Need comfortable hair pins


New Member

I am back to bunning for a while (I don't have the patience to do my own rollersets and they never look "quite" right--never straight like the salon), but I keep getting these red welts on my scalp from hair pins.

By the way, In order to cover up my baggie, I use a phony pony secured with hair pins which I braid in a single braid and wrap around and secure with other pins.

I like this as a protective, but by the end of the day the pins really hurt. Any suggestions?

I currently use the Sally brand hair pins--Ouch!
My mother uses hairpins that curve to the scalp. She bought them at Walgreen's. These hairpins are bent like half-moons.
Sally's sells a pin from GOOD HAIR DAYS called MAGIC GRIP HAIRPINS, specifically made for thick hair, buns, rolls and is plastic. Comes in clear, brown or black, very comfortable, light weight and it flexes to attach to your hair.