Naturals with relaxer straight results

I only get my hair straightened every 6 months. It looks relaxed but yet I still have a lot of body, bounce and curls. Thankfully I live in a state with very little humidity so my presses have lasted as long as 2 weeks. I had her use this garnier fruitis (sp?) stuff that you apply to keep the frizz down. I will find the name when I get home. She also applied a little bit of straightening wax (not even to way it down or fizz when the iron touches my hair) and something else. I'll ask her. Here is a pic of my last one done in August. HTH Q

Have you tried the chase method? I HAVE to use this method or no matter what product i use my hair will poof up. For me it works better if I use a boar bristle brush instead of a fine tooth comb. My last press lasted about 10 days without poofing and I used SMB too. I agree with not using too much leave-in with SMB, a good d/c should be enough. When I used my maxiglide I didn't have issues with poofing so using the brush is the next best thing.
Yeah, I used the chasing method on some parts. But maybe I just used too much. I'll try again in two weeks. I'll try curlformers again, or a rollerset. Just no blow dryer or flat iron this time.