Do most natural where you live at wear out styles of PS?

The naturals I see are either wearing fro's, puff or twist....that's about it, I dont see 2 many naturals around here...
The naturals I see are either wearing fro's, puff or twist....that's about it, I dont see 2 many naturals around here...

What part of VA are you from. I'm at southern VA and I see plenty and of course there's loads in NOVA too.
I guess people wear their hair out because continuous protective styling can get boring.

We do it here because we are on the grow..... :spinning:

This is a great and thought-provoking thread. I do see a lot of naturals now, but I rarely see PSing. I see wash-n-gos and lots of pulled-back puffs. It frustrates me because I think that the natural trend is happening in a good way, but then I see so many people with the same kinds of bad hair practices that they had before the bc or transisition. I don't understand it.

Today, I saw a lady with natural hair who attends my church. Honestly, I think she has beautiful 4b hair with nice, tight coils, but she clearly has not gotten the moisture/protein thing down yet. Her hair looked sooooo thirsty...

I got a close look when she hugged me and saw SSK's all over her ends. I kind of asked her about them...if she knew about them or had ever experienced them. She said she had not. I was blown away by the fact that she didn't know SSK's were in her hair, but then again, I didn't know either the first time I was natural. I recall feeling these little "bumps" but I didn't know what they were, and I didn't pay them real attention.

So...yes, many naturals wear "out" styles and it bugs the mess out of me because they clearly don't care too much about growth or maybe they are just not informed. :perplexed:perplexed:perplexed

I love seeing natural hair, but I would love seeing it more if there were good practices attached to it....meh...maybe I am too strict because I belong to this forum? *shrug* I dunno....



I think the bolded is an assumption. :perplexed I am newly natural (over 10mons) and I certainly wear my hair however I'd like and I do NOT have bad hair practices or unhealthy hair for that matter. I don't have SSK and wear my hair in WnGs, puffs, buns, twistouts, flat ironed, etc... But the other side of that coin is I do what MY hair needs including deep conditioning weekly with hydration, seal my ends with coconut oil daily when wearing straight, taking care of my ends, and the list goes on.

Just because someone's hair isn't bunned, doesn't mean they don't have healthy hair practices. I'm not sure that's what you meant, but I did want to point that out. I've always had health hair (it just was never longer than SL), but when first came to LHCF I hoped on every bandwagon and my hair started looking a hot mess. Yes, it was growing, but it looked thin and scraggly. Then I decided that I would do what was working for me before LHCF and incorporate techniques that I found here. Now my hair is back healthy and thriving. I'm on my way back to APL with that goal just 2 inches away.
I am in the Navy and there a LOT of natural women. Unfortunately, they feel "forced" to wear full sew-in weaves or braids because of the strict regulations on hair for women. One supervisor told a woman "Since your bun is too big, get a perm. Then maybe your bun will be small enough for regulations."
I am in the Navy and there a LOT of natural women. Unfortunately, they feel "forced" to wear full sew-in weaves or braids because of the strict regulations on hair for women. One supervisor told a woman "Since your bun is too big, get a perm. Then maybe your bun will be small enough for regulations."

I had no clue what you were trying to say until I opened the thread and read some of the responses but to answer your question, most naturals around here wear their hair out in curly fros. I also see quite a few sporting wigs and twists. There are a couple I know that are bun freaks like me, but I think I see more fros than anything.
Philadelphia area/ South Jersey...
Lots of twists and the resulting twistouts. when the hair is out it is turned into a puff or other up-do.
I'm also in the DMV and see most naturals wear their hair out. I mostly PS, primarily in twists--I do twistouts for 2 days max, but I also love to wear a puff or fro. I am ZEALOUS about the care of my hair though, regardless of style, and my hair always maintains a healthy moisture level. The only thing I rarely do anymore is wash n gos. They require daily manipulation and wetting for me, and it's too cold for my hair to get wet like that anymore.
Mostly some kind of protective style over here. Imo, it's not always the most practical thing to always wear those out styles as beautiful as they may be very often. The level of time and manipulation needed is quite high, imo. I wonder how people with hair past SL do the picked out fro everyday.

I do notice "out styles" (mainly wash and gos) sometimes too though. I also wear a twist-out once every 1-2 weeks and usually a 'fro when I'm going out.
u will see some beautiful heads of natural hair in nyc---sistahs rocking it real flyyyyyyyyy

many colors--styles--twists and etc etc