that spirit can come on us if we aren't careful.

Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. This is something that I learned early on in my walk and is such a valuable lesson that I thank God that I learned when I did. Thank you again for being a blessing to me today. The Lord is so awesome and he never ceases to amaze me with His Love, and Kindness.

Be blessed sister.
Hey Laela, I posted your Networking and Friendships post as a note on Facebook because I thought it was a good read, and I got this response from one of my friends:

"Hmmm...the first paragraph of this note actually make me sad.

Are people nothing more than a means to an end in our lives? If so, then God help us! I agree with what you've posted here in some ways and yet find myself utterly disagreeing in other ways...

Instead of looking at people as unproductive or positive enough to hang around, why not encourage them to be productive? Why not be salt and light to that so called "negative" person? I'm so glad our Savior doesn't discard us the way we discard others. He condescended to save us, yet we think ourselves too good to humble ourselves for others. By what standard are we defining "negativity," "success" and "positivity?"... Read More

I agree with the quotes about wisdom. Just don't know if they are being rightly had to say something.

I know I'm not tagged but it showed up in my newsfeed."

How do you all feel about what she said?

Here was my response:

No problem. Your input is very welcomed. When I initially posted this article, I was neutral about the article, and just thought it was an interesting article to read. I wasn't posting it as a Christian based article to live by or anything.

And no, I do not think people are nothing more than a means to an end in our lives. However, God ... also doesn't want us to be fools when it comes to people. There are some people that we should cut out of our lives. There's some people out there that you can be a light to and encourage and help all you want and they still will be the same way. When God mentions we should be salt and light, He is talking about not conforming to the world. We should be different than the world. God wants us to love everyone, even our enemies, but He does not want us to adopt their ways if they do not glorify God.

Did I respond correctly?
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Hi, Poohbear,

That's her opinion and she's entitled to it...though I think she's looking at it from a negative perspective, rather than the positive. I bet you if you asked her if she's ever "dumped" a friend, she'd have something else to say....

Her suggestion that we encourage people around us I totally agree with. But when you have people around you who CHOOSE to do/say things that are not glorifying God, it's time to separate yourself from them. You cannot keep company with them, because God says bad company ruins good character. A Christian doesn't have to "hang out" with anyone to prove they walk in Love..they have to be more wise than that. Why can't a friend "hang out" with the Christian instead? I don't know how many times I hear people complain about life, yet when you invite them to church or you want to read the Bible to them, they reject it and have the biggest excuses. The best way a Christian can be a friend to anyone is to pray sincerely for them and let God do the rest. My relationship with God comes first...not second to a friend's or to family members.

Leaving people be is not to say they are disposable or you don't love them. You've done the best you can and you turn it over to God. Abraham didn't dispose of his family, he followed God's instructions to leave his home/family behind, so he could achieve a bigger task that God had for him to do. People who do not understand will be quick to say Christians/Believers are un-Christ-like or or un-Godly or cliquish.

Your response makes a lot of sense. There's no "wrong or right" way to deal with relationships. But if a person has to stop to question their friendship with anyone, there is something there God is dealing with them about. Prayer is the answer and if the Holy Spirit says to let them be, this is what our hearts must do.

Hey Laela, I posted your Networking and Friendships post as a note on Facebook because I thought it was a good read, and I got this response from one of my friends:

"Hmmm...the first paragraph of this note actually make me sad.

Are people nothing more than a means to an end in our lives? If so, then God help us! I agree with what you've posted here in some ways and yet find myself utterly disagreeing in other ways...

Instead of looking at people as unproductive or positive enough to hang around, why not encourage them to be productive? Why not be salt and light to that so called "negative" person? I'm so glad our Savior doesn't discard us the way we discard others. He condescended to save us, yet we think ourselves too good to humble ourselves for others. By what standard are we defining "negativity," "success" and "positivity?"... Read More

I agree with the quotes about wisdom. Just don't know if they are being rightly had to say something.

I know I'm not tagged but it showed up in my newsfeed."

How do you all feel about what she said?

Here was my response:

No problem. Your input is very welcomed. When I initially posted this article, I was neutral about the article, and just thought it was an interesting article to read. I wasn't posting it as a Christian based article to live by or anything.

And no, I do not think people are nothing more than a means to an end in our lives. However, God ... also doesn't want us to be fools when it comes to people. There are some people that we should cut out of our lives. There's some people out there that you can be a light to and encourage and help all you want and they still will be the same way. When God mentions we should be salt and light, He is talking about not conforming to the world. We should be different than the world. God wants us to love everyone, even our enemies, but He does not want us to adopt their ways if they do not glorify God.

Did I respond correctly?
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