Need help! Self relax or professional!


Hey ladies,
I really need help. I plan to texlax this week and I have been pulling my hair out trying to decide whether to do it myself or go to a professional. While I really want to do my own hair care because of personal preference and really bad experiences in the past I am still have lots of anxiety about doing it myself because I am afraid to mess up my natural hair! I am in a quandry :scratchch . I want the freedom doing my own hair allows but I just don't know if I am ready to do my own processes right this minute ....but then again I might as well dive in and start learning!

And another thing how do I get a hair stylist to texlax and not truly relax my hair????? I am totally confused if you can't tell already!!!

All help, guidance, input, comments, thoughts etc... greatly appreciated.

If your hair is natural, I suggest you go to a pro, a REAL pro, after that you can practice self relaxing with conditioner a few times until you get confident enough to do it on your own. I have texlaxed hair, but not out of choice...I would prefer my hair bone straight as my texlaxed hair tends to matt badly when wet and it takes extra effort to get it straight. I would say fully relax it, but I'm bias because of MY bad experiencce with texlaxing, women like Isis love it and have learnt how to deal with it, I haven't. or better still, research the board on the pro's and cons of texlaxing vs. relaxing straight to determine whats right for you.
I would suggest a professional as well. Although I have never seen one who would texlax or even know what it really means. You will have to put in some time to really research and make sure that the person that you use has a clear understanding of what you want!
I say go to a professional. That is one thing I will never ever do by myself when taking care of my hair. I dont trust myself w/ self relaxing and have had many dreams of my hair fallin out due to me relaxing it Shop around and find someone who has been doin it for a long time and really know what they are talking about. My stylist always bases my scalp, alternates what side she relaxes first, touch up only my NG,and spends time washing all the relaxer out. Those are key things you should look for when someone is relaxing your hair or even yourself.
Thanks for the input! I agree for my first relax I am going to a pro. any input on good stylists in nashville! I will do a search!
I'm gonna have to unfortunately chime with everyone else. I tried to self-relax so I could be completely unreliant on stylists. But it was a disaster. 4 inches of underprocessed hair (plus an inch of new growth) now sits on my head and I'm certain I can't fix it.

If you do your research, a stylist won't be too bad. Make them use the products you want them to use, and watch them in that mirror (when you can) and make sure they're not doing anything stupid, like running the relaxer to your ends. (I can't believe this still happens.)