Need relaxer help :-(


New Member
Hey ladies, this is my first time starting a thread, but i'm really in need of some opinions. I've been relaxed for about 5 years now and i've only used no-lye Precise Ultra mild relaxer. I moved to a different city last year and I told the stylist that Precise Ultra was the relaxer I used and even bought it for her in the beginning. however, later on she said she could buy it, so that i didn't need to bring it anymore. I never see her mix it, but usually if I do happen to see the mixture, its in a regular small mixing cup. the past couple perms, i noticed that there was more of a tingling/burning sensation that i'm not used to with the no-lye, but i just thought she was leaving it on a little too long so told her to rinse. This time (last week) I happened to see the mixture again and it was in an affirm tub, so i asked her and she said it was indeed Affirm. i was so upset, because how dare she switch my relaxer without telling me. I'd been using the same one for years with absolutely no problems and now she just up and changed. AND went from no-lye to lye. I dont know when exactly she switched, but looking back because of the burning i felt, i know its been at least twice. now i'm at a loss for what i should do. this Affirm relaxer got my hair too straight (dont want the bone straight look). but now i'm afraid to switch back to no-lye because I dont know exactly how long she's been using the Affirm, and i dont want any ill effects from switching again. Should I continue with the Affirm, or switch back to no-lye and find another stylist? also, if I choose no-lye option, should I stick with the "box perm" Precise Ultra or go with a salon brand no-lye? i'm so upset ladies, how dare she switch when she told me she would stick the perm i preferred.:sad:
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So many of these stylist are against box perms. They claim they are no good for the hair and that lye is better at retaining the moisture. I know many who use Olive Oil in the box relaxer with no problem. That wousl have me heated also, because she should not have switched it without telling you. I know a good hairstylist is hard to find but I would up and switch on her. If you like precise than find someone who will honor that. I think if you wait a little longer for the next relaxer you should be fine.
One time my stylist used a no-lye formula in my hair!! I was pissed bc I use onl Lye relaxers. I did my normal 10 week stretch and literally greased the heck out of my previously relaxed hair and used a lye relaxer. I didn't experience any breakage as a result of switching relaxers. It's all about your taste if you want to use a salon or drugstore brand relaxer. But I would deff swich stylist. I don't like that sneaky ish... I wouldn't be able to relax or trust her with my hair. Plus she might feel some kind of way bc you called her out. Better safe than sorry!
Bigbrowneyez your hair is beautiful! Sorry this happened to you. I would be so upset with that stylists! These folks are nutz! I don't know how to deal with your dilemna but I just wanted to say your hair is gorgeous.
Sorry this happened i have nothing to add but your hair is beautiful and i would leave her because she cant be trusted.
Hi. I personally don't care for no-lye relaxers (I am a licensed cosmetologist). However, it is YOUR hair and you have the right to decide what is best for you. I would switch stylists, just because we have a license that doesn't mean we know everything! She should have respected your decision and at the VERY LEAST talked to you about switching brands. Hiding it from you is so wrong. Also, just wait the normal amount of weeks that you would to get your relaxer retouchand you should be fine with lye or no-lye... either way. Good luck!
Thank u ladies so much for all the advice and compliments. I have decided to switch stylists because I don't wanna go to someone I don't trust. She also has the typical SHS tendencies on occasion. I'm still deciding about the relaxer. I have until December so that's good. I appreciate the responses and more are welcome!

Gorgeous hair by the way! I sort of had the same issue. My former stylist used Affirm Lye even after I told her my hair and scalp prefers no-lye. Well the lye relaxer gave me scalp burns and hair loss. I immediately began to self relax with a no-lye relaxer after that with no adverse affects. And this was all before my healthy hair journey. As long as you are careful and don't overlap you should be fine. And it looks like you are stretching so that will help too. I would also protect the lye relaxed hair with vaseline or Chi Silk Infusion for extra protection.

Keep growing girl!