Naturals when do you retain the most lenght?

For my hair, I believe that protective styles help retain the most length. That means any style in which the ends are not exposed. Twists don't count as a protective style unless I clip them up because the ends rub against my clothing when I let them hang.

As for the single strand knots, I cut them as I find them. They are so annoying. I get them even more when I wear my hair in shrunken styles. Now that the weather is cool/cold, I'm revisiting the baggy method with phony pony. This is quite a challenge for me because I really prefer wearing my own hair. But I want to see if this protective method will make a positive difference in my hair. I'm only on day two and already having a hard time with it.
I measured last nite & was surprised to find out that I retain the most when all I do is W&G. I'm thinking it's because of the low manipulation/frequent moisturizing, I dunno
Thanks for all your replys ladies:)

I have also noticed with my hair that shrunken (wet) twist help me retain lenght as opposed to streched ones (dry twist)
I know this has everything to do with moisture and also there is no dry combing invoveld with wet twist so there is less breakage

but it sucks because dry twist show lenght:ohwell:
I would say protective styles. WHen it's moisturized and protected my hair does it's thing. It doesn't grow that fast BUT I get to keep EVERYTHING I grow. :)
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Im new to this whole natural thing....but I would assert that you would retain more length in a protective style. The couple of times that I have worn my hair in a shruken fro it dried out very quickly and I had to reapply products and it was more tangled:nono: ....neither of which are very conduscive to retaining length...

I agree with Bmore with one exception--pulling hair into tight bun styles can be killer on the hairlines--and I know.