Need help with ends ASAP Please!!


New Member
Hello all. Hope everyone is well :) I'm writing because for the last two days it seems like whenever I touch the ends of my hair, there are little broken ends coming off. I just got a trim this weekend and a protein treatment followed by moisture. Need that balance! Anyway, I need to know what to do to rectify this problem. Of course, healthy ends is the number one way to retain length and other than this little problem, I love my hair and its overall health.

I do baggy and I always seal my ends with Shea butter. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am crazy about my hair health and I do not feel complete if my hair does not feel complete. ( Sorry if this seems dramatic)

Thanks in advance for all of your help!!! Have a blessed evening.
I'm at a loss, you did protein , then moisture

I was going to say try a natural Oil, but you said you use Shea Butter and that should help

I would say keep putting the Shea Butter or an Oil directly on your ends nightly , it might take a minute for the breakage to stop
What are you using as your moisturizer? I once tried using pure shea as a sealer, but I ended up with breakage which I thought was odd. And baggying-forget it-tons of breakage after I tried that. May be try lighter oil like sweet almond, or a not too cone heavy serum. It does seem that it takes time to really start seeing a decrease in breakage (well at least for me) even after I had a trim. Or maybe you really didn't need the protein but needed more moisture.
Ok! Thanks guys: ) I'm beginning to feel a little better. I will switch to using a natural oil and see how that helps.
I think you may need a trim. That what my hair does when i need one. Either I trim or my hair will trim itself for me :ohwell:
Happens to me sometimes. I've found that it is protein overload.

Clarify your hair using a good clarifying shampoo. Joico makes a good one, but Suave is just as good. I use Tresemme cleansing.

Then when it is squeaky clean start all over again by doing a good DC, then moisture and seal with LIGHT products and of course, NO HEAT. It should stop.
Maybe the deep conditioner you used after the protein wasn't enough for your hair or the protein was too strong of one. What did you use exactly?
I just went through this last week. I clarified and then dc'd with vo5 and amla oil, ( no heat). Stopped the breakage in it's tracks. I think I just had an overload, which may be what you have.

Also...Are you sure your hair likes baggying? Mine didn't and would break when I tried it.