Naturals; who CANNOT use OILS?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that using oils (coconuts) on my hair to moisturize just sits on the top my hair. Who uses creams to moisturize?
I just use mine to mix things with & for sealing. I would never use oil alone as a moisturizer, they do seem to just sit there.
Oil really will just sit there! Oil isn't really meant to moisturize, but to seal. Use a moisturizer and just use a light oil to seal in the moisture. I definitely use creams. I use a few different one's on any given day. I really like ORS hair revitalizer, Rose H2O and some days I will use Healthy Hair Butter from Carol's Daughter and then use just a dime size of oil and put it on my hair. I hope this helps!
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i don't use oil too much since i don't seal -- i use them in DCs and i use coconut oil to moisturize my hair when straightened.
Oil is not my friend, at least not a lot of it, too much sits on my hair and makes it really limp. But I will add a teaspoon of jojoba oil to about 8 oz. of hair gel and that seems to be the right amount without it being too much.
i hardly use oil really. i use coconut oil every once in a while coz i hardly ever seal. i just use a leave in, aussie miracle insurance or elasta qp h two followed by ors oil moisturizer.
Oils can't moisturize because they don't have water.

Now, coconut oil has been proven to penetrate the hair. You could say it conditions or nourishes. It helps to slow down protein loss.

My hair loves coconut oil and castor oil as well. I only use oils on wet hair and they stop the water from evaporating so quickly. Coconut oil is a great conditioner for my hair and it makes detangling easier.

You may just need a real moisturizer. I only use water to moisturize but there have been great reviews about aloe vera juice/rosewater mixes, along with aloe vera juice/glycerine mixes.
my hair loves oils.. when i straighten, i use coconut oil to moisturize.. it doesnt like alot of castor oil though