need help with cousins hair


Well-Known Member
this is probably a dumb question and probably worded weird.

my kinda relative has a mixture of 2b/3b hair but doesnt really know what to do with it. all of the females in her family, who have relaxed hair, keep teling her its nappy and she needs to relaxe it or something. i on the other hand think she had amazing hair(just a little jealous of it) and should never relaxe it. her grandma just washes it , put grease on it and puts it in a ponytail. she wont straighten it because its frizzes back up and because her fammily has told her its just nappy she doesnt wear it out.

are there any products that could keep it straight after flat ironing and help frizz. are there any products that could hep define the curl?

also hwo can i help her feel good about her hair when all shes heard is negative things about it all her life?
My best friend has the same problem. Her hair type is similar to Tia and Tamara Mowry(Sister Sister) her curls are just a little tighter. But she does the same thing. wash, never DC, slap on some grease and puts it in a puff. I try to get her to try new products but she doesnt believe anything will work at this point. I have heard great things about Miss Jessies curly pudding, as well as some Mixed Chicks products. Try doing a search on curly hair and check out some blogs, websites and fotki's of women with similar hair types. As far a straightening goes she gets a hard press then a flat iron and this usually lasts 2wks(if she doesnt get it wet). Maybe a product like Sabino(sp?) moisture block will help her flat irons look better/last longer.
As far as helping her feel better, show her some of the women with beautiful curls. She has the best of both worlds, the option to wear her her hair curly one day, and straight the next. Something I personally would love to be able to do(without spending 100's on weave). I hope this helps some!