Need reviews from Profectiv Relaxer users


New Member
I'm thinking about trying the Profectiv Relaxer. I searched the posts and read a few reviews from a while back, but I didn't find any recent ones. Are you ladies still recommending this relaxer? Any bad experiences?
I tried it in December and I really liked it, especially the foam shampoo that came with it. Unfourntally, I don't think that my hair likes no-lye relaxers so I have gone back to lye and I am really loving Affrim.

But I think that Profectiv is a very good relaxer in it self, my hair just didn't like it.

Thanks for the reply LadyR. I picked it up after work and just finished relaxing. I love the way my hair feels--really thick and healthy. The relaxer didn't make my hair bone straight. It feels texturized, which is fine with me. The Profectiv relaxer is a keeper.