Naturals who straighten: What tips do you have?

Dee Raven

Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

I have been natural now for almost a year and I feel like I'm ready to try straightening. I haven't done so up to now because I've been really scared of ruining my texture. For those of you who have been straightening without losing your texture, could you give me some tips on products and tools. Thanks.
I press my hair once a month. I use Aveda products only. I wash and condition with the Damage Remedy line. I use the DR intensive restructuring treatment every other wash. I then detangle using the Universal styling creme (I concentrate putting the creme on the length of my hair, not close to the roots). I then put my hair in 6 loose braids and let my hair air dry overnight. Before i press my hair, I apply the brillant emollient finishing gloss very lightly to each section of hair, then I proceed to cautiously press my hair. I've been doing this since Dec. 2006 and my hair is doing well so far.
i use all aveda also. when i'm going to blow dry to prepare to wear str8 i put elixir leave in in, brilliant damage control, chi silk infusions and then blow dry. once dried i apply universal styling creme mixed with brilliant serum. for each section that i flat iron i put a little chi silk infusions on that piece before i run the iron over. my hair comes out light and silky silky:grin:
I've straightened my hair only about five times since I've been natural, which has been four years now. I can't suggest any good products to use, but I will advise you to be very careful about protecting your natural texture. Heat damaged hair is not cute in the midst of natural curls. Make sure that you have a good heat protectant and use a very low setting. I hope you like the way it comes out. Please take pics.
I straighten almost every week and my hair is very healthy. I wash and condition. Then I use a deep conditioner and sit under the dryer for about 15 min. I comb it out while the conditioner is still on with a wide tooth comb. After I rinse the conditioner out, I spray with leave-in conditioner. Then I rollerset with big rollers (purple and gray) and sit under the dryer until it dries. After it dries, I remove the rollers spray some heat protectant and wrap it up while the flat iron heats up. I then flat iron my whole head. The rollers get my hair pretty straight (use the largest ones you can for the length of your hair), but the hair that is exposed while it is rolled is really wavy. After I finish flat ironing, I wrap it up and go to bed. (I have to wrap it that first night. It makes it so much better the next day.)

I use the leave-in in place of setting lotion. You can see the products I use in the siggy. (I'm really cheap.) I hope this helps. I know it sounds like a lot, but I did this when I had a relaxer too so it just seems normal to me. People always ask me what I do to my hair and when I tell them they go:eek: :eek: :eek: . Let me know if you have any more questions. I'll try to add some more photos soon. I really reccomend the rollerset before the direct heat. I avoid blowdryers at all costs!
I flat iron my hair no more than three times a year now.

First I wash with a moisturizing shampoo and deep condition for one hour.

I apply a little bit of leave in and then apply heat protectant to my wet hair.

I band my hair and let it air dry.

The next day I apply a tiny bit more of the heat protectant and flat iron in little sections. I don't use a heat setting any higher than 300.

Redken Heat Glide and Chi Silk Infusion are my top picks for heat protectants.
DivaStyle, I definitely have a question. I love how your hair looks in your siggy picture. I tried rollersetting last night and I came out looking like some 1950s black Donna Reed. The hair was shriveled up and out, kinda straight but very puffy at the root. Jackie-O like....not good! It barely skimmed the top of my shoulders (and my hair when flat ironed straight is BSL.) I used the very huge green rollers down the middle and the gray ones on the side. What did I do wrong? From what you wrote, your hair gets very straight with roller sets. I also noticed that when I clipped my hair, the duckbill clips loosened. I thought I'd clipped my hair tight & secure, but then somehow the hair moved and wasn't being held tightly. I had lots of curls close to the scalp. Maybe it didn't dry well - I have a gold & hot hard bonnet dryer - that I only sat under for 45 minutes. What do you recommend? What type of dryer do you have? I want to wear my hair straight more often, but want to avoid having to go to the salon & get a super hot flat-iron & press every week. I want to try it your way or anyway that'll minimize damage. Sorry for the novel, but thanks for your help.

DivaStyle said:
I straighten almost every week and my hair is very healthy. I wash and condition. Then I use a deep conditioner and sit under the dryer for about 15 min. I comb it out while the conditioner is still on with a wide tooth comb. After I rinse the conditioner out, I spray with leave-in conditioner. Then I rollerset with big rollers (purple and gray) and sit under the dryer until it dries. After it dries, I remove the rollers spray some heat protectant and wrap it up while the flat iron heats up. I then flat iron my whole head. The rollers get my hair pretty straight (use the largest ones you can for the length of your hair), but the hair that is exposed while it is rolled is really wavy. After I finish flat ironing, I wrap it up and go to bed. (I have to wrap it that first night. It makes it so much better the next day.)

I use the leave-in in place of setting lotion. You can see the products I use in the siggy. (I'm really cheap.) I hope this helps. I know it sounds like a lot, but I did this when I had a relaxer too so it just seems normal to me. People always ask me what I do to my hair and when I tell them they go:eek: :eek: :eek: . Let me know if you have any more questions. I'll try to add some more photos soon. I really reccomend the rollerset before the direct heat. I avoid blowdryers at all costs!
DivaStyle said:
I straighten almost every week and my hair is very healthy. I wash and condition. Then I use a deep conditioner and sit under the dryer for about 15 min. I comb it out while the conditioner is still on with a wide tooth comb. After I rinse the conditioner out, I spray with leave-in conditioner. Then I rollerset with big rollers (purple and gray) and sit under the dryer until it dries. After it dries, I remove the rollers spray some heat protectant and wrap it up while the flat iron heats up. I then flat iron my whole head. The rollers get my hair pretty straight (use the largest ones you can for the length of your hair), but the hair that is exposed while it is rolled is really wavy. After I finish flat ironing, I wrap it up and go to bed. (I have to wrap it that first night. It makes it so much better the next day.)

I use the leave-in in place of setting lotion. You can see the products I use in the siggy. (I'm really cheap.) I hope this helps. I know it sounds like a lot, but I did this when I had a relaxer too so it just seems normal to me. People always ask me what I do to my hair and when I tell them they go:eek: :eek: :eek: . Let me know if you have any more questions. I'll try to add some more photos soon. I really reccomend the rollerset before the direct heat. I avoid blowdryers at all costs!

What kind of dryer do you use? I can't get the rollersetting down and the few times I've tried the results are horrible. what do you do with the roots???? I currenly bd once a week:eek:
I got mines done at the salon but be sure to use a heat protectant and don't turn the iron up to high! You should not smell hair burning. Use a flat iron and not a pressing comb. The teeth in the pressing comb will pull your hair straight and can cause more damage than that flat iron. And try to rollerset or band your hair (something that will stretch it out some) so it will cut down on the amount of heat and straightening you have to do with the iron.
My routine is somewhat similar to DivaStyle. I shampoo, deep condition and rinse. Next, I roll my hair on large magnetic rollers (purple, gray and some smaller in my crown if I want to leave a lot of curl in the top.) I typically use diluted Lottabody. Next, I sit under the dryer until dry then flat iron with my Maxiglide. I usually don't flat iron my hair totally straight because I like to leave a little curl and bounce. After it's flatironed, I wrap it and tie it up with a silk scarf.

I usually do this once a month or whenever the mood for a straight style hits me. My curls bounce right back as soon as I stick my head under water! It's great!
@ DivaStyle & neenmj, I have a few questions for you two...

When you rollerset your hair, do you comb each section of hair before wrapping it around a roller?

And do you lose any hair from combing your hair out?

And how long does it take you to rollerset your whole head?

And do you ever have a problem with your hair shrinking while you're trying to roll your hair around the roller?

I tried to rollerset my hair myself but couldnt because of shrinkage and my hair is super dense. I also feel like I'm damaging my hair when I comb it out after washing and detangling in the shower. So I let my mom rollerset my hair for me. This was back in October of last year I believe.

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wyldcurlz said:
DivaStyle, I definitely have a question. I love how your hair looks in your siggy picture. I tried rollersetting last night and I came out looking like some 1950s black Donna Reed. The hair was shriveled up and out, kinda straight but very puffy at the root. Jackie-O like....not good! It barely skimmed the top of my shoulders (and my hair when flat ironed straight is BSL.) I used the very huge green rollers down the middle and the gray ones on the side. What did I do wrong? From what you wrote, your hair gets very straight with roller sets. I also noticed that when I clipped my hair, the duckbill clips loosened. I thought I'd clipped my hair tight & secure, but then somehow the hair moved and wasn't being held tightly. I had lots of curls close to the scalp. Maybe it didn't dry well - I have a gold & hot hard bonnet dryer - that I only sat under for 45 minutes. What do you recommend? What type of dryer do you have? I want to wear my hair straight more often, but want to avoid having to go to the salon & get a super hot flat-iron & press every week. I want to try it your way or anyway that'll minimize damage. Sorry for the novel, but thanks for your help.

Okay, the rollers get most of the curl out, but I still have to flat iron it to get it really straight. I use the big rollers so the curl won't be tight, but it is very hard to get a good set with big rollers (at least for me. It was that way even when I was relaxed too.) I use duckbill clips too, and yes they do slip. You can use one on each side of the roller (that helps a little bit). Also, the smaller clips hold tighter, but I still like the duckbills. The tighter ones seem to pull my hair.

I don't know how long your hair is, but it takes me a WHOLE LOT longer than 45 min! I have a gold 'n hot dryer and another one that I can't remember the name of (I had to buy it in a hair emergency when I was home from school without a dryer a few years ago!:lol: )

Also, you mentioned the curls close to the scalp. I was trying to explain that when I mentioned the hair that is exposed on the roller. For me the hair that goes from the root and over the roller that is exposed to the heat is always very wavy after it dries. (I hope that makes sense) The flat iron knocks that out very easily. I falt iron the whole head of hair and then wrap it and tie it down. For some reason, tying it down seems to help me in humidity the next few days. When it's really humid, I sometimes sit back under the dryer with it wrapped before I tie the scarf (that's if I have time).

Poohbear- I comb it out while the deep conditioner is still on it. Once the conditioner is rinsed out, I spray it all with leave in and separate it into several sections (usually 4-6 depending on how I'm rolling it) and make knots with those sections and pin them up until I'm ready to roll that section. That way it's combed out and doesn't tangle back up. Also, to avoid shrinkage and manageability, I constantly spray leave-in conditioner to keep it wet while I'm rolling it. Also, I'm pretty fast at rolling my hair because I've been doing it for so long. It gets easier with time

I hope this helps a little more.

ETA: I also use a little shine serum before I wrap it up sometimes. I know this all sounds like a lot of silicones, but my hair really seems to like it.
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i strraighten about once every two months or so. I usually go get it done for me b/c the more my hair grows the less patience I have with it. But i may have ot stop doing that since my stylist recently turned scissor happy.:perplexed If I'm doing it myself I agree with what the other ladies have said. Lots of heat protectant, and moisture, and time. It's not an easy task. I think I have an explanation in my fotki.
Good tips ladies!
I deep conditon everytime I plan to straighten.
Since I'm lazy--I use a blow dryer. I stretch my hair by not using a comb/comb attachment. I start with a cool/or low setting until my hair ss 90-95% dry. Then I turn it up to higher setting. While holding my hair taut, I run the dryer up and down the length until curl are gone. Since the sections are not bone straight I bantu them for more straightness.After I'm done with all the sections I proceed to flat iron.

As far as heat protectants are concerned--I don't use them out of personal preference. But if you want use one I highly recommend QP Elasta's Silk Thermal Design spray. It's watery--therefore it doesn't weight you hair down and comletely mask your hair's natural shine. I would spritz my entire head with prior sitting under a bonet dryer in braids or sectioning hair prior to blow drying.
I deep condition before & after and I use a good heat protectant (I use Redken Heatglide or Sabino moisture block)...I think those are the two most important things to do to prevent damage. Oh, one more, don't have the appliance turned up to the highest temp right off. Try the lower temps first. I can get good results with a lower temp by taking my time and going through the section slowly. I've yet to have a problem with damage.
I used to straighten a lot and I only had damage in the very very front part of my hair and it was minimal. This part of my hair grows wavy and did not need as much heat as the other parts of my hair. I think that is why I had a little damage. Well that and my ridiculous triple process color job caused lots of damage. Anyway, I was a blow dryer and flat ironer. I would wash and deep condition. Then I would blow dry after using a heat protectant and some Elixer. Then I would go through each section with flat iron after using a tiny spec of Mizani curling wax. My hair was never weighed down and I could go out in the humidty without worries. The silicone in the wax really locked humidity out. Once I clarified my hair and got the wax off I had no issues reverting.

I think you have to consider other factors concerning the loss of texture in natural hair. For me the triple process hair color and heavy heat styling proved to much for my bang area but that is the part of my hair that was pratically lifted to a blonde color.
turnergirl said:
Then I would go through each section with flat iron after using a tiny spec of Mizani curling wax. My hair was never weighed down and I could go out in the humidty without worries. The silicone in the wax really locked humidity out.

I'm gonna try that curling wax. Humidity is the enemy!!!!:mad: I need all the armor that I can get! Especially when it's hot outside.
DivaStyle said:
I'm gonna try that curling wax. Humidity is the enemy!!!!:mad: I need all the armor that I can get! Especially when it's hot outside.

It works. I was out in the rain one day and my hair barely reverted. I mean I have to put a clarifier in my hair to get the wax out and then my hair happily reverts. I will warn you, use a tiny bit of wax because it can get heavy but no where near as heavy as the orange Marcel wax. Yuck!!
turnergirl said:
It works. I was out in the rain one day and my hair barely reverted. I mean I have to put a clarifier in my hair to get the wax out and then my hair happily reverts. I will warn you, use a tiny bit of wax because it can get heavy but no where near as heavy as the orange Marcel wax. Yuck!!

I've never used any type of wax before, but it makes sense that it would seal the hair. I'll get some clarifying shampoo when I get the wax. (I'm assuming that a little baking soda mixed with my shampoo won't quite be enough for this:grin: . (That's what I usually do when I have any build-up that won't just wash out with shampoo.)
Here are some photos to help with my descriptions

Wet and sprayed with leave-in ***** After sitting under the dryer

After taking rollers out ***** After Flat Ironing
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Hello Ladies, Just wanted to say that I straighten about once every three months...and I have terrible heat damage in the front. I was gonna cut it off but I like to straighten my hair and I didn't want to cut it all off for it to happen again. So my question is what can I do specifically to avoid damaging my new growth when I straighten.
I have about 4 inches of new growth followed by about 5 inches of heat damaged hair. I figure that I will eventually cut it out by trimming, but I would really like to know what I can do to prevent this from happening again. BTW anytime I have straightened I didn't use heat protectant because I thought it would way my hair down....and I also used the highest setting!!!! (I know ya'll are like well duh!!!)

SO anyway please tell me around what setting I should use and what the absolute best Heat Protectant is......Thanks in advance!
Ok I feel stupid now because I just seen poll on the best heat protectant....but I still would appreciate comments and suggestions.
DivaStyle said:
Here are some photos to help with my descriptions

Wet and sprayed with leave-in ***** After sitting under the dryer

After taking rollers out ***** After Flat Ironing
DivaStyle, thank you for showing us pictures! Your hair looks very nice! :up:

I flat ironed my hair for the first time last night! I used a Jilbere Ceramic Pro flat iron 1-1/2" width and Silk Elements Heat Protection Spray (thanks to DivaStyle). This flat iron has 30 heat settings on it, and I set mine between 15 & 20.

I previously had two-strand twists in my hair before flat ironing my hair. I unraveled each twists one at a time, gently combed it out, and then I flat ironed the section going over it once, and fore a few sections twice. As you can see I didn't get my hair straight-straight because I'm still scared of damage, so this amount of straightness will do for me...Here are the results:

Last night

This morning after waking up....frizzy & starting to shrink:

After taking a shower, I decided to put the front of my hair up:



I'm glad I got to see what my hair looks like straighten...I will not be doing this often...maybe 1-2 times a year. Soon, my hair will be going back in twists!!! :)
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DivaStyle said:
Here are some photos to help with my descriptions

Wet and sprayed with leave-in ***** After sitting under the dryer

After taking rollers out ***** After Flat Ironing

Thanks DivaStyle, that is how the one or two rollersets I attempted came out welll even more curly actually but if I'm reading what you're saying correctly, do you mean you flat iron YOUR WHOLE HEAD or just the roots?? b/c if that is the case then maybe I can try this. Your hair texture seems very similar to mine.
I don't flat iron anymore but when I did I would band my hair to stretch it out and make straightening more easy. I have the directions to that in my fotki.

Now I do silk wraps to get straight hair. It really works wonders because you don't have to use direct heat. I just ponytail rollerset first, sit under the dryer until fully dry then wrap my hair and put saran wrap over the wrap then get back under the dryer for another 15 minutes. The results come out like my siggy, it's not bone straight but good enough for me. Doing the ponytail set gets my roots straight so I don't have to flat iron them and the silk wrap gets them even more straight. So if you're scared of heat damage this is a great option.

Here's the banding and straightening tutorial.....

......and here's the silk wrap....

Poohbear......I love how your hair came out girl, and you are so pretty. I always admire your hair styles.
Pokahontas said:
I don't flat iron anymore but when I did I would band my hair to stretch it out and make straightening more easy. I have the directions to that in my fotki.

Now I do silk wraps to get straight hair. It really works wonders because you don't have to use direct heat. I just ponytail rollerset first, sit under the dryer until fully dry then wrap my hair and put saran wrap over the wrap then get back under the dryer for another 15 minutes. The results come out like my siggy, it's not bone straight but good enough for me. Doing the ponytail set gets my roots straight so I don't have to flat iron them and the silk wrap gets them even more straight. So if you're scared of heat damage this is a great option.

Here's the banding and straightening tutorial.....

......and here's the silk wrap....

Poohbear......I love how your hair came out girl, and you are so pretty. I always admire your hair styles.

Ok silk wraps, I've never tried this. how straight does it get? I will have to put this on my to try list. I'm so lazy though about my hair:confused:
MissScarlett said:
Ok silk wraps, I've never tried this. how straight does it get? I will have to put this on my to try list. I'm so lazy though about my hair:confused:
Well mine come out pretty straight with some curls on the ends but some people have gotten theirs almost bone straight. I can never get the curls out of the ends but it's ok cuz I like them. The link that I posted has all my pics there and my siggy and avatar are silk wraps.