Need Help Starting Over with Damaged Hair!


New Member
Hi, (sorry for the impending long post, hear me out!)

I'm bi-racial and have naturally curly hair. I think its 3C, but it doesn't really seem to match any of the hair profiles! When I was younger (pre age 12), I had long, extremely thick curly hair I could almost sit on. It was enormous. I've never liked curly, big hair on me though, and 12 I started straightening it. I can't quite recall how often. Anyways, I used zero heat protection! Idiotic, right? I was convinced it wasn't doing anything and was a waste of my time :nuts:

I got it cut when I was 12 as well, about boob length. That's the only time I've ever gotten my hair cut/trimmed, and it hasn't grown back since then. I went through a period of heavy shedding, and on top of not using any heat protection, I thought it was a good idea to comb out my hair while in the shower :wallbash:

As a result, my hair is currently in pretty nasty condition. The fronts of my hair are uneven in proportion to the rest- They're short, and it's an adventure to try to get my hair into a ponytail, since the sides just stick out. Almost every hair is a split end, including my baby hairs! It is considerably thinner than it originally was of course too. If I try to roll a bit of hair around my finger, different strands stick out in every which way

I recently (meaning about a year ago) acquired a real passion for '60s hairstyles. I'm almost obsessed with it. I have a few 60s fashion/hair magazines, and I often even flip through old yearbooks just fascinated by how thick and healthy and shiny girls' hair was despite the constant teasing and brushing.

That influenced me to try to get on a healthy hair kick. My ultimate goal is to get longer hair, maybe 2 inches above belly button length. Also, I want it to be thick enough where I can get nice thick, not wispy bangs.

About 2 months ago I started using Ovation Cell Therapy. It came with a very good heat protectant I've been using religiously. I still find it necessary to straighten my hair once a week. I cannot stand my natural hair, and wouldn't be caught dead with it un-straightened! Since I only straighten it once a week, that means I only wash my hair once on the weekends :barf:.

I shampoo with the Ovation shampoo as well as a bit of moroccan oil. I then put leave in conditioner in my hair, put on a shower cap, and hang around for 2 hours. I then put in some Creme Rinse and wash it out, but not too thoroughly. After it dries I immediately straighten it so it's ready for the school week. I do not use heat on my hair otherwise. I use rollers to curl my hair along with aloe gel to set it.

In addition, just a week ago I decided to start a healthy hair diet. Since my mother is already into organic things, most of the food in my pantry is all natural. I've been eating strictly protein, nuts, some fruits, and greens, and I'm drinking A LOT of water. I didn't even drink water prior. All organic.

I have been taking Hair, Nail, and Skin pills as well as biotin on and off for maybe 3 months. But just in the past 2 weeks I've been making sure to actually take it every day along with a lot of water. After searching the forums, I also saw that silica is pretty good too. I ordered a good amount of that Bamboo Leaf tea. Combined it's about 8,000mcg of biotin I'm taking in a day. I have gotten some pimples, but then again I'm also 16. So I don't know whether the biotin is directly responsible. In the past 2 month my hair has already started shedding less. My eyebrows and leg hair grow back extremely fast, (I need to get my eyebrows threaded almost every other week), if only my head hair could go back as quick!

So, in short- Is what I'm doing so far right? Any other tips to boost my hair growth? How do I really get rid of those split ends? Does anyone recommend Keratin treatments? Can I get away with still straightening my hair once a week? Any more food/diet reccomendations?

Thank you for anyone who had patience to read all this. As you may tell, I'm pretty desperate! My goal is to have the hair I described earlier by next school year (August 2013), maybe earlier, though that's a long-shot. I know my hair can be longer, since it was before! Thanks in advance.
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I think that first you need to calm down & take a deep breath....feel better?? Good!

You are young, & we all do really stupid things to our hair at some point in time or another. The good this, you knew something wasn't right & you are taking the steps to correct it.

What you have started doing sounds like a good starting foundation. Washing & deep conditioning, or cleansing & deep conditioning are like the foundation for healthy hair, much like a house.

As for straightening, yes, it is very possible to have healthy hair while still using hair. I grew my from armpit length to scraping waist length in about a year. ALWAYS use heat protectant & deep condition each wash day. Washing your hair once a week isn't technically :barf: There are tons of women on this site who wash less than that even and their hair is fine.

What I see missing from the above is protective styling. Some people can get away with wearing their hair out everyday & good for them. But the rest of us mortals need to protect our ends in order to see maximum growth retention. Buns, twists, braids, something, anything to keep your end up & out of the way & you will be just fine.

In the meantime, search the site & ask questions. And of course welcome!
You have not had a cut/trim in four years. I'd recommend a trim to get rid of the split ends. Also, I think you should reduce your heat usage until you get your hair back on track. There's other ways to stretch your hair.

In addition, you should embrace your curls. There's nothing wrong with straight hair, but it should be a styling option, not a necessity at the expense of the health of your hair, because you hate your hair.

Good luck with your HHJ!

ETA: You may want to look at Teri LaFlesh's HHJ on, or check her book Curly Like Me out from the library. I'm thinking you will be able to relate to her, because you mentioned your bi-racial and you hate your hair. She started out hating her hair, as well.
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