Naturals Who Flat Iron

I let it go, or I'll put some steam Caruso rollers in...loooove the way that comes out! Big and bouncy!
Thank you! Yeah as it's starting to revert a bit (by washing dishes with HOT water and steam riding towards my face :rolleyes:) I've decided to maybe do a braidout. I had it in a banana clip today. But I just wanted it to last a bit longer. But it's ok!

Sent From My Pheauxne

I did a braid out this last time, and I usually always do this to make it last longer. The picture in my siggie is my reverted flat ironed hair after a braid out. It shrunk some because I put a water based moisturizer on it. I've done it before on just dry hair and the definition just isn't there, though the shrinkage is less.

I just let it do it's own thing. But my trick to making it last longer (don't know if it will work for anyone else though), is wearing it in a bun when I'm home, on my way to work.

Basically what I do is pull my hair as if I am going to out it in a ponytail, and then twist the length, wrap it into a bun, and pin it in place with one huge wrapping pin.

I don't use any ponytail holde, so there's no crease.

This method really extends my hairstyle, and when you take down the bun, your hair should fall into nice waves. It helps if you have a nicely shaped hairstyle / haircut and healthy ends.

This is what I do too. If I'm at home, I always wear it up. I will frequently wear a scarf over it too just because I can run into humidity so much in my house (shower, laundry room). I enjoy straight buns anyway, so I wear it up most of the time even when I'm out.

I love the slight wave my hair gets from the bun.

I never "retouch" because 1) I'm scared of the added damage and 2) It doesn't make that much of a difference.
I just let it do it's own thing. But my trick to making it last longer (don't know if it will work for anyone else though), is wearing it in a bun when I'm home, on my way to work.

Basically what I do is pull my hair as if I am going to out it in a ponytail, and then twist the length, wrap it into a bun, and pin it in place with one huge wrapping pin.

I don't use any ponytail holde, so there's no crease.

This method really extends my hairstyle, and when you take down the bun, your hair should fall into nice waves. It helps if you have a nicely shaped hairstyle / haircut and healthy ends.

I always wear a covered bun in the house. I can get 3 weeks out of a flatiron job. The hair doesn't revert - as I don't sweat at night, but my scalp can't go any longer without washing.

In the summer, it only lasts 2 weeks - due to the humidity.

Keeping your hair bunned/wrapped when not going out is key, IMO.
I flat ironed mine two weeks ago and by the time I was done, it had reverted.

So I resorted to using flexirods for the first day and did Naptural85's flat twist technique for the second and third. I got a really fluffy flat twist out (see my avi)...

Like a lot of ladies, I just switch up my styles. Braidouts and buns mostly is what I switch too. Oh, and I have to MAKE my hair revert enough for the braidouts by getting in the shower and letting the steam hit it, or I'll use a spray bottle and mist it with water after braiding. This helps the braids to hold better and give me more texture.
Depends. If I need it or want it to remain straight I will refresh it. But, if I'm done wearing straight hair I will just change the style or wash it to make it revert back completely.
I let it do its thing. When it begins to revert I will do about 10 Bantu knots and rock it curly for a few days before I wash.
I let it revert back. Most likely, I will be wearing my hair straight this winter. On wash day, I use a blow out comb and a pretty hot flat iron so I don't want to add any additional heat in between. I have found the beeswax on my edges helps "waterproof" them and keeping my hair in a high bun when I am home, helps keep it straight.
I just let it be and be mad as hayle :lachen:

My hair only lasts a couple hours after I spend several hours flat ironing it :sad: If I refresh, that will only give me another hour or 2 so there's no point really.

I end up just throwing it into a pony tail until next wash day. *sigh*
I don't refresh- I just let it revert since I continue to style my flat ironed hair in protective styles (ponytails, milk braids, braid across the front and the back out).
I want to get a Dominican blowout in a few months....but i want to know, how long does that last?

When i flat iron my hair, it's good for about 2 days...and then it puffs up. I wrap my hair at nite and everything. Haven't tried pincurling though. Sometimes i do refresh.

I wish i could have straight hair for more than 2 days.
I usually use cones so it doesn't revert... but when it does I'll touch up the edges and then wear a sock bun til kingdom come.
I let it do what it's going to do. Anyways, I love bun and braid styles, so I mainly do that when my hair is straight.
I rarely have a problem with reversion in between wash days but if I do I just let it do it's thing and I bun or pony tail. The only reason I'd touch up sections that have reverted is if I have an event coming up where a bun or pony tail wouldn't work. So very rarely.
To be honest I refresh. If I'm gonna flat iron my hair, I want it to be straight as long as possible so reversion is not an option. So far, I haven't had heat damage then again my hair does fare better when I use heat regularly.
When your hair starts to revert a bit, do you lightly flat iron again, blow dry (tension method) or just let your hair revert and do its thang. Thanks!

Sent From My Pheauxne

No, I only flat iron after my weekly wash and DC.

Once it gets poofie, I bun, updo with decorative butterfly clips, or curl ends with spiral rods
I just let it revert. Not worth getting heat damage. When it's reverting you can do cute styles like a bantu knot out. :)