Need prayer and advice


Well-Known Member

I have been in my profession for almost 7 years now, do to the structure of the firm in my current postion I am as high as I can go I have been with them for a little over 2 years, for the past few months somewhere from deep inside of me I keep hearing this voice that it is time for you to move on to management. Plus there has been so much confusion going on in the company and I just learned that we have clients that have not payed in over a year owing us millions....that makes me uncomfortable.

I feel that experience and education wise I am ready to move to a higher level. I am thinking that all of these things are a sign that it is time for me to take a deep breath step out and start launching my resume outthere. You know that change is always a little scary. But I know that I am destined for more....I just want you ladies to stand in prayer with me.
Adding you to my prayer request list...

I'd also like to recommend the book, "Who Moved My Cheese?" It gave me new perspective on change and courage to go to uncharted territory in my life.

And of course, seeking God is your best assistance in making important decisions.

You'll be lifted. :)
mrsjones1 said:

I have been in my profession for almost 7 years now, do to the structure of the firm in my current postion I am as high as I can go I have been with them for a little over 2 years, for the past few months somewhere from deep inside of me I keep hearing this voice that it is time for you to move on to management. Plus there has been so much confusion going on in the company and I just learned that we have clients that have not payed in over a year owing us millions....that makes me uncomfortable.

I feel that experience and education wise I am ready to move to a higher level. I am thinking that all of these things are a sign that it is time for me to take a deep breath step out and start launching my resume outthere. You know that change is always a little scary. But I know that I am destined for more....I just want you ladies to stand in prayer with me.

Please do. Don't let fear stand in the way of the blessings God has for you.
Might I Charles Stanley put it...."God's will is not something we should fear. In fact, just the opposite is true; we should fear missing it!" So just be prepared to hear where he is leading you.

You are in my prayers.