NATURALS Who Flat Iron: How Do You Keep You Hair MOISTurized?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies

Not only am I afraid of possible heat damage from straightening my hair w/ heat but I am also afraid of having DRY hair afterwards....My hair loves water, vegetable glycerin, castor oil and other humectants while in it's naturally nappy state but I know that if I use these ingredients on straigtened hair, my hair will revert, which would defeat the purpose....

I would never want to flat iron my hair only to end up w/ DRY, crispy, thristy strands......So what do you ladies use?
I was curious about straightening my natural hair, so I decided to stop running away from the flat iron. I went to Walgreen's today and loaded up on some arsenal.

I even got some Creme of Nature, which I keep going back to because it just works so well. Nothing else has given me good slip and moist hair - the only thing I didn't like was that my scalp seemed to get an odor 1 day later (when I had a perm, I think it may have been buildup because I never clarified).

I purchased some IC Fantasia Flat Iron Spray and deep conditioners and moisturizers just in case. I know it's a good thing to use natural products on my hair, but I found a section of hair where there was breakage. It seems like no one is safe from it no matter what precautions you take.

I will try to post pictures later this week if and when I go ahead with it :look:
Hmm well how long are you gonna stay flat ironed? If its only for a couple of days I use tiny bit of biosilk. Yes I know it has a cone in it, but it is the only thing that gives me a silky feel after flat ironing my hair.
I was considering having it flat ironed for a week or however long it lasts but I wanted to make sure that my hair would not dry out..

What can I use that will moisturize but not allow it to revert completely? Or am I just asking for dry hair regardless? ....

tootrendy19 ....what moisturizers did you buy?

Chameleonchick .....does Biosilk leave your hair both moisturized and silky?
I am natural and flat iron once a week. I think the secret is really finding a great flat iron that works well with your hair first. Once you find a good flat iron, your hair won't revert. Second, I use Chi Silk infusion right before I flat iron and it works wonders.
tdwillis....Do you have to apply anything else to your hair besides the Chi Silk after you are done? How long does your hair stay moisturized? What flat iron do you use?
I get my hair straightened every 2 weeks. I use the Nadia for Seyani Hair Butter from (LHCF member) on my ends every other day. I've never had a problem with ends getting frizzy or reverting! You only have to use a little and it leaves the hair really soft.

ETA: Here's the writeup from the website:

Nourish your strands with this delicious whipped butter. Shea Butter ,blended with Avocado oil, Macadamia nut, rosemary, kiwi and grape seed, and other essential oils to promote healthy growth . Natural ingredients improve texture, shine and manageability while revitalizing hair and scalp. Help strengthen hair to prevent breakage and tangles. Leaves hair feeling soft and natural looking. Won't weight down your tresses. Smells like yummy Chocolate truffle! Great for Natural and relaxed hair . A must have for those harsh winter months!

No mineral oil No petroleum Kid friendly
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i'm transitioning to natural and try to just do wash-n-go's while i transition. however, when i do flat iron i use a little bit of coconut oil after ironing. i then apply a little every night before i wrap my hair as needed. in the morning it's soft, shiny, and moisturized.

it's strange but my hair loves coconut oil when it's flat ironed but not so much when its wet and curly.
The first time I straightened my hair since being natural (at a salon) my stylist told me to get some vitamin e oil and use that. My hair loves oil based products anyway and drinks it up like water so when I straighten all I use is this mix of pure shea butter (just a tiny bit), coconut oil and vitamin e oil and my hair stays soft smooth and without build up.
I get my hair straightened every 2 weeks. I use the Nadia for Seyani Hair Butter from (LHCF member) on my ends every other day. I've never had a problem with ends getting frizzy or reverting! You only have to use a little and it leaves the hair really soft.

ETA: Here's the writeup from the website:

Nourish your strands with this delicious whipped butter. Shea Butter ,blended with Avocado oil, Macadamia nut, rosemary, kiwi and grape seed, and other essential oils to promote healthy growth . Natural ingredients improve texture, shine and manageability while revitalizing hair and scalp. Help strengthen hair to prevent breakage and tangles. Leaves hair feeling soft and natural looking. Won't weight down your tresses. Smells like yummy Chocolate truffle! Great for Natural and relaxed hair . A must have for those harsh winter months!

No mineral oil No petroleum Kid friendly

I'm so glad you mentioned this product. I was just getting ready to do a search to see if anyone had ever used this product before. I think I'm to try it! Have you tried any other products from this line? :yawn:
I use Chi Silk Infusion while ironing. Then when I wrap it at night, I use a combination of castor oil and coconut oil mixed together to keep it from reverting and keep it moisturized.
I was using an Elasta QP heat protectant but it left it too greasy. I used Natural Oasis hair oil and it was nice.
I use the Natural Oasis Herbal Finisheen (it's lighter than the reg oil) and a lil bit of Jane Carter's Nourish and Shine hair butter. It's the only butter product my hair likes because it's very light and melts right in the palm of my hand. I pay special attention to the ends. I only use a small amount and usually don't start applying this mixture until the end of the 2nd or 3rd day.

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I flat iron my hair once a week after a thorough wash and deep condition with Mega-Tek. I slather olive oil in my hair and let it dry naturally. When it's dry, I'll flat iron it using Silk Elements thermal protector and/or Argan oil. My hair seems to absorb the olive oil better than tha Argan oil but I love the way the Argan oil makes my hair soft and shiny. I'll use the Argan oil, just a little, throughout the week. I make sure to wrap my hair every night.
Now I'm lightly texlaxed so my strands are like that of a natural.

I take a little S curl and section my hair off. I rub the S curl in my hands on each section, just enough but not to where it's wet. Then I take some Hot Six oil and seal. I try to use as little product as possible and it seems to do the trick.
Can someone recommend a stylist in Atlanta that can flat iron my natural hair? I have not been to a stylist in 2 years and would like to have someone give me the silky straight style on special occasions.
mizani h20 rosewater hairdress sealed with a pea size of oil or chi silk infusion (sallys generic version). i can keep my hair straight for at least a good 2 wks if i wrap at nite.