
New Member
ok I am in a LOT of pain!

History: they found a fibroid , and penduculated one, means its on a stem, but they say its small (its almost 4cm) and that it should not be causing me the amount of pain I am in, I am waiting for the second opinion now, its been several months, and my 'monthly' is getting more frequent and more and more painful, in fact it feels like I am ripping apart in there right now!

and I am extremely battle weary at this time, because ALL of 2006 I faced possible breast cancer, the LORD shrunk it once, one surgery canceled and then I got a cold the second time it was canceled, so the third scheduled surgery didnt happen until 2007 (march) it was a very dark time in my life as I also lost my best friend to breast cancer the end of 2006 (it wasnt breast cancer PRAISE THE LORD! BUT I WAS PRAISING AND GRIEVING ALL AT ONCE)

and before that it was something and before that and before get the idea

I always see miracles and blessings and I thank God for that! But I am so frustrated and tired with this!

please pray for me!
Will do
I'm praying for you and your doc
keep us updated
I lost a dear friend to cancer
4 years now
i just prayed for you and ill be praying again
and i know god will operate on that fibroid in your sleep
hes a miracle worker and he will take in out of your body in the name of jesus
just have faith in him and just dont praise him int he bad praise him through all things, and god loves constancy and i know you will worship him constance. the doctors are saying one thing but i know for a fact that god can do another

i just prayed for you and ill be praying again
and i know god will operate on that fibroid in your sleep
hes a miracle worker and he will take in out of your body in the name of jesus
just have faith in him and just dont praise him int he bad praise him through all things, and god loves constancy and i know you will worship him constance. the doctors are saying one thing but i know for a fact that god can do another

Amen,thank you so much. I have seen miracles before, I am struggling with this for some reason, I guess because the last time I didnt get the big miraculous healing, he had me trust him through surgery.....and I wanted and stood for a healing!

But that doesnt mean I wont get one this time, I got to take these mental blocks down that are standing in the way of my faith

and u just helped! Thank you!
Will do
I'm praying for you and your doc
keep us updated
I lost a dear friend to cancer
4 years now

I am still sad at times deeply over my friend. I miss her so much! it was hard! we had a tumor in the same breast! how crazy is that? and we didnt even know it, untill the end and she was dying and I was facing surgery! thank u for your prayers! I am sitting here after only sleeping two hours in so much pain! sigh!
Amen,thank you so much. I have seen miracles before, I am struggling with this for some reason, I guess because the last time I didn't get the big miraculous healing, he had me trust him through surgery.....and I wanted and stood for a healing!

But that doesn't mean I wont get one this time, I got to take these mental blocks down that are standing in the way of my faith

and u just helped! Thank you!

yea i have seen miraculous miracles too, if he did it for fantasia he can and will do this for u. he can dissolve that fibroid and if he doesn't do that hell bless you with the finances to get the proper surgery to get it removed forever!

and thank you it feels good that i helped someone. we all go through things like this when the faith gets weary, but god will use us to help others see his will:yep:
I'll be praying for you too. I know God has worked miracles for you in the past and he'll do it this time as well. He's done it for me many times.
Best of wishes to you! I'll definitely keep you in y prayers. I love the fellowship on this board. :) GOD CAN AND WILL MAKE A WAY OUT OF NO WAY.
Thank you so much ladies! I need this support and my faith ministered to right now! Its just good to know I am being prayed for, very comforting :yep:
I'm going to pray for you a matter a fact I already did but I'm going to keep on doing it! God works in mysterious ways and if there is anyway, you will definetly overcome this cause miracles do come thru.
Thank u so much you guys! it means so much. cause right now its like a spiritual drought with the people that are around me lately. So turning here has been a blessing!
U have Gods Favor and he wants you to stay faithful and believe that all is well. He does not want you to be doubtful because he is the one who is the HEALER!!! So Please Dont pray and Worry" Prayer will fix it every time.. GOD hears your prayers , and he wants to make sure u believe... Satin is a liar!!! and the Storm will past afterwhile, Once you pray the prayer of faith and Give it too GOD... there is no more to be said, he is working it out as I write this.. U HAVE BEEN HEALED!!! Thank you Jesus!! GOD IS SO GOOD.. HE loves you and I do too!!!
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U have Gods Favor and he wants you to stay faithful and believe that all is well. He does not want you to be doubtful because he is the one who is the HEALER!!! So Please Dont pray and Worry" Prayer will fix it every time.. GOD hears your prayers , and he wants to make sure u believe... Satin is a liar!!! and the Storm will past afterwhile, Once you pray the prayer of faith and Give it too GOD... there is no more to be said, he is working it out as I write this.. U HAVE BEEN HEALED!!! Thank you Jesus!! GOD IS SO GOOD.. HE loves you and I do too!!!

By his stripes! I must stand on that!

Thank you so much ladies. I love the saints! you all are soooo beautiful! :yep:
Irresistible, I am praying for you! You WILL be healed by the Blood of Jesus Christ! In him, we can do all things! He healed my grandmother of cancer back in 1956, they gave her a few days to live. The Lord healed her and she is approaching her 90th birthday on January 1st! I believe the Lord is going to heal you and you will be posting your testimony very soon! Have faith, the Lord is on your side!
I thank you so much again ladies. I have been really working on my faith and am very thankful for your prayers! lots and lots of love!
I am praying for you as I read each post, I am in agreement with you and all the ladies here that you are already healed and all is well. The Lord is not through with you yet!!! Stay encouraged, meditate on Psalm 121.

All you need is the faith the size of a mustard seed and that mountain will be moved. Love you in Jesus name!