MTG burned my whole neck!!

RushGirl said:
HUH?!!:lol: what section?? Do you just ask them for MTG and they know what it is??

Actually, you probably have to go to a Tack shop for it. Its a product used on horses. The product is Shapely's Mane Tail Grow (MTG). There have been a LOT of posts on this recently.
Ermmm elsewhere people are making fun of those who use the "horse" products because we shouldn't use animal products on ourselves, etc.

That is kinda scary that one of those products caused the burning. I've used Surge before (for about a month for my edges) and never had a bad reaction thankfully.
That is some case of contact dermatitis you got there. Wow!!!! I would discontinue both products and treat your rash first. Some hydrocortisone for a couple of days should do the trick or aloe vera.

Are you sure it's from the MTG? Sounds like Surge to me or at least the combo.
Thanks.. can you get it online? I don't think they'll have it at Pet Superstore or whatever that pet store is called..
Who cares? Other sites are ALWAYS makin' fun of this site for something! POOOH!!!!!! :rolleyes:

I'm telling you it was the Surge!!!! Did I mention that it not only burned my ears, but ATE my hair off above my ears on one side? :mad:
TigerLily said:
Yeah, I was going to say the same could be the Surge and not the MTG. I agree with trying them one at a time and seeing who's the culprit.

I really think it's the Surge, yoli, and here's why: Your neck looks the EXACT same way my ears looked when I used Surge!!! :eek: The EXACT same way...they tingled, too. Then, they peeled!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Back AWAY from the Surge!!!!!!

You know what I don't get is that I've used Surge with braids, and without braids and never exprienced anything like this. Maybe it was the combo. However, when I apply any type of product back there it hurts. Something in these products is having an adverse reaction with MTG...or it could just be the MTG. I'm so confused...I might take a vow of celebacy from all hair products! Okay..maybe not.
Poohbear said:
What was your purpose of using Surge and MTG together??? :confused:

I started back using Surge to help my hairline, not for maximum growth purposes. Surge has always helped fill in my hairline but I stopped using it last year around October. My intentions were not to use them together, however, where I apply MTG happens to drip down to where I apply Surge.
I've been using Surge for over a year with NO problems at all!
I've been using MTG for about 3 weeks w/ NO problems at all!

I used Surge and MTG together a few days ago (Surge is my leave in), ITCH! BURN! :eek: but it only lasted a couple hours.

I think the combo is definately the culprit.

Unrefined Shea Butter should hook you up.

Sorry that happend to you
you have to be very careful in what you mix with the surge or and with the sulphur. They are super potent each on their own. If any two combos would lead to burning and scarring in my opinion these are it. Be very very careful with rosemary, cinnimon, thyme and majoram, peppermint abd clove essential oils with these two as well. Do not take them for granted. Bonjour
Emu Oil....
Take a look at this website and see before and after pics when applied to the skin....and you can use it in your hair/scalp....and you can create your own hair recipies using it. You can get it at "The Vitamin Shoppe" oil&OVKEY=emu oil&OVMTC=standard

lovelymissyoli said:
A few weeks ago I complained of MTG making my hair itch like crazy. Last week I complained about MTG causing little bumps on my neck. Now I’m complaining about MTG causing a rash/burn on the back of my neck!!! :mad:

Before I go blaming MTG, I would like to clarify that I believe MTG is the primary culprit, however, since I’ve started back using Surge on my hairline, I’ve experienced a tingling reaction in response to this being sprayed over MTG.

Anyways, earlier this week as I was brushing my hair up it began to feel like I was brushing my skin off too. :( I stopped brushing my hair and thought maybe I need to buy a softer brush despite the fact that my brush doesn’t have hard bristles. The following day I sprayed Surge on my hairline and all throughout the back of my head. When the Surge touched my kitchen and my neck it caused a tingling/burning sensation. :eek: Today, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I poured some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swap and wiped the back on my neck, shoulders, and hair. Come to find out my whole neck turned white and then scabs appeared. :mad:

How could this happen?? :confused: I know that I have very sensitive skin so when I started experiencing bumps a few weeks ago that should have been a warning sign to discontinue use of MTG. :( Why it took me so long to do so is because I was getting results. However, no amount of new growth can make me sacrifice the health and wellness of my skin.

I took pictures of what happened but I’m so distraught now. I’ve placed a cocoa butter mask all along the back of my neck and even in some parts of my hair so that it can peel away some of the rough areas. I don’t know of any products besides Vaseline and Cocoa butter to rub into that particular area. I really don’t know what to do. How do I restore my skin back?? :confused: I’ve never experienced any problems like this before with my skin and now I’m going to look like some monster. Ladies I need your help!!!

Oh and before I forget, any ladies who want the remainder of my MTG can have it!! :mad: It seems as though this is one of those products that didn’t work for me, but works for others.
To Phoenix: If you have an essential oil reaction....apply lots of olive oil to absorb the ess. and dilute the effect and calm the area down. Do not use water,If you use water, it is like adding water to a grease fire. It will escalate the effects. I would not add essential oils to the Surge in particular. Because of the large ration of carrier oils in the Wildgrowth...olive castor oil or coconut....this minimizes the potential of the Surge to burn you from the muccop...s. and kind of protects the skin against the Surge. Hope this helps.
Mahalialee4 said:
To Phoenix: If you have an essential oil reaction....apply lots of olive oil to absorb the ess. and dilute the effect and calm the area down. Do not use water,If you use water, it is like adding water to a grease fire. It will escalate the effects. I would not add essential oils to the Surge in particular. Because of the large ration of carrier oils in the Wildgrowth...olive castor oil or coconut....this minimizes the potential of the Surge to burn you from the muccop...s. and kind of protects the skin against the Surge. Hope this helps.

I agree. I had a problem with Surge about a year ago when I didn't use any oil with it. I don't need to use oil with Surge now. But when I do I use castor oil.
Okay, maybe I'll try mixing Surge with WGO. Is that all right?

Actually, I think I'll give the Surge a rest for a while and just use it on my hairline. I will continue using MTG on my entire scalp since I really don't think MTG alone is causing the problems. I think you guys are must be the combo of the two.
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i have almost severe itchies but i can take it. it didnt start until i hit about the 1wk mark so i will just rinse more often. maybe just use either the surge or the mtg but stop everything until your skin clears up
TigerLily said:
Yoli, have you always used Surge and MTG on your hair? Was there ever a time where you just used MTG by itself?

I used MTG by itself for 2 weeks, however, I still exprienced the itches and then I felt my neck was bumpy. I thought it was because it was that time of the month and they did eventually go away so I didn't pay it any mind. It wasn't until I started back using Surge again that it started to hurt when the spray touched my neck or when I brushed my hair up.
lovelymissyoli said:
I used MTG by itself for 2 weeks, however, I still exprienced the itches and then I felt my neck was bumpy. I thought it was because it was that time of the month and they did eventually go away so I didn't pay it any mind. It wasn't until I started back using Surge again that it started to hurt when the spray touched my neck or when I brushed my hair up.

You need to dilute it with something, take my advice, if you're using it full strength it's too strong, dilute it with some glycerin and distilled water...
I haven't seen anyone else post this but maybe some benadryl tablets and/or cream? I have sensitive skin too. I've used MTG and haven't had any bad problems but I don't use much of anything else when I apply it. Just the oil from the same site.

I'm really sorry that happened to you. :( I hope it gets better soon.
Sorry this happened to you the combination of the two products must have irritated your your skin.
I have very sensitive skin and have used Surge for a couple of years without any problems but I do co washes daily.
I'm sorry this happened to u. Mtg is suppose to help skin conditions, not cause them. :eek: I heard some bad comments about surge, even though I've never experienced side effects. Hope u feel better soon. :rosebud:
Hey lovelymissyoli,

If I'm not mistaken, I'm your neihbor :) MoVal?

Anyway, I'll cast my two cents vote for the Surge. Lord knows I love the stuff, it's Awesome! However, on two separate occassions I got the SAME reaction as you. The first incident was in December (I acheived one inch in a month) at about the six week mark I experienced a raw burning sensation behind my left ear and my bottom hair line. The raw burn eventually became super dry and scab-like and took several weeks to heal.

In April, I attempted to revisit the Surge because I loved the growth it gave me. I had purchased the MTG, but decided to wait and see how the Surge worked out. Once again I got great growth, but at the fourth week mark I began to feel the same sensation as before. I was sitting in Church and had an itchy tingly feeling on my neck. I washed my whole head as soon as I got home and when the water hit... burn baby burn! The back of my neck resembled a severe case of goose bumps and was chalky white. A few days later it became dry and black. I've been using hydracotiszone cream, neosporin, and unrefined shea butter. That was two weeks ago. My neck is still somewhat discolored and pretty dry, but with the three products mentioned above, my neck is steadily making an improvement.

Surprisingly enough, I'm still not willing to let go of my Surge! Yes, I've discontinued use for now, but I've also come to an interesting realization... The surge never really burned my scalp, just my ear and my neck. Perhaps this is a result of the product dripping onto areas where it is unintended for use. Also, the amount of Surge I used changed. I used it two times a day every day but after a few weeks I switched from using the spray nozzle to an applicator nozzle. I think the applicator nozzle resulted in over using the product (generous flow instead of light spritz) and caused the burning. I read many posts about using Surge prior to trying it and I knew to wipe off any drippings from my hairline, neck, and ears. However, I think the use of the applicator nozzle still caused the Surge to drain onto my neck even after wiping off the excess.

I hope your neck heals soon :) Please let me know if you find something that helps heal quickly.
I dunno, but if this happened to me I'd leave errthing alone! I'd probably use some neosporin on the burned parts and clean with poroxide periodically. But if you had bumps from MTG initially and burns from using Surge & MTG combined, then to me it just doesn't seem like it's worth it to find out which product is the culprit. Neither one of them sound like good news for you.:(
i think it was the surge. When I used it, it dryed my scalp and skin and caused a huge red rash on the back of my neck. People thought I had a hicky on the back of my neck. It was VERY BAD.

Now what I noticied with the MTG and BT being that they are sulfer based products, they dry out my skin and make it feel really tight.