Naturals: will you EVER go back to a relaxer?

Are you natural forever?

  • Yes. I will never relax my hair again, ever.

    Votes: 373 84.4%
  • No. I will relax at some point in the future.

    Votes: 69 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't see myself ever going back to getting a relaxer, the damage I have suffered in the past on my fine tresses and see through edges is enough to put me off for life.........:afro:
I voted no, my hair relaxed was never as versatile as it is natural. I think if I wasn't familiar with this board, hair blogs or youtube my answer would not be as firm, I have many friends that would like to go natural but find themselves so overwhelmed they continue relaxing. I remind them of all the things they need to continue their natural research, they will need patience, guidance and lots of reassurance.
I've been on and off natural since 97. I decided to go natural initially because I heard a girl in high school say she was going to grow her hair out and I wanted to beat her to the punch....silly I know.

Actually hold up, I've been natural most of my life. Only as a teenager and adult did I start getting perms. I had natural hair and dreadlocks as a child.

I've gone back and forth due to two things, ignorance on how to care for my natural hair and my love hate relationship with the texture of my hair.

Currently I am transitioning again for the billionth time. I got a perm in December of last year and loved it at first but as usual began to miss the versatility and thickness of my natural hair. PLUS, the nape of my hair broke completely off after the perm.

I'm pretty confident now that I will never perm my hair again. Why? I don't like how limited my styles are with relaxed hair and my hair is always so thin with it. I love how big and attention getting my natural hair is. I love the fullness of it and the movement. I can't wait until a year from now when I BC....again.
I will relax my hair again in the future, but no time soon. I'll be natural again too.

I love the look of layered bobs and I like short relaxed hair. I also like my twa'ish length so I wanna do that again too.
Idk. I love my curls and coils, but my edges make it hard for me to bounce between curly and straight. My edges have a mind of their own. When I want a slick bun, my edges ruin the sleek look. I don't look as "polished." I can't wear a scarf all the time. My edges are thickening up now that I am natural, a relaxer would just thin 'em out again. You just witnessed my internal struggle. *sigh* Again, idk. *perplexed*

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If you want the sleek look without chems you're going to have to wet train your hair.
First you'll need to up your moisture by moisturizing your edges and nape daily and nightly w conditioner evoo aloe vera gel and brush I back with a denman then bristle then use a stretchy nylon satiny headband instead of cotton so it doesn't soak up the oils and con. Now when you style mist it slighty w water then moisturize again then use a super hold gel like Eco styler olive oil I know it can be drying that's why you moisturize again. Then tie down w a scarf for 10 min and it should lay down. For added training use the same starchy nylon headband matching your haircolor in the front to hold down the short hairs and cowlicks. I did this fresh out of braids and it worked for me cause all my edges were sticking straight up. hth
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Personally I like leaving the options open. Sure I'm natural now, but only for who knows how long before I do something else to it. I'm enjoying it and the journey I take with it.

I don't plan on relaxing again. It's so much easier not worrying about relaxers and maintenance. I've saved a lot of money on top of that. My hair feels better when straightened than when it did when I was relaxed.
I voted wrong(should read poll completely first). I will never perm my hair again. Styling my natural hair is super easy and I love the volume and thickness of my hair. I can style my hair in less than five minutes compared to the torture of trying to keep my hair looking nice and straight with a perm. I love that I can walk in the rain, swim, and still have great looking hair without alot of work. Going natural was the best thing for me and I Love Love Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I won't...its the reason why I stopped. I honestly didn't want a relaxer but my mom gave me one anyway and I kept getting it because she made me.Once I turn 17, off it went. Never looked back.
No, never ever. My last relaxer was in 2005.

My hair doesn't need it, I can manage it fine without :D

I got my first relaxer when I was 14, my mum asked me if I wanted it and I said yes. I think my mother regreted introducing me to relaxer as she saw the damage it caused when I repeatedly did it.

I made a concious effort to look after my hair more seriously after my last relaxer. I haven't looked back since :)
I actually just BC'd yesterday. Now that I've done it, I have no idea why I waited so long. My hair is MUCH thicker easier to maintain...and more beautiful to me now than it has been in a long time..I can't wait for it to grow out..I will never relax again...for what:lachen:~
I actually just BC'd yesterday. Now that I've done it, I have no idea why I waited so long. My hair is MUCH thicker easier to maintain...and more beautiful to me now than it has been in a long time..I can't wait for it to grow out..I will never relax again...for what:lachen:~

Congratulations on the BC. @bolded I said the SAME thing.
I'm currently transitioning and doubt I will ever go back to a relaxer. For some people the relaxer works fine, for me it always gives me alot of breakage. I also suspect that I may be allergic to the relaxer.

If I want the very slick look I will just throw a weave in or put a wig on.
I just want to embrace my natural self and dont want to be a slave to a relaxer.
i went back to relaxing in October. i'm still on the fence about regretting it or not.:ohwell:

on the one hand my hair is soooo much easier to style and wash but on the other hand my hair is just lame now.:perplexed fam and friends don't even know i'm relaxed because when my hair is styled it doesn't look that different but i can tell that it's changed. lost its umph.
I LOVE my natural hair and have been the sole influence of everyone in my family to leave that perm be. Our hair is fab and the fullness is ridiculous!!! I now believe that besides all the benefits of natural hair it is a outward sign of self acceptance
I won't. Relaxing is too permanent and transitioning was a bee-yotch.

Closest I'm getting to relaxing is some coconut milk and to research.
I thought I wanted to relax for the summer and start transitioning again. Aug makes 3 years since my last relaxer. I am starting to love my hair. There were some difficult plain out hard moments. But I'm learning my hair. I'm a long term transitioner so my hair is constantly changing the percentage of natural vs relaxed. I'm going to stick with it untill I'm 100%.
Probably not, but who knows? Maybe. I wear my hair natural now mostly because I like the way it looks, and stopped straightening because of the pain and expense involved. However, my hair is a lot of work for me. I may relax one day so I can keep it long and loose but have it be easier for me to take care of. Then again, maybe relaxed hair has its own challenges. It's been so long since my hair was relaxed, maybe I just forgot . . .
I was natural in 07/08 then I relaxed in 09.... bad decision

I had my last relaxer January 11, 2010.... I transitioned for 6 months then BC'd in July 2010. I'm 10 months 100% natural now and I absolutely love it! I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did the first time around. I'm at peace with my hair. Plus I can achieve the straight look by flat ironing. I wear my hair mostly straight during the weekdays and on weekends I wear it kinky.... best of both worlds if you ask me.

My hair looks and feels healthy. I don't feel like it's a hassle to take care off now, like I did 3 years ago when I went natural.

I won't say never .... but I really leaning towards that.