Naturals: will you EVER go back to a relaxer?

Are you natural forever?

  • Yes. I will never relax my hair again, ever.

    Votes: 373 84.4%
  • No. I will relax at some point in the future.

    Votes: 69 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Never say never, I love my natural hair. I have my moments like now when I'm a bit frustrated with the length and the time it takes to style it, so I'm going to bun w/weave hair until my hair is long enough to bun by itself. But I don't think about relaxing. I don't knock those who choose to relax because I was relaxed for 20+ years myself. It's just no longer a choice I want to make.
I won't ever relax my hair again because it's a waste of money for me. I never did anything with my hair during that time so there really was no point. If I want straight hair that badly I will straighten it with a flat iron.
I agree with CherryPie, and WantNatural expressed many of my same sentiments. I try to never say "never" as well. I enjoyed my relaxed hair for over 18 years, and I had healthy relaxed hair. However, I enjoy the thickness, fullness, and curl of my natural hair. At this point, I don't see myself going back. I'd prefer pressing my natural hair for a straight look than the permanence of a relaxer.
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Never. And I'll even go a step further and say I have no desire for straight hair at all, not even by flat irons or blow dryers. I just don't believe straight hair is for me. :look:
I don't plan on it... but who knows. Even though I feel strongly about not relaxing I don't won't to emphatically profess that I'll never do it again because I have no idea how I'll feel about my hair in 2, 10 or 20 years from now.
No because my hair never thrived with a relaxer. It took years for me to transition because transitioning always scared me. If I could've traded my relaxed hair at APL for natural hair at that length there wouldve been no questioning my preference to have natural hair.

Transitioning hasn't been a chore because I've been wearing weaves most of the time. I know the growth and health of my natural hair will far exceed my relaxed hair.

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Most likely not. If I ever get a tempting to relax I think about how thin, overprocessed, broken off my hair was along with scalp burns and not being able to scratch whenever I please. I also love hair dye too much to relax my hair ever again.
I have a question:

Can relaxers make one go blind if it gets into their eyes?

I always wondered this....
I'm another one of those people who don't like to say never. You don't know what may happen in your life, and...if you say "never," if you ending up doing that thing then people often flip out...don't need all of that. I have a right to change my mind anytime I want to. That being said, I don't see why I would relax my hair again. I love my hair, and certainly don't miss the dandruff, scabs, and breakage I had with a relaxer (although with LHCF I think I would be able to care for my relaxed hair much better now). If I wanted straight hair, I'd just flat iron it.
I can't say I'll never relax my hair again because I don't know what the future holds, but I have no plans now or in the future to relax my hair again. I'm supa tender headed and relaxers would always feel like a million fire ants crawling over my head and biting at once. *shudders* And my relaxed hair was almost always busted lol, it only looked good for about a week after I went to the salon.
Hmmmmm, I lovedddd my short relaxed hair. Loved it! And miss it from time to time. That would be the ONLY reason for me if I ever decided to go back to relaxers. But when I see my hair thrive as a natural, I am in loveeee with my hair. Its the healthiest, the best it ever was when I am natural, no doubt. But I miss styles. I cannot lie about that.
I've transitioned from a relaxer to natural twice in my life already. And this time natural hair is here to stay. My hair is the longest it's ever been and I absolutely love the versatility of it. Plus I've always suffered damage with relaxers due to my lack of knowledge on how to properly take care of my hair in that state. But now even with knowledge from this forum, I prefer my hair natural and so does my significant other and my family!
I won't say never. I'm an accidental transitioner. In 2009, I tried BKT. And after the first application, I decided to stop relaxing since BKT gave me the same result. Since then, I've just been bunning, using 1/2 wigs, etc during the week for work and my hair feels good. On the weekend I play around a bit with natural styles but since I have two textures, I really haven't done much. Also, the hair on the top of my head is really quite a different texture than the rest and I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I always relaxed that portion for a shorter period of time due to the texture but I had no idea there was such a difference.


Since I was relaxing while on this board, my hair wasn't doing poorly. I'd learned enough about types of relaxers, moisture, protein, etc that my hair was the healthiest it had ever been. I hadn't had any burns, etc in years and years. But it does feel better now. I'm going to just keep using protective styles, etc until August when I reach the 2 year anniversary of my last relaxer. Then, maybe I'll cut off what's left of the relaxed hair... or... who knows.
Relaxed hair was & is not for me....I like NATURAL hair/Its my style & Its my way..

Happy Hair Growing!
I'm on month 21 of my transition with approximately 1 inch of relaxed ends. No turning back for me. I haven't even gotten the urge to relax. Straight hair is just a rollerset or rollerset and flat iron back to lurkdom.
I have been natural for three years and my hair is almost APL. I am in love with my hair. Love the texture, the thickness. When my hair is relaxed it looks thin for a couple weeks until it plumps up.

With that being said, I will be relaxing next month. I am sick of buns and wigs and want to wear my hair out more. The heat and humidity will be easier to manage with relaxed hair. I will relax and stretch till next summer. If this plan goes well, I'll relax again next summer.

Natural vs. relaxer is not a philosophical issue for me. Relaxing once a year seems a nice compromise.
Nah. I can't be bothered with having my hair relaxed. I can't get into it, but I will say that I love what's growing out of my scalp. It is mine. I don't need to change it.
My parents thought that natural hair was a "phase" for me when I stopped relaxing my hair back in 2006 at the age of 20. I'm 25 years old and if this is a "phase" then this is one heck of a long one....

No more perm for this chick.
I doubt that I will ever relax again. If I want to wear straight hair I can always roller set or flat iron. But I wear my hair natural 75% of the time or more.
I was actually thinking about starting this thread last week I'm not fully natural quite yet(3 months left until I BC), but I don't think I will go back. Of course nothing is set in stone though. I had long healthy hair throughout my entire relaxed life, so I don't have an issue with relaxed hair. However, I think I would probably just flat iron my hair instead of getting a relaxer if I ever got sick of my curls. I like being able to be both curly and straight, and natural would give me the option to do both. Buttttt, like I said..nothing is set in stone. I might decide to relax again in my 40's or Only God knows...