Neem Oil


New Member
Has anyone tried this? Is the smell as some have described?

I have heard that this product smells like peanuts.. and then I've heard that this product smells like all brands of onions :ohwell:. Help.

I understand this is a great product for skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, etc.

I read from various websites that the smell is too potent to cover up and the oils also stick on clothes :sad:.

Are these dramatic descriptions or are they true? :spinning:
I don't know, but I have a brand new container of Neem oil that I am afraid to open because of what I hear of it.
Neem has a very peculiar, strong nutty smell. I don't like the smell AT ALL. It works GREAT and has several benefits, but I still have a nearly full container of it myself b/c of the smell!

Perhaps try mixing a small amount with a carrier oil (olive, or coconut) and an essential oil/fragrance oil.
I recently bought a bottle of neem seed oil from because I have really dry cuticles and neem seed is great for dry skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, so I figured I'd give it a try. It does have a very strong odor, I would say it's similar to the smell of JBCO times 10. Personally, I place a mini drop on the finger of each cuticle then I follow it with a hand lotion that I add lavender oil to in order to mask the smell. I have been using it for a few weeks and it seems to be working. Tough it can be used on the scalp, I probably wouldn't do it because I think the smell would remain in your hair. A good website for information is:, I hope this helps!
I have purchased shampoo with neem oil in it for my boys (17 and 13). They both have eczema on their scalps and it worked well for them.
I have purchased shampoo with neem oil in it for my boys (17 and 13). They both have eczema on their scalps and it worked well for them.

Amcd can you please define , "working well", how bad is their eczema and how has the problem been resolved?
I have some that I mixed with Rosemary, peppermint and castor oil for my temples. Nothing can mask the smell. I only use it at night if I'm going to wash the next morning. The stuff is potent!
I bought some for my hair from mountain rose herbs and used it once in my hair... It smells so bad the whole house stunk, so I researched and found that it is a great insecticide! So I use it in the garden now it is said to make insects stop eating so they eventually die :) I am an organic food gardener so this works great outside.... but it makes the yard smell like ick!
if i were you op, for every 1 pt oil i would add 3-5 pts herbal infused oil or oil with essential oils like lavender, rosemary, clary sage and other eo's that smell good. there are many products on the market with neem that don't stink cause they are cut with other oils and such this company is in health food stores all over:

i have used chagrin valleys neem and tea tree soap and it didn't stink at all.
I have used it before and mine smelled like straight up garlic and nuts.

My body gave an immediate reaction to the oil so I gave away the bottle which was barely used.

The smell was just BAD. Diluting it didn't even help, but then again I didn't use an essential oil. But I guess the potency will depend on the brand you use.

The benefits are amazing, but my body just couldn't take it.
I have used it before and mine smelled like straight up garlic and nuts.

My body gave an immediate reaction to the oil so I gave away the bottle which was barely used.

The smell was just BAD. Diluting it didn't even help, but then again I didn't use an essential oil. But I guess the potency will depend on the brand you use.

The benefits are amazing, but my body just couldn't take it.

KumakoXsd what kind of reaction? I am assuming bad cause you gave it away.. or was it given away simply cause of the smell?
I bought some from an Indian store and it smelled like super strong garlic and nuts. I was actually embarassed to be around people because I thought they could smell my hair. And I actually used it with a deep conditioner and steam, so i felt like the smell was stuck in my strands until wash day. I paid almost $7 per bottle and i bought two but I am scared to try it again on my scalp for my itchy scalp. So now I use it on my face with my OCM

Both boys keep their hair really short and sometimes when they would go to the barbershop the barber would think the 13 year old had ring worm because of how red and flaky a couple of spots would get. Especially in the winter time, they both looked like they had dandruff. I bought this shampoo and it helped get rid of the flakes in the winter and no more drama with the barber.
I have a bottle of neem oil I bought from an indian grocery shop. I use it on my face at night and by morning my pimples are dried up!

Mine smells a bit like peanuts, and sometimes I cut mine with some tea tree oil.
I brought some neem soap and it worked wonders for my skin. I didn't mind the peanut smell, but the cost of the soap was ridiculous.:ohwell:
I just started using neem oil (1x a week before shampoo wash and DC) for dry scalp issues.
Its a winner!!

As far as smell goes.. I don't think it smells anything like peanuts.

Sauteed Garlic and Onions Yes. Peanuts Not so much.
I have the oil and the powder, the oil has a strong smell. The power doesn't. I mix the powder with conditioner. This may work for those who want the benefits but do not like the smell.
I bought some for hubby with the intent of using it at night with a plastic cap to help with his flakes and dry scalp. It does stink like Yaya said, burnt garlic and onion mixed.

We plan to do this overnight treatment a couple of nights per week and have hubby cleanse his hair the next day. I'll have to remember to post his results.

GL in whatever you decide!
I have this soap:
Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Haitian Vetiver Soap with Neem Oil

The combination is full of healthy "stuff" and gentle. So far I like it, I purchased some for my son who has psoriasis, and decided to try it too.

I like the Nubian Heitage soaps because they can literally be used "Head-to-toe" and they are not drying.
If I had peanuts that smelled like this I would throw them in a dumpster at a convenience store lmbo. Neem oil is great for my scalp I only use it when I wash my hair with shampoo. I don't have a problem with my clothes holding the smell
I gave up on using neem years ago because of the smell.

Y'all have reminded me that I still have some. I don't throw out anything so I think I will mix the remainder with my sulphur oil and wash later or the next day.

I advise using a baggy if you sleep with this stuff on your head. The smell stayed around on my pillowcase and faintly funkied up the other pieces of linen in the wash.
Skip the oil and use neem powder it's just as if not more effective and there no smell after you wash it out. I just used it last week good stuff my hair is shedding
Less and it made my hair super soft the comb glided through. Hth
Skip the oil and use neem powder it's just as if not more effective and there no smell after you wash it out. I just used it last week good stuff my hair is shedding
Less and it made my hair super soft the comb glided through. Hth

Thanks a bunch!
Unless you are applying neem for cuts, bruises or some acute skin condition, I'd not advise you to use pure neem oil all over your hair. It's an antiseptic, antifungal oil. It would be like saturating your hair with Dettol or something like that. It's too strong to be used that way. Dilute it, a few drops in a carrier oil should suffice. I think you can get reactions and/or poisoning. The only time most people use the neem all over their hair is to take out nits and lice and they shampoo it out completely after an hour or so.
Neem oil stinks! It smells like garlic and roasted peanuts. There is nothing I have in my essential oil stash that will mask this scent. I do understand the benefits of it and use it on my dog for these reasons. I mix it with his shampoo and lather him up. It helps with his dry skin.
Whomever said that it stinks up the whole house was telling the TRUTH! My poor hubby feels like I've tortured him. We put neem oil on his scalp, covered with a plastic cap, a satin skull cap and a wool cap overnight. He washed it out this morning and refuses to use the caps, pillowcases and anything else with the smell. LoL

I made a mix of peppermint and lavender oil in a safflower oil base and rubbed that into his scalp. Then I massaged some MT into his scalp and slathered V05 onto his hair. We covered it with a plastic cap hoping it would "bake" into his hair and cover the neem smell.

He won't even let me do it once a month. So now I have a whole bottle of neem oil! I guess I'll have to use it in my landscaping. LoL