Need advice for friend...caring for 4yr old daughter's hair


Need advice for friend...caring for 4yr old daughter\'s hair

Hey Ladies,

I need some advice for my girlfriend. She is trying to figure out a regime and what type of products to use on her 4 yr old daughter's hair. I believe her hair type is 4a/b, not sure. Right now she just washes with Creme of Nature, oils it with some product, I'm not sure, and puts it in braids. She would like to know what types of good products are out there for children's heads and if it is ok to use the same products that she uses for her head on her daughters head. Any suggestions?
Re: Need advice for friend...caring for 4yr old daughter\'s hair

I would continue w/ the CON. I also love Elasta's Creme Conditioning shampoo. It's my HG shampoo. I would tell her to experiment to see how well her daughter's hair likes natural oils & butters. I would mix her own hair dressing w/ coconut oil, shea butter or mango butter, jojoba oil & EO's like rosemary & lavender.
There isn't any reason that she can't use the same products on her daughter's hair that she uses on her own. Invest in some seamless combs, gentle brushes (boar bristle & at least one Denman) and make sure that the hair accessories that she uses are gentle.
Re: Need advice for friend...caring for 4yr old daughter\'s hair

I think the difference between adult and children products are tearless types of stuff like shampoo. Aside from that, I think all heads need the same type of care. To be cleansed, conditioned, trimmed occasionally, etc. Um she might want to invest in a good detangler like the K-Cutter or something but other than that I say stick with natural ingredients. They're effective, safe, and natural /images/graemlins/smile.gif Have you suggested the no poo routine to her? Shampoo might be a little harsh for a 4 yr old's head -- she can switch to no poo or dilute it. CON Shampoos do a number on my hair and I'm 17.