Need help from self-relaxers......


Well-Known Member
I did a relaxer touchup on 3/30 where I underprocessed the right side of my hair. It is very noticeable on the back section in the middle of my hair strands. It's like its about 3" of straight hair, then about 1-2" of curly hair and the rest of my hair is wavy. I have a texturizer and I tried to self relax my whole hair instead of doing it in sections like I normally do and I ran out of time which is why the right side is so underprocessed. I thought about doing a corrective a few weeks later, but I decided to just wait until next touchup time which is this weekend. Any advice as to how I can correct this problem. I will be doing it in sections (from ear to ear) front first and then the back. I try to leave it on for about 10 minutes, 5 minutes to apply, and 5 minutes to smooth. Do you think it is ok to put some relaxer on the part of my hair that is more curly than wavy before I'm ready to wash it out just to release the curl a little bit. I don't want to cause more damage, so I need some help. Anything you give is appreciated.
I've had similar issues. I plan to enlist help and add some oil to the relaxer to give myself a little more time.
I think you can do this, it's called a corrective. If your hair is really underprocessed you will not cause any more damage. I believe Gymfreak did a successful corrective recently, do a search for that term.