Nauseated feeling


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had this feeling about someone? It isn't a figment of my imagination. After corresponding with an individual, I got an a feeling of nausea that I can't shake and I wonder if is something spiritual.
It could be. There have been times when I’ve spoken with someone and I get an uneasy feeling. I have looked at someone and seen hate in their eyes, but I have also looked at someone and been at peace. There are people who the very thought of sends my heart racing and just gives me a bad feeling in general. Don’t be afraid when God deals with you. There is nothing/no one more powerful than God. Be watchful and pray.
Yes, this has happened to me. I tried my best to brush it off but eventually, I had to cut off all contact with this person. They proved to me why I got an strange feeling about them.
Yeah, happens to me all the time around people of power. Especially on a job.

OMG! I try to put myself on the receiving end always. But with power and position, I'm so very sensitive to it. There is just something "wrong" with some folks in power, esp. in this mainstream society. It sickens me and I can't pinpoint it other than I feel some people think that their job, position and status in life are the most important aspect of the universe. For them, money is king and humanity is inconsequential. I think so differently that it oftens make me the oddball out.

I am trying to work on it and be accepting of all people but there's something inside of me that does not get along well with power-hungry people on the job. I cannot fake like of them yet I have to work with them. I think they sense something in me that is opposed to their "power" and perhaps, this is why I am often on "that" end of the office. I don't give them trouble or attitude and I do respect them, I just don't buy their superficial importance and I'm sure they sense it spiritually. Is that wrong of me? LOL.
OMG! I try to put myself on the receiving end always. But with power and position, I'm so very sensitive to it. There is just something "wrong" with some folks in power, esp. in this mainstream society. It sickens me and I can't pinpoint it other than I feel some people think that their job, position and status in life are the most important aspect of the universe. For them, money is king and humanity is inconsequential. I think so differently that it oftens make me the oddball out.

I am trying to work on it and be accepting of all people but there's something inside of me that does not get along well with power-hungry people on the job. I cannot fake like of them yet I have to work with them. I think they sense something in me that is opposed to their "power" and perhaps, this is why I am often on "that" end of the office. I don't give them trouble or attitude and I do respect them, I just don't buy their superficial importance and I'm sure they sense it spiritually. Is that wrong of me? LOL.

not wrong at all, its hard to stomach anyone thats full of themselves

even more so when you know the truth
I have had that nauseated feeling, don't know if it was spiritual or not, but the circumstances and situations involving those people was never a godly one and maybe it was the Holy Spirit nudging me in my gut that I needed to disassociate myself. i dunno for sure.
I try to listen to my gut as much as I can. My ma always said the devil looks handsome...not everything that glitters is gold. I can see seething hatred, malice, and evil behind a smile sometimes.
I'm right with you ladies. I'm usually the odd one in my department; but yet at the same time people are drawn to me.

I learn (still learning) to listen to the Holy Spirit when he gentlly nudges me about something.
I remember one time I went to the movie theatre and I sat down in the seat and felt I wanted to throw up. I didn't know what it meant back then but I could only think someone evil must have been sitting there before I had sat down.