Naturals who permanently color their hair.....


New Member
Not for those who use henna

Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?

Did you have any breakage?

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?

How does your hair feel now that you colored?

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
I was going to comment, but I see that it's not for henna'ed ladies :giggle:

I'm curious to find out as well...I'd love to go brighter with my hair color, but I'm chicken! I have too much progress to lose it to wanting a color change. I'd rather wear a wig!
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?

nope not really. I always color every now and then.

Did you have any breakage?

None so far. I keep my protein/moisture balance in check.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?


How does your hair feel now that you colored?

It actually feels softer to me. So maybe the texture changed a bit?

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?

A honey blonde color. I just used Clariol.
i want to color and am kinda being a chicken.....don't want to lose any progress i've made.

Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
At first I was, and wanted to do a demi-perm. Went to Aveda school, where they advised demi, semi, or anything else wouldn't cover the gray. That was the main reason I was coloring permanent.

Did you have any breakage?
Not that I can see.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?
Not that I can see.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
But this last go around in November was really the only time I think my hair felt a "little" different, but I can't explain. I think my hair hold less moisture now than when it was virgin. It doesn't feel different enough to prevent me from coloring again, and keep in mind that I don't really do good "maintenance" on my hair anymore--I DT about once a month, MAYBE, hardly detangle, etc. I'm lucky to have any hair on my head, let alone still be BSL stretched.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
So first I just colored gray with like a 1B color. Then I wanted a lighter color, so got it boosted with bleach about a year ago to a 1b/33 mix (not at Aveda). Then got it boosted again in April to 1b/30 (not at Aveda). Then got tired of looking like a pumpkin, so went back to about a 2 last November (back to Aveda).
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
Yes but then I realized that it was just hair and I could grow it back. I went from 1 inch to APL in two years so no biggie.

Did you have any breakage?

Not anything out of the ordinary. Nothing that is attributed to my color. Just normal wear and tear.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?


How does your hair feel now that you colored?

Soft and smooth, like before

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?

A reddish brown, it's in my siggy. It's Aveda color.

I plan to be a coloured natural forever.
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
Yes, very. I was scared that I would no longer be natural, that my hair would break off, that it would loosen my curl pattern, etc. Then, I thought about how I used to color my relaxed hair and it still grew and it didn't destroy my hair, so I was like whatever. If people didn't want to consider me natural, that's fine - I don't want to be a slave to a label.

Did you have any breakage?
Not that I can see directly from the color - I am too rough handling my hair sometimes but my breakage is pretty normal, nothing excessive.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?
Nope, not that I could see. I was very concerned that this was going to happen because while the color was in my hair was elongated, but *duh* this was from the weight of the cream dye on my hair, lol.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
Feels the same. However, I will say that when I initially dyed it with Feria my hair felt SO dry, I DC'ed like three times. I wouldn't recommend this dye.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
Take One - Feria Iced Mocha, which is a light brown. Funnily enough, it didn't even really take. I couldn't even tell the difference. So I dyed it again...
Take Two - Garnier Herbashine in Dark Golden Blonde (this isn't permanent and doesn't have ammonia, so I wasn't expecting it to lighten my hair to blonde, and I left it on for like an hour an a half). It seemed to make the color a little brighter (it still wasn't that different, but I gave up), and wasn't drying at all.
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
No, I've been coloring my hair off and on since middle school, and my hair is A LOT healthier now than it ever was then.

Did you have any breakage?
If I did, I didn't notice.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?
This last time around, yes, temporarily. I still had Bigen's Blue Black in my hair, and the colorist used bleach, PLUS I got my hair straightened with a 450 degree flat iron. :blush: So yeah, it may not have been ALL the color's fault.

My natural curl pattern bounced back after the 2nd wash, though.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
Like I said, I've always been colored, so it's hard to give a lot of details. However, my colored hair is never as soft as my uncolored hair. It's not hard or crunchy-feeling, but the new growth feels different than my colored hair (stating the obvious, right?).

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
I went to the salon - Toni & Guy. She mixed a few different things together, plus she had to bleach about 1/4 of my hair to color over the Bigen black. The results are in my profile pic.
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
Yes but I did ALOT of research on here and on the 'net. I also read a chapter dedicated to color in Shamboosie's book. I wanted to know what I should expect and what I could do to minimize breakage.

Did you have any breakage?
no, nothing excessive.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?
No, not at all.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
Still feels the same; soft. I have never expreienced any dryness. I only colored the front of my hair. I've been able to compare the front to the back to get an idea of where my hair should be at healthwise.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?[/QUOTE]
Red - I used ruby rage from Clairol Textures and Tones
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i want to color the front of my hair or just the bangs so that if it breaks off, it will just be that still kinda scurred though
i've talked about this alot on here regarding my previous color experience. i got highlights while transitioning, and the color damaged my hair and permanently straightened my hair. apparently the colorist used bleach or ammonia for my color. i went to a professional as i'm scared to color myself. i asked for caramel brown and red but ended up with blonde. i deep conditioned and steamed weekly to bi-weekly, and protective styled, and tried to prevent dryness but to no avail. had i known before hand that color had the potential to cause this type of damage, i never would've done it. i've always had some type of color rather full color or highlights, but never had this type of damage. i had severe damage to the point that when i bc i lost most of colored hair, only the last inch of my hair is colored. i love color, but don't think i'll every permanently dye my hair agian, i'll probably only do rinses or semi-permanent color's in the far far future.
i've given myself highlights. a few months ago I used clairol instant whip to lift my natural hair color 5 shades. I did this at the crown of my head (see my siggy pic). No breakage, no more shedding than usual, no excessive dryness. my hair's totally OK (and I have *very* fine, fragile hair).

BTW i used a 20 volume developer. I wouldn't ever go any higher than that, personally.
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
Not really.

Did you have any breakage?

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
About the same, the only thing was the color made it a little porous, but I have been using porosity control maybe once a month and that solved the problem.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
highlights a mix of auburn, honey blonde. I used Kaleidoclors (in the blue pack) and 20 Vol developer.
Not for those who use henna

Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
No. My mom has dyed her hair all my life and she has been WL at least 3 or 4 times.

Did you have any breakage?
No, just dryness.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
It depends on how light you dye it. The lighter the dryer my hair feels. The last few times I dyed it red. I DC'd every night for 5 days straight. Hair was fine. No issues.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
Various shades of red. Various companies. Some box brands, some professional brands. I've been dying my hair red for over 10 years. I even used a blond dye once, just to make it a very light red.

See my comments above. Your hair will be more delicate. It will require extra care. If you are not willing to do extra then do not dye it. I am also not dying my hair this year, only using henna.
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Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?

Nope, never. I started when I was 13/14 though. :look:

Did you have any breakage?

I did when I first began, but that was before I knew about taking care of my hair. I didn't know what deep conditioning was or protein treatments were. Plus my mom wouldn't buy hair color and I was just dousing my head in peroxide to start. The first time I did highlights I used something I got from the BSS and it wasn't lifting I used Clorox. There was a little bit of breakage. But I was using heat a lot and very irresponsibly.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?

Bleaching sometimes changes it depending on how light I lift. It if goes platinum it's going to loosen for sure. But I only go that light with highlights, not all over. My hair will be softer right after coloring though.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?

My hair feels amazing. It looks amazing too. My hair doesn't look as shiny when it's lighter than darker but that's less about the coloring and more about the reflection of light.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?

I've used a lot. My favorite was Wella color until they released (or updated...I feel like I never saw it before 2001 or so) the Ion creme at Sally's. My preference is to mix with their sensitive scalp developer. It really does allow me to leave my color on for it to fully develop because I don't do burning scalp very well at all. I don't recommend box hair dye at all. If I see a color I like a lot on clearance for less than $3 a box I will buy a couple to mix with the developer of my choice though. I'll use any deposit color as long as I get the sensitive scalp developer in a high enough volume since I'm usually lifting color. I've went darker once and I looked a pale vampire mess.
Re: Naturals who permanently color their hair.....
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?


Did you have any breakage?

i haven't had any breakage

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?

No. i used a box color, so there was no bleaching involved

How does your hair feel now that you colored?

not too different, maybe dry

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?

a variation of colors
I'm too paranoid to dye my hair. When I was relaxed I was worried about to much chemical damage. Now that I'm natural I'm worried about damaging it. I like my natural hair color's a deep brown but not quite black. I can't imagine another color working for me as well as my natural does. If I start going gray young like my father I WILL be dying it though!
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
Yes, my first experience as a natural was a disaster mainly cuz the stylist didn't know what she was doing. If you choose to go to a professional, make sure he or she is asking questions about your hair's health and previous coloring before they slap color on.

The second stylist asked a ton of questions in the pre-interview first. Then she started to work. I was very comfortable with her process. She answered my questions and took her time to study my hair first before customizing a color.

Did you have any breakage?
No, actually to either time at all. I was extra careful with home care.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?
No, curl pattern was exactly the same. I definitely make sure I keep up with my moisture/protein balance tho. Steam with oils as well.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
It feels the same

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
I went to an Aveda branded salon, so it was a custom color - some browns and blondes (high and lowlights). The stylist was so excited to work on my hair, she really worked hard to get it just right.
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Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
Not really, just worried I would look stupid with the color. BUT, i actually love it.

Did you have any breakage?
Hm, I'm not sure. I guess I had the amount you would expect since I wasn't completely natural...I was transitioning. And I don't think I was taking care of my hair that well.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?
Doesn't look like it has, but I also henna in between coloring.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
The same I guess

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
First 3 times it was at a salon; Virgin Black-->1stBrown--->2ndBrownish Orange-->3rdCopper Blond
I actually just colored my hair at home this past Thursday to "Sugar Apricot", brand was Prettia, a foam hair dye.

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I would love to dye my hair.

With very pale skin i know i'd look alot nicer with a lighter hair colour.

What I am scared of is the regrowth of black roots and that 'halo' look. I know i don't have the time to constantly dye my hair.
My hair isn't dyed anymore. I dyed it back in 2007 and ended up cutting the last bit of color out sometime in 2008.

Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair? Yes. I had a consultation with the stylist before I let him dye it. I was concerned because I had never dyed my hair before. He said it would be fine since it wasn't a double process.

Did you have any breakage? Yes. Most of the dyed hair slowly broke off. I had highlights. I think the bleach did it. I couldn't see it when my hair was curly but it was noticeable when straightened.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern? No.

How does your hair feel now that you colored? It didn't feel different but the dyed hair did look more dry/frizzy compared to the hair that wasn't dyed.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use? It was light a light brown almost blonde color highlight. I had it done professionally in a salon. He used the salon's line of color, IIRC.
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Glamazon - i think we have similar hair so going by your post i may just forget the idea of colouring. I just know my hair is going to get extra dry and break off.
Glamazon - i think we have similar hair so going by your post i may just forget the idea of colouring. I just know my hair is going to get extra dry and break off.

Yeah that was the first and last time I dyed my hair. I really want to dye it another color, like all over color not highlights but I'm scared. I've had enough set backs with my hair being fine. :nono:
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?
Not really, I was just concerned abt the outcome in terms of the colour

Did you have any breakage?
I dont think so, but in the back of my mind I feel like my progress slowed after colouring (though I know it hasnt :spinning: )

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?
my haie is a teeeny bit less coily in the highlighted parts

How does your hair feel now that you colored?
The same

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?
a burgundy colour it was a mix of red, brown and a bit of yellow, dudley brand.

my stylist lifted the colour (a bit too much IMHO, though the developer was on my hair for only abt 10 mins) then applied the colour rinse

the first picture is when I just coloured in july 2010 and by november (the secon pic) the majority of the colour rinse was out.

Ive since henna'd my hair several times, the henna ciour doesnt show well in pictures though.

Im not sure if Ill colour again, but if I do it will be more a "frosting" or highlight ie: not as heavy as this time.


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Just an FYI, but I do use henna on occasion, but I have stubborn gray hair. I space out the time between using henna and using commercial dye several months.

Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair?

Did you have any breakage?

No. I just dyed my hair with commercial dye yesterday.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern?

No it didn't.

How does your hair feel now that you colored?

It felt dry to me after I rinsed out the dye, so I deep conditioned for about 2 hours.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use?

Garnier Nutrisse Soft Mahogany Brown 415. It covers my grays and makes my hair look glossy.

Discover the shades - Nutrisse
Were you apprehensive about permanently coloring your hair? Not really.

Did you have any breakage? Nope.

Did it loosen or change your curl pattern? Nope.

How does your hair feel now that you colored? It feels the same if not softer.

What shade did you color your hair and what brand did you use? I colored twice within a month's span. My first color was deep burgundy by Feria. The color barely showed up. The second color was Auburn by soft Sheen Carson. It took a little bit better but not so much. :sad: Next time I'm going to a professional.
Great thread OP! I want to dye my hair but I am transitioning. I think I am going to wait until I am fully natural! I have only dyed my hair once and haid it done by a stylist. This time I want to do it myself using one that is amonia and peroxide free.