Need More Advice

I'm going to wash my hair tonight but I want to try the whole airdrying technique, but I don't know where to start. Do you let your hair airdry in a ponytail and then bun it up, etc. I do plan on wearing a phony pony bun tommorrow and I want my hair to be nice and sleek without using heat.
Well I'm a wet bunner, but some say that causes breakage, however I have yet to experience that.

After applying your leave-ins and moisturizers you can tie a scarf around the edges of your head so that it lays flat and let the back dry about 50% then bun.

Now if you were talking about air-drying and then wearing your hair out...I wouldn't even comment because my naps know nothing about it. :lachen:
:lachen:Girl, you are so funny. Thanks alot for the advice I'm going to try this technique to tonight, I'll let you know how it comes out.