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:confused: After I washed my hair I applied Wrapping Foam and Kids Organic Moisturizer. Knowing Motions would make my hair hard it made my hair easy to comb. Any Suggestions on anything I will take? What are some hair products you use? Silk Wrap steps below "Feel free to modify it for me"

p.s. part of my hair was straight cause the saran wrap was tight. How do I get it tight towards the middle/top of my head?

Step 1: Shampoo & Condition Hair
Step 2: Ponytails *I use Kids Organic & Motions to re-wet & detangle hair
Step 3: Roll ponytails in Rollers & re-wet (a LITTLE) w/ water & UBH Dew
Step 4: Sit under the dryer for 1 hr & 10 mins
Step 5: take out rollers & apply UBH Lotion and Evoo to curls/ponytails
(here I notice after curls are combed, hair is soft-curly-poofy)
Step 6: try my best to wrap hair & cover with saran wrap
(don't know how to wrap my hair tightly at crown so my hair was poofy at the middle of my head and wrap was difficult to comb out)
Hey, i think you and i are on the same boat...i couldn't wrap my hair to save my life. It always comes out poofy towards the top and i woul love to hear from the ladies who've had success with this.
I used to have a problem with the crown, too. Now I make sure it is detangled and try to keep it moist as I start my wrap. You just need to pay more attention to that area since it is the one spot that will have the least amount of pressure on it from your scarf (or the saran wrap). I had to just keep practicing until I got it.
I find that using a cream detangler (Qhemet Olive detangler, Salerm 21, Silicon Mix leave in, Giovanni Direct) results in a much smoother wrap than sprays or foam. I apply one of these creams over my Surge 14 or DB Manage and I'm good to go.
Maybe when you do your ponytails, you could make one of your parts at the crown where you will start your wrap so you can make sure this area will be smooth and detangled when it dries.
Browine518 said:
I used to have a problem with the crown, too. Now I make sure it is detangled and try to keep it moist as I start my wrap. You just need to pay more attention to that area since it is the one spot that will have the least amount of pressure on it from your scarf (or the saran wrap). I had to just keep practicing until I got it.
I find that using a cream detangler (Qhemet Olive detangler, Salerm 21, Silicon Mix leave in, Giovanni Direct) results in a much smoother wrap than sprays or foam. I apply one of these creams over my Surge 14 or DB Manage and I'm good to go.
Maybe when you do your ponytails, you could make one of your parts at the crown where you will start your wrap so you can make sure this area will be smooth and detangled when it dries.

oh okay that helped a lot thank you you re-wet your hair cause my hair dries quickly even before I'm done my ponytail sets?