Need Some Help W/ My Protein Game


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I need some help putting together a protein and ceramide regimen. I honestly have never used protein before such as Aphogee or Nexxus Emergencee. However I have some damage from prior heat use that I'd like to transition out of with treatments and a regular trim schedule. I recently purchased the Aphogee 2 step but haven't used it yet. The only thing I've used protein relayed is ORS Hair Mayo and Aphogee 2-minute reconstructor. I think I need something more hardcore.

How often should I use the protein? How do I incorporate ceramides? Can I use together?

Thanks for your help ladies, I am truly a real protein virgin and it's time I got experience.

My hair likes protein and I use the Aphogee 2 step more often than prescribed in the directions. I believe the directions call for use every 6 weeks or so. I think that you should use it per the directions a few times until you determine how your hair responds to the treatment.

I've used the Aphogee 2 step with a ceramide oil blend that I make. I don't think that my hair got hard like it was supposed to with the treatment.

I have several ceramide oils and make a blend based upon whatever I have on hand. My hair loves wheat germ oil and it is always 50% of whatever I mix up.

I use the ceramide oil blend as the "O" in the "LOC" method, to prepoo with, or to put on top of my moisturizing deep conditioner.
If you are trying to get more protein in your regimen I would suggest using the Aphogee line for everything. Then purchase straight ceramide PF from lotion crafter and add it to your Aphogee 2 min and also your deep conditioner. It sounds like you already know what you need and what products you want to use. Just keep in mind with protein you must also moisturize.. Oh, and I would do the hard protein only when my hair needs it. I found that with the entire Aphogee line, I didn't need the hard protein that often because their products are basically protein based anyway.
My hair loves protein. There are lots of choices in the world of protein treatments. I normally use one once a week.

Personally, I cocktail all of my conditioners with additional oils and one of my favorite proteins, silk amino acids. You can purchase that from a place like Lotioncrafter.
Are you Natural or Relaxed or Transitioning and what is your Current Regimen? What daily products do you use?

You should take a look at your current regimen and the state of your Hair and adapt your use of Protein to meet the current needs of your hair and keep it in balance.

You want to make sure you keep your Balance on Point and not be one-sided. Both Moisture and Protein has to be equal partners in your Regimen to give you optimal results.

As far as the Ceramides.....I noticed a comprehensive list in the 2016 Ceramide Challenge, so you may want to Research/Search the Ceramide and Protein threads.