Need Advice on how to Texalax

I have tried to research how to Texalax my hair properly. The search comes back with a few threads about texalaxing. So I guess my question is can someone please explain how to texalax and what are the best products in your opinion to use? Currently I have an inch or two past armpit relaxed hair. I would like to texalax after my three month stretch in Sept. Please help me.:yep: Thanks in advance.
Firstly... thank you for the compliment! :thankyou:

Texturized hair does appear to be thicker because of all the texture, but you can't make your relaxed hair texturized.

Texturized hair is hair that is lightly relaxed. You basically put the relaxer on and you don't allow it to fully straighten your hair. It's the same process as a regular relaxer, most people leave it in about 10 minutes... but it depends on your hair and the strength of the relaxer.

So... you would have to *gulp* cut off a lot of hair to be 100 % texturized! I guess you can also deal with haing texturized hair and relaxed ends if you want.

If you're not looking to cut, why not try rollersetting for curls?

Feel free to pm me with any questions! :)