As silk wrap process w/pics.

The minute I saw the title of this thread I cleared my throat and repositioned myself in prep to see some hair porn :lachen: Awesome!
Wow Pocha, your hair is beautiful. I love the after look of your roller set. Now, that's all I want in my daily hair style. Are you WL? I'll be fine with apl.


Thanks fot the step-by-step tutorial. Your hair is simply lovely:yep::yep::yep:

Tell the truth - you LOVE playing in it, don't you????

After the work is done I do like to play in it. As for the actual silk wrap process most of the time I dread it. The end results are worth it though and this style will last me 2 weeks w/o having to do anything to it but wrap at night.

Wow! I think I'll try your method this weekend with the red rollers and try to capture pics in case it turns out good. I SUCK at rollersetting. Hoping the ponies will help. :)

Let me know how it turns out and good luck!

Pokahontas, that's just sinful! God blessed the dickens out of your follicles!

*clutches pearls*

I'm giggling at your comment, thank you.

1. What kind of bands do you use for your pony tails?

2. Do you roll up or down?

3. Is this as effective has rollersetting with just rows of rollers cause I can't rollerseT?

I use rubber bands.....I know it sounds bad but I've been doing this for years with no problems. If I used anything else my hair would take forever to dry where the ponytail is and lawd knows I don't need anything to add to my drying time! I break them off after my hair is's not as tramatic as it sounds, lol.

I roll all of them up but the bottom two at my nape....I take the bottom pony and split into two sections....roll the first top section up and the bottom one down....I hope that makes sense. I find that rolling up works better w/the ponytails.

For me it's more effective than traditional rollersetting. With the traditional way my roots would never get as smooth so I think it's better.

Pokahontas, Thanks for sharing. I know this took a lot of time and effort. Your hair is gorgeous!!!

It really did!:yep: Thanks!

The minute I saw the title of this thread I cleared my throat and repositioned myself in prep to see some hair porn :lachen: Awesome!


please stop. i cant take this beautifulness blinding me. theres no words to describe how lovely<--blinking alot

:lachen::lachen::lachen:@blinking alot....too funny. Thank you!

your hair is really pretty. is that your natural dark color or is it a rinse? ♥

It's my natural color. The flash makes it look darker. In real life my hair looks really dark brown to me sometimes and other times it looks black.

Wow Pocha, your hair is beautiful. I love the after look of your roller set. Now, that's all I want in my daily hair style. Are you WL? I'll be fine with apl.



Thank you. I am several inches below waist-length after my last scissor happy trim which was about a week ago:blush:. I'm done now, no more chopping.
Why Iris? I don't see why it wouldn't. I'd love to see a rollerset on you:grin:.
nuh uh mama, my hair is like yours , but clearly not totally

my hair would never get straight like that w/just a rollerset

not ever never

i just cant believe it would do that, not with how it acts:lachen:
nuh uh mama, my hair is like yours , but clearly not totally

my hair would never get straight like that w/just a rollerset

not ever never

i just cant believe it would do that, not with how it acts:lachen:

I'm tellin ya, I think it would Iris. You should try it!:grin:
Absolutely beautiful! It's so nice that you take the time to show us all how it can be done. Thank you for the inspiration.

The naked hair pics you did have started a mini craze here on LHCF and it would be great to see this thread do the same. I'd love to see FLOWERHAIR and IRRESISTABLE's versions of the rollerset and silk wrap :)
Bellissima! I actually like the results before the silk wrap too! I would have been happy with that myself, but the results after the silk wrap look just like silk!

About how long does it take you to dry with the ponytails and rollers?
Very nice Pocahontas!! I hate doing rollersets with a passion but I may give this a try tonight!!

I need some ponytail holders and setting lotion stat!!
Bellissima! I actually like the results before the silk wrap too! I would have been happy with that myself, but the results after the silk wrap look just like silk!

About how long does it take you to dry with the ponytails and rollers?

Yea, it looked fine before the silk wrap except for the crinkly roots which I could've just flat ironed and called it a day but the silk wrap just smooths it out so nice.

It takes me about an hour and 30-45 minutes. I sit under there probably a little longer than I need to because I hate getting out and my hair be damp in some spots then having to get back under the dryer:wallbash:.

Beautiful hair and results!
How long does this take you from start to finish?

Ok, let me try to add this up, I won't include the pre-poo.....

Straight through w/no stopping for anything about 4 1/2 hours including dc, dry time, setting, wrapping, flat ironing. I drag it out to an all day thing because I stop a lot and do things in between.

I try to always remember that it's worth it because I have 2 weeks that I don't have to do anything to my hair but oil lightly every other day and wrap at night.
@ Poka, I remember a sign in the beauty shop as a little girl that read What Price Beauty? I used to come up with all sorts of responses, especially since I hated being there. Your last post about how long it takes you to do your silk wrap process, took me there.

My answer remains, I don't have the time. It costs too much :0(
Your hair is beautiful just the same. ;0)