Need help for skin after MTG attack.....

True... to think of it it does seem strange that it's burning and people are talking about just keeping it off the neck instead of just not using it. No offense to anyone!

If it's burning the neck, why not the scalp as well?

That's what's really confusing me... why is it having this affect on the neck and not the scalp?

::sigh:: no one answers my questions :lol:
The answer is: The scalp seems to be pretty resilient. Some areas of the body are just more sensitive. For example: your eyes, the inside of your ears, the inner part of your elbow, etc. Have you noticed that when your skin breaks out, it has its favorite breakout spots? Mine does. The same spots will react to something every time and never any where else. What I do not get is why people are allowing this to run down the neck and on to the skin like that anyway. This is all unexposed skin generally and it can be sensitive to soap left on the body, hair spray, essential oils, fruit acids, etc. I really am surprised that people are not putting something on these very sensitive areas of the body. I know they are not trying to grow hair there! lol
I think the main reason it causes a reaction is the strength of the sulphur. It is extremely strong. Maybe too much MTG is being used. I've only used it a few times...had to give mine away becuz of the smell. I only used a tiny amount and put it into the middle of my head and massaged it in. I don't think it takes more than a few drops to do the job. When using this product...just try using a very small amount amount and massaging it throughout your head. If you look at your fingertips you can see the oil on them. There is no need to use more than a few drops cuz it is extremely oily. I do know that sulphur burns anyway and if you use to much you are bound to get burned. I think if the heavy handed-ness is stopped so will the reactions. I would not want my hair coated with that's the scalp that needs stimulating...not the hair. I am not afraid of 'catching' anything from this products use...I just don't think people realize that the sulphur in MTG is more concentrated than other sulphur hair products. Because a product is made for animals does not necessarily mean that it is toxic for humans. If it's toxic for us then it will be toxic for animals. I would not use anything on my pets or feed them anything that would poison them. If MTG is harmful to me then it is also harmful to the horses ...altho that same horse probably has thicker skin than I do. I wish I could do the MTG thing but the smell is too overbearing for me.
I can understand some of the ladies being concerned for others using the MTG giving all the warnings, posting all the posts asking people if they would use the non-traditional methods of growing hair and constantly chastising those that continue to use it (thanks:kissing4: ), but I think it's pointless now. You've said what you had to say and they have heard you. Whether they are listening is another thing; just because you continue to preach it and drive it in the ground doesn't mean that it's going to produce an immediate change.

To each his own. I have only been a member of the board for a few months and know that MTG was around long before I got here (read all the archived posts, so I know I am right), so I am sure everyone here already knows that it's not made for humans,but in a quest to grow hair, yes sometimes we will try anything (at least once). They have read the posts about it, so I am sure they are well aware of the side effects.

If they experience those side effects and continue to use, it's not your business why they continue to use. As for me, yes I knew it was made for horses, and yes I tried it, cautious that something could happen. And yes, if it had never caused itchies and burning on my neck, probably still would be using it!! But as I mentioned earlier, I am no glutton for punishment, and all it took was one incident for me. Yes I am vain, (yes I said it, I sure did say it:grin: ), but I am so vain that I am not going to be walking around with long hair and a black neck. Not happening!

Demanding an answer for why people still continue to use MTG is just like asking a person that smokes weed why he continues to smoke weed. He knows he probably shouldn't be smoking it, but as long as it works for him, he is fine with it. He doesn't have a problem, you do (with him). May not affect him now (even though it may later) so he is good as long as he is getting the immediate benefits (getting high). So if these ladies want to use MTG (although they know its for horses) and it works for them right now growing their hair, please don't demand an answer why they do the things they do to their OWN hair. Sulfur may affect some people differenty than it does others and it seems to me that there are some people that have used MTG for a while and have had no adverse affects whereas it irritated some people upon first contact to their skin.........

O.K. sorry for the long post, but I just had to contribute my 2 cents (.02) worth:)

um... yeah I'm just kidding. :look:

I understand your point, but is anyone really addicted to MTG? :lol: Speak up if you are.

It's just that... it's weird to me is all.

I don't believe that it's toxic or anything, animals are not aliens... they basically respnd to substances similar to the way humans would. I knew a girl that used dog shampoo :lol: and swore that it was the best stuff that she ever used.

Still... burns and SCALES? Damn. Y'all may be allergic or something. Maybe it's just my memeory, but even with all the reports of irriation from surge, it didn't sound that bad.

Bees also made a good point, maybe try using it more lightly.

And Mahalialee4 - I thought that the scalp is one of the more sensive areas of the skin. It is for me, maybe it's different for everyone.
Bees said:
I think the main reason it causes a reaction is the strength of the sulphur. It is extremely strong. Maybe too much MTG is being used. I've only used it a few times...had to give mine away becuz of the smell. I only used a tiny amount and put it into the middle of my head and massaged it in. I don't think it takes more than a few drops to do the job. When using this product...just try using a very small amount amount and massaging it throughout your head. If you look at your fingertips you can see the oil on them. There is no need to use more than a few drops cuz it is extremely oily. I do know that sulphur burns anyway and if you use to much you are bound to get burned. I think if the heavy handed-ness is stopped so will the reactions. I would not want my hair coated with that's the scalp that needs stimulating...not the hair. I am not afraid of 'catching' anything from this products use...I just don't think people realize that the sulphur in MTG is more concentrated than other sulphur hair products. Because a product is made for animals does not necessarily mean that it is toxic for humans. If it's toxic for us then it will be toxic for animals. I would not use anything on my pets or feed them anything that would poison them. If MTG is harmful to me then it is also harmful to the horses ...altho that same horse probably has thicker skin than I do. I wish I could do the MTG thing but the smell is too overbearing for me.

Although we are all mammals...humans shouldn't be compared to animals...we don't walk on four legs nor do we bark, meow, or "Neigh"...Ok now What if there are hidden ingredients that the manufacturers for this product hasn't listed on the bottle ,which is, definitely not for human use?...we don't know...that's JMHO.
Just because we don't bark or neigh doesn't mean that there are general similaritires. People and mammals are much more similar than you may think. Humans ARE animals. We even have a genus and species... homo sapien. We aren't off the map or anything.

Not saying that there aren't differences as well, maybe mtg isn't suitable for humans to use, but I woudln't cross it off automatically. How many people use mane and tail on this board alone? It was originally made for horses. Also... there's this other stuff that I heard about that was made for cows udders that some people use as a skin moisturizer.

Say that you got hurt and the only doctor around was a vet... he'd be able to help you.

There are basic things like structure and composition of the skin and hair, the way that the organs work, nurtients and compounds that are beneficial and hazardous, etc... that are similar and at times even identical between us and them.

Though I have to admit that I'm not feeling mtg if it's going to make my skin scale. Good for horses and some people, but I'm not one of those people. I actually thought about getting this stuff. I'll pass and use the money on supplements. :lol:
Porsche19 said:

um... yeah I'm just kidding. :look:

I understand your point, but is anyone really addicted to MTG? :lol: Speak up if you are.

It's just that... it's weird to me is all.

I don't believe that it's toxic or anything, animals are not aliens... they basically respnd to substances similar to the way humans would. I knew a girl that used dog shampoo :lol: and swore that it was the best stuff that she ever used.

Still... burns and SCALES? Damn. Y'all may be allergic or something. Maybe it's just my memeory, but even with all the reports of irriation from surge, it didn't sound that bad.

Bees also made a good point, maybe try using it more lightly.

And Mahalialee4 - I thought that the scalp is one of the more sensive areas of the skin. It is for me, maybe it's different for everyone.

:lachen: :lachen: Girl you crazy! O.K. I wasn't saying that anyone could be addicted to MTG like someone being addicted to weed (I hope no one here is addicted;yeah speak up if you are:D LOL), but you know on a quest for long, luscious and beautiful hair, some people would go to any and all extremes and using horsey stuff is one of those extremes. I have had hair past BSL and I know that my hair is capable of that kind of growth. I have cut and cut from time to time, but it has always grown back, but right now my hair is past shoulder length and I was concerned why the growth pattern was all of a sudden stunted, so after coming to the board and reading and seeing all the wonderful results with MTG, decided to jump on the bandwagon.

But again I say, to each his/her own. What works for some may not work for others, and right now, the MTG aint working for me!! (not no more, anyway)
When I went to the dermatologist, I asked him to check my scalp as well as my neck to see if there was any damage. After picking around up there, he couldn't find anything. He explained in long drawn out doctor speak that different parts of the body are more sensitive and prone to break outs. Which is why I broke out on my neck as opposed to my scalp.

He did ask me why I was using horse product and I explained the hair growth thing. He told me if I was going to continue to use the product then make sure to wrap my neck up and to avoid using it in the back of my head or at very least use it sparingly.

Since that visit I haven't had a problem.

This isolated incident does not make me feel as though I'm sacrificing my health. I can't count how many times I have been burned over 25 years of getting perms so the one brush with MTG doesn't phase me at all. Had I not found this board I probably would have gone another 25 years of getting burnt up!
mtg does say on the bottle only to use it 1x-2x a week and they won't be responsible for any reactions when it's used beyond that frequency. i guess they saw some scales on the horses too!

so i would say put it on the scalp and don't let it drip on the neck at all. this makes me think that i will mix it into my vitamin e ointment and apply it that way...

vitamin e, cocoa butter, or aloe vera gel are all good things to use on the neck to counteract the scarring, or anything else that others have suggested. just don't scratch!
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Hi Porsche: I stated that the scalp appears to be more resilient.
This does not mean that it cannot be sensitive as well. But resilient in this way: 1. We put hair dye and relaxers on our scalps. We do not put them on our faces and necks. We put hot heat next to our scalps but we do not run hot blow dryers over our faces and necks etc. We do not use the same cleansing products such as shampoos and conditioners and leave ins on our faces and necks that we use on our scalps. So resilient: meaning that it bounces back or recovers itself from being subjected to products and treatments. Hope this clears up what I meant. Some people's scalps cannot tolerate what a lot of other scalps tolerate, so I guess it breaks it down to the individual. My scalp will not tolerate Surge but it is okay with MTG but my ears and neck do not tolerate it. bonjour
Just to report that I have been using the olive oil on the back of my neck and it is soothing it as well as clearing it up. (although sometimes it still itches; thought it would have stopped by now). I am also applying Himani Gold skin cream to help with the coloring. (I used this on my face and it has worked wonders)

Thanks for all the suggestions!:)
Another thing to consider is how often you are using the MTG. On the bottle it says to clear up sores/fungus (or whatever it is) to use it daily until it goes away and if you are using for hair growth---to use once a week. Even though its the "horse" directions, that may be an issue for people suffering with irritation. My problem to begin w/ was a scaly scalp and neckline . Since I started using MTG like twice a month it keeps those problem areas in check better than any other product prescribed my my dermatologist.
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