Naturals & Winter


Well-Known Member
Ah, I'm really enjoying the summer. I BC'd in June after a year and a half transition. I'm getting really excited about what my hair will look like in a year, but then I thought about what will happen in the middle of that? What will happen when I can no longer co-wash every morning because it's snowing outside...

So, naturals, what do/did you do during the cold winter months?
What advice do you have for short haired naturals?

Any pictures would be helpful, also, post past links if you have them! :grin:
In the summer I love coconut oil
In the winter I stay away from it big time! My hair freezes up!
I deep condition more. I tend to use more oils. I definitely keep doing my Amla treatments since it makes my hair feel more moisturized.

I can't do wash and go's in the winter because its too cold, but I rollerset more often. My hair looks the prettiest in the fall and spring because the weather cooperates better. I don't know about you ladies, but the winter tends to dry my hair out something fierce.

Congrats on your BC By the way!
last winter i did lots of puffs and kept them for 3-4 days...bad idea, because i had to trim twice from my ends getting all tangled up. when i finally braided it up near the end of the winter, it flourished.

this winter it will be flexirod sets and braids. i didn't rollerset because the magnetic ones got on my nerves, but the flexirods are so easy to use that it *should* be a breeze.
In the summer I love coconut oil
In the winter I stay away from it big time! My hair freezes up!
I deep condition more. I tend to use more oils. I definitely keep doing my Amla treatments since it makes my hair feel more moisturized.

I can't do wash and go's in the winter because its too cold, but I rollerset more often. My hair looks the prettiest in the fall and spring because the weather cooperates better. I don't know about you ladies, but the winter tends to dry my hair out something fierce.

Congrats on your BC By the way!

I agree- I get my best hair days during the fall especially. For OP- stay up on deep conditioning and moisturizing/sealing and u should be good to go.
twists for me but I won't have them in as long as I do in the summer which should be the opposite though. I did braids last winter though. Moisture and ps is a must!
to be honest after my bc I wore mainly weaves summer fall winter spring.
but in between weaves I wore roller sets or a blow out or a braidout or puffs. mostly puffs tho. and Im a conditioner freak no matter the weather i dc'd on a regualar.
I'll be wearing twists and phony puffs during the winter. I'm going to try baggying my ends under the puff (just baggy, no product). And when I twist I'm going to keep the hair pinned up so it's not on my turtlenecks or scarfs or anything like that. Last winter I did wash n gos and did okay (didn't know any better); I want to see how well I do this winter when I do know better. I'm also going to up my steam treatments from 1x/month to 2-4x/month, depending on how my hair responds.
Last winter it was a lot of bunning, but my hair still needed trimming from neglect at times, and failing to keep the moisture game up (and forgetting to tie my hair up at night!)
This year I want to DC with heat every week (I do without heat for summer) Shea butter, and other heavier moisturizers for staples, braids, and test drive some headwraps! And flat ironing only once!
I wear wash and go's all year long. In the dead of winter too. This year I am getting twist and leaving them in for the winter take them out and have them redone. Not until after christmas though. I am hoping to get to Armpit by Christmas and if I don't it will be a shame because in October it will be four years since i went natural and I am not at armpit yet.
Last winter I did kinky twists for the most part. But my scalp itches a lot and washing my hair and scratching or tapping my scalp caused me to have to do them over often. I think I'll try wigging it this winter so that I can get to my scalp often without ruining a good hairstyle. And so that I won't tap my head all night, lol.
I just wash n go and dry under the hooded dryer before I go. I use conditioner as a leave-in exclusively during the winter. I really need to figure out something else in case my hair revolts against that this time around. Hmmm.
Wash my hair once a week instead of twice a week.
I also plan to use soap once a month and do my version of cowashing the rest of the month, right now I use it every shampoo. Everything else stays the same.