Naurals and Perms ladies


New Member
I have a question regarding the benefits of perming your hair vs. natural hair. I’ve been a natural now for 10 years. My hair is well pass my bra strap. I’ve had perms in the past and never had any problems with my hair breaking off or falling out. However, I’ve ran out of hair style being natural. I would like to enjoy wearing my hair down but I’m unable to for two reasons. One I live in Florida with humidly, which draws my hair right up, plus I’m working out daily and sweat really bad, again draws my hair up:wallbash:…I would like to enjoy my length, by wearing it down. Do any of you ladies natural or Perm have any advise?? I’m really considering going back to a perm. :rolleyes: TIA
Either status has its limitations. Permed hair cannot be worn in a nice thick puff and unravels easily when twisted or braided if the ends are not secured. You won't be able to wear an afro if you should want to. I've always felt that with natural hair I can wear any style under the sun. But then I've never lived in an area with a lot of humidity to understand how hard it would be to keep pressed hair straight.

Personally, if I had your problem, I'd get a wig. Either as a trial run - to see how long I would be able to stand having the opposite styling restrictions to those I had when curly - before relaxing my hair; or just so I could have the option of being curly again without having to cut my hair.

One of the reasons I love to be natural is that I do not have to constantly pay for touch-ups or have to worry about overlap at the point where new growth meets old relaxed hair or formula changes in relaxing products that could affect how they behave in my hair....

When I was relaxed, while it is true I was clueless on caring for my hair, it did feel as if I was in constant state of repair. Time to visit the salon for treatment; time to visit the salon for touch up; time to get a corrective. I couldn't just be, coz there was always something I needed to do to "fix" my hair so it's all the same texture. My hair seemed more high maintenance then, and I'm just way too cheap to afford it.
have u considered texturizing so u cna have the option of wearing both hair types/styles?
Thank you ladies for your advise. Your right nonie, having a perm is high maintenance. But I need something differnt. What's the different in texturizing and a perm???
Thank you ladies for your advise. Your right nonie, having a perm is high maintenance. But I need something differnt. What's the different in texturizing and a perm???

It's just left on for a shorter amount of time and it leaves enough of your curl in your hair so that you can wear it curly if you choose.
have u considered texturizing so u cna have the option of wearing both hair types/styles?

ITA. I can wear a puff or a rollerset.

sareca: your hair is gorgeous. You have a texturizing on your hair?? Did you do it yourself or professional.
I have a question regarding the benefits of perming your hair vs. natural hair. I’ve been a natural now for 10 years. My hair is well pass my bra strap. I’ve had perms in the past and never had any problems with my hair breaking off or falling out. However, I’ve ran out of hair style being natural. I would like to enjoy wearing my hair down but I’m unable to for two reasons. One I live in Florida with humidly, which draws my hair right up, plus I’m working out daily and sweat really bad, again draws my hair up:wallbash:…I would like to enjoy my length, by wearing it down. Do any of you ladies natural or Perm have any advise?? I’m really considering going back to a perm. :rolleyes: TIA

I'm not sure what look you are going for, but when I want my hair to stay straight in damp enviornments, I use Aveda's Brilliant Anti-Humectent Pomade. It keeps my hair straight when I want to wear it down. When I used to workout, I would put my hair in a bun, high pony, or braid and then put the pomade around my entire hairline and put on a headband or scarf. My hair would remain straight until my next shampoo ( 1 - 2 weeks).
I'm not sure what look you are going for, but when I want my hair to stay straight in damp enviornments, I use Aveda's Brilliant Anti-Humectent Pomade. It keeps my hair straight when I want to wear it down. When I used to workout, I would put my hair in a bun, high pony, or braid and then put the pomade around my entire hairline and put on a headband or scarf. My hair would remain straight until my next shampoo ( 1 - 2 weeks).

Goldenbreeze, I'm natural too.......I would like to wear my straight too........but Louisiana moist air keeps it frizz. So if i use Aveda Brillant, do I press my hair with it or use it after I press it.

Goldenbreeze, I'm natural too.......I would like to wear my straight too........but Louisiana moist air keeps it frizz. So if i use Aveda Brillant, do I press my hair with it or use it after I press it.


I used it after I pressed, and when I knew I was going to be in a humid environment. I've only pressed twice this year, and since I don't press frequently my hair is more suseptible to reversion. When I pressed after every shampoo, my hair rarely reverted. I don't see myself going back to frequent straightening though.
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Same here. Check out my Fotki, I have both straight and curly shots.

I love your hair. I hope you don't mind but I have tons of question.....
what brand of relaxer do you use?
How long do you keep it on?
how often do you visit the hair salon?
how ofton do you deep cond?

Thanks you sooo much for the advise given sooo far??? Your hair is beautiful..
I love your hair. I hope you don't mind but I have tons of question.....
what brand of relaxer do you use?
How long do you keep it on?
how often do you visit the hair salon?
how ofton do you deep cond?

Thanks you sooo much for the advise given sooo far??? Your hair is beautiful..

Sorry I'm just now responding, I'm not always the best @ following up but I'm working on it. Thank you for the compliment and to answer your questions:

Relaxer- Silk Elements Mega Silk mild w/shea butter (lye)
Relaxing time- 5-7 minutes, max
Salon visits- I'm pretty much a do-it-yourselfer, but I go to my old salon for trims as needed and the Dominicans when I just don't wanna do it myself.
Deep Condition- Every wash. In the summer I usually wash one day/wk and cowash 2 days/wk and air dry.

You can PM me if you have any other questions, I don't mind answering!
For me natural was more high maintenance especially as it got longer. When it was short, I'd wash and go everyday and be fine. But as it got longer the only styles that I liked to do were braidouts or puffs, which means I had to do cornrows or twists almost every night to have easy hair to style in the morning. If I just went to bed with a puff, that meant matted hair in the morning. Maybe I just didn't figure out a routine that worked for me, but I had fun trying for 5 years. Relaxed is VERY easy for me.

Hope you find what works for you!
I totally uderstand. I have lived in Florida my whole life and had been natural natural for 21 yrs. (until June). I was never able to wear my hair down for more than a day in this humidity. All I can say is both styles have their downsides (even thought I am definitely enjoying being relaxed at the moment). I have no solutions, but I feel your pain!
I'm not sure what look you are going for, but when I want my hair to stay straight in damp enviornments, I use Aveda's Brilliant Anti-Humectent Pomade. It keeps my hair straight when I want to wear it down. When I used to workout, I would put my hair in a bun, high pony, or braid and then put the pomade around my entire hairline and put on a headband or scarf. My hair would remain straight until my next shampoo ( 1 - 2 weeks).


PinkSkates is natural too, and she also uses the Aveda Brilliant Pomade. She mixes it with the Light Elements Smoothing Fluid. She works out, and her edges stay put.

I live in dry heat, so I really don't have any other suggestions, but I really hope you find a solution!
Thanks so much ladies for all of your advise...When I lived in California I didn't have a problem with my hair because of the dry heat. But in FL it's a whole different ball game...Mccrzygr...I know you know what I'm going thru:grin: I've been search and pming all my fellow LHCF ladies and have been given wonderful advise. I'm really excite I received my relaxer and my 6 n 1 reconstructive conditioner I order on line. Now I'm just waiting on my neutralizing shampoo to arrive. I love design essentials and so does my hair. I will keep you ladies posted of my results. Again thank you!!:grin:
i totally feel you babygirl! i was going thru the same issue myself. i was going back and forth with relaxing or at least texlaxing my hair. the minute i flat iron my hair it starts swelling!!! even if i wear smittys they are frizzed by the time i get to work, a puffed spiral. doesnt matter what i put on it unless its totally oiled down and who likes that? aveda anti humectant is no obstacle for my hair. i'm tired of wearing my hair up in french braids, french twists, buns and all kinds of updos. i want a different look and be versatile with some glamour!:grin: and just like you the humidity and working out i need some more options. i'm totally considering texlaxing....totally. i'm scared and love my natural hair so so much but i need options. i figure i'll only get touch ups about 3-4 times a year.
i dont know what i'm going to do.....:sad::spinning:
I have been using a texturizer on my hair. I am wondering if I would be able to get a perm (one of the curly things) done to my hair. Please anyone respond soon. I am heading to the salon Saturday.
When I was textlaxed (natural now again), my hair would still revert in that Florida humidity when I wore it straight.
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Thank You!! This chic (the stylist at the salon) said it was okay to do! Everything I have read said, no. Some of these people just want money, I swear... I am thinking of texlaxing. It looks like my hair is at a stand still in length with these curls. I love them, but I want them stretch just a bit.
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i totally feel you babygirl! i was going thru the same issue myself. i was going back and forth with relaxing or at least texlaxing my hair. the minute i flat iron my hair it starts swelling!!! even if i wear smittys they are frizzed by the time i get to work, a puffed spiral. doesnt matter what i put on it unless its totally oiled down and who likes that? aveda anti humectant is no obstacle for my hair. i'm tired of wearing my hair up in french braids, french twists, buns and all kinds of updos. i want a different look and be versatile with some glamour!:grin: and just like you the humidity and working out i need some more options. i'm totally considering texlaxing....totally. i'm scared and love my natural hair so so much but i need options. i figure i'll only get touch ups about 3-4 times a year.
i dont know what i'm going to do.....:sad::spinning:

I am going through the SAME thing!!!
I have a question regarding the benefits of perming your hair vs. natural hair. I’ve been a natural now for 10 years. My hair is well pass my bra strap. I’ve had perms in the past and never had any problems with my hair breaking off or falling out. However, I’ve ran out of hair style being natural. I would like to enjoy wearing my hair down but I’m unable to for two reasons. One I live in Florida with humidly, which draws my hair right up, plus I’m working out daily and sweat really bad, again draws my hair up:wallbash:…I would like to enjoy my length, by wearing it down. Do any of you ladies natural or Perm have any advise?? I’m really considering going back to a perm. :rolleyes: TIA

Please don't go back to chemicals, I used Soft Sheen Optimum Oil Therapy Shine Booster on my hair I noticed that when I was in my steamy bathroom my hair remained wavy. I have not straightened my hair since feb 07. Try to put something like this on your hair right after you wash it and during the moisturizing process. Then let it dry and flat iron.