Needing to Vent!


New Member
1. I have been married for 5 yrs.

2. Not sure if I truly love my husband.

3. Sometimes I want to be single, so I can go as I please w/o answering to someone.

4. Hubby and I were watching a movie together today and his phone rang, so he stepped away and started talking to his friend about sports (going on and on) so I put the movie on pause and he shouted out saying "Oh you put that on pause for me". He said he did it because that was his way of telling his friend he had to go. I was thinking first of all, all you had to do is tell your friend you were busy.

5. I asked him about going out to a local club last night, he didn't want to do that.

6. Most of my girlfriends don't want to hang out for different reasons, so I ask my hubby to do things I like to do, but he doesn't want to do. If I was single, I feel like I would be having more fun.

I know all this sounds crazy but I just had to vent.
I understand that you are venting. But remember that single life has its challenges. Single people want to be married and married people want to be single. We all need to find the happiness in our existing situations.
Pretty Brown Eyes is right: single life does have its challenges.

However, #2 is a real issue. I think you should do some introspection. Why do you feel this way? (Write down whatever comes to mind.) How long have you felt this way? (Maybe it's just a phase???)

In regards to his not wanting to go to the club, tell him how you feel about it. Also, your fun doesn't necessarily have to cease b/c he doesn't want to do what you want to do. If I really feel like I need a night out, I just go. I understand that you may have more fun if your husband shared your interests, but it doesn't mean that your fun has to end.
Thank God that you have a place to vent w/o being judged. I've felt this way about DH before b/c he never likes to go places. He's a serious home body.

Is your husband a homebody or you just don't have the same interests. Is DH mistreating you or is this your main frustration? If so, keep it in perspective, girl! Keep it in perspective.
Sorry that you are struggling in your marriage. No solid advise as i've never been married but have you tried talking to him?
Yes, I have talked to him, but the mistake I make is I wait too long to talk and everything comes out with frustration.
Well Trinity, just start small.. Like just mention little things. I would say something like babe, its a new year and I just wanna keep our relationship on the right track and figure out some things we can do differently.. And then just tell him things you want to be different.. and invite him to do the same..

Don't ever forget, " a kind word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"(that might not be quoted but you get the point)..

In a relationship, it's not worth it to try and get the last word, or see who can cut each other the most with their words... Cuz even if you win, in the end you suffer.. by being in a relationship that makes you unhappy..

I wish you the best.. I really do.. And please give us and updt... K?

** oh and with the going out thing, don't be too hard on him.. Im kind of a homebody too and the FH is the opposite (well sometimes)...

If the old girlfriends wont go out with you, try to find some new ones...
OP, do you know why you are having feelings of doubt regarding your love for him? If you had to list the pros/cons regarding your DH, would the pros outweigh the cons? Do you think counseling would help?
Darling, I can relate. Sometimes I wish I were single. I think it all started with me returning to school; education broadened my horizon. I love my husband, but experience phases where I wish I was on my own. I pretty much do what I want, but out of respect I let him know what I am doing and with who...I can totally relate though because my DH is not intrested in everything I want to do...I dont let that stop me. I hope u find ur way and u can resolve everything.