Well-Known Member
Texlaxed Type 4 Hair.....I have never tried the Olive Oil Ecostyler Gel, my main gel has been Olive Oil Fantasia IC gel, I love that gel. I recently bought the KCCC, just because I liked the ingredients better than the Fantasia.

These pictures are taken 2 days apart so there is no difference in post relaxer time. My waves are a little bit more defined w/ the KCCC and my hair looks slightly shinier. The only drawback w/ the KCCC is the price, but honestly I did not have to use a lot of it, so I could see the jar lasting me a long time.
Since my hair is protein sensitive KCCC is probably better for my hair, but I still feel there is a place for both gels in my regimen.

These pictures are taken 2 days apart so there is no difference in post relaxer time. My waves are a little bit more defined w/ the KCCC and my hair looks slightly shinier. The only drawback w/ the KCCC is the price, but honestly I did not have to use a lot of it, so I could see the jar lasting me a long time.
Since my hair is protein sensitive KCCC is probably better for my hair, but I still feel there is a place for both gels in my regimen.