need suggestions for semi-permanent color


Well-Known Member
hello to all,

Currently my hair has turned a brassy dark brown due to years of processing. I would like to have a nice black shade instead, and I desire to put in the color myself. I would like to solicit some suggestions for a really good quality semi-permanent color adds shine and won't damage my hair.

my current hair pics <font color="pink"> </font color> <font color="brown"> </font color>
Your hair is really nice!! I love the braid out pic: looks "exotic", mine tend to look wild and stand out off my head (they still look nice though)
I've used both jazzing and adore semi=colors and they both worked fine. the jazzing looked shinier, while the adore made my hair look "thicker". They both washed out fairly quickly, like within a month. (BTW i was my hair once weekly, but i believe i washed m,y hair like 6 x's that month) Hope this helped