need words of encouragement and question


Well-Known Member
I have traction alopecia from wearing a weave off and on for the last 8 months and was wondering if anyone has suffered from this problem and experienced the hair around their edges return? Through reading, I learned this problem can be permenant if the technique used to cause the problem continued for an extended period of time....assuming I'm over 30, I'm thinking 8 months is an extended period of time. Research shows that if the hair does not return in 8-12 months it can be assumed that the problem is permanent. I hate to think that this is the case. I've committed myself to better healthcare, not wearing weaves or braids again and going to stylists who actually have my best hair health interest in mind instead of making me look good. Just wondering if anyone here has or had the same problem? It's really taking a psychological toll on me but one thing I've built up in my spirit is that God can do anything and is greater than my biggest fears.....although one's beauty can be considered minor to what is actually going on in the world, it's just hard right now.
I haven't had this problem per se, but I do have a patch that had no hair. Thought it was hereditary. I have started to see growth there 11 months after my last relaxer, so I can only guess that it was an area especially sensitive to the relaxer.

I have seen people successfully grow hair after traction alopecia. There is a forum for this on BTW. Also, women have gotten steroid injections from their dermatologist in the affected areas to stimulate growth. Some have seen a trichologist (sp). Daily scalp massages with essential oils like rosemary, sage (with carrier oils like jojoba) seem to help too. Topical sulfur on the affected areas might help too.

In other words, you might be able to stimulate the scalp in those areas to grow. I wouldn't recommend any chemical treatments until your scalp has healed. Bon chance.
Cheleigh said:
I haven't had this problem per se, but I do have a patch that had no hair. Thought it was hereditary. I have started to see growth there 11 months after my last relaxer, so I can only guess that it was an area especially sensitive to the relaxer.

I have seen people successfully grow hair after traction alopecia. There is a forum for this on BTW. Also, women have gotten steroid injections from their dermatologist in the affected areas to stimulate growth. Some have seen a trichologist (sp). Daily scalp massages with essential oils like rosemary, sage (with carrier oils like jojoba) seem to help too. Topical sulfur on the affected areas might help too.

In other words, you might be able to stimulate the scalp in those areas to grow. I wouldn't recommend any chemical treatments until your scalp has healed. Bon chance.

I was just thinking I shouldn't get a relaxer. I haven't had one in over 10 months but I've only been tension free for only a week. I would like to get a press and curl but believe this is just as damaging. I really don't know what to do at this point but I hope the stylist will help me.