Naturals, what protein treatments are you using?


New Member
My hair is very sensitive to protein treatments, but I know I need to have it in my regiment, because it help with retaining moisture. So I'm calling all Naturals to see what protein treatments you are using to keep your hair strong and moisturized.

I'm using:

Pureology ReconstructRepair (moderate protein)

Pureology Restorative Hair Treatment (moderate protein + moisture)

Cathy Howse Conditioner (mild to moderate protein)

Original Aussie 3 Minute Miracle (mild protein + moisture)

Mane N' Tail Hair Strengthener (spray leave-in, mild protein + moisture)
I'm using:

Pureology ReconstructRepair (moderate protein)

Pureology Restorative Hair Treatment (moderate protein + moisture)

Cathy Howse Conditioner (mild to moderate protein)

Original Aussie 3 Minute Miracle (mild protein + moisture)

Mane N' Tail Hair Strengthener (spray leave-in, mild protein + moisture)

I got some of this (bolded section). I will try this next weekend. Thx meaganita!

Natural keep em coming, please......
I rarely use protein treatments, but when I do I use the aphogee 2 min reconstructor, or the ion intensive therapy conditioner. Sometimes I use motions cpr or motions silk protein. Basically whatever I have in the cabinet at the time.
I use Keraphix (Nexxus)
I use it but really don't feel the need to. My hair requires more moisture than protein. Do you use heat or color?
Hmm, maybe cause I colour but my hair LOVES protein, I use Aveda DR (line) once a week,
Aphogee 2 min if i notice minor breakage,
Aphogee Hard after colour,
Redken Anti-Snap leave-in and Infusium 23 in my moisture mix.
My hair doesn't really like protein. But when I do need it, I usually use 1 egg/1 tsp. lemon juice/2 tbs. Mayo. I leave that on for an hour w/ a plastic cap.

The last protein treatment I did, I henna'd. It wasn't as messy as I thought it would be, and it was very beneficial, so I'll be using it again.

ETA: I've also used Africa's Best Hair Mayo before. For me, it didn't do to well on it's own, so I added an egg to it, and that seemed to do the trick.
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I use Keraphix (Nexxus)
I use it but really don't feel the need to. My hair requires more moisture than protein. Do you use heat or color?

I use heat about 3 times a year and no I don't color.

Wow ladies this thread took off.

Thx ladies I will try some of the proteins treatments you reccomended.
My hair doesn't really like protein. But when I do need it, I usually use 1 egg/1 tsp. lemon juice/2 tbs. Mayo. I leave that on for an hour w/ a plastic cap.

The last protein treatment I did, I henna'd. It wasn't as messy as I thought it would be, and it was very beneficial, so I'll be using it again.

ETA: I've also used Africa's Best Hair Mayo before. For me, it didn't do to well on it's own, so I added an egg to it, and that seemed to do the trick.

Right now I'm staying away from henna, I have to do way too much to get and keep moisture in my hair. I love and hate henna. It made my hair strong and made it breakoff!!!
Yeah i too think i will be giving henna a break as i seen my hair become too dry, but my main protein treatment is the aubrey organics gpb. I use it every week.
Giovanni Nutrafix (love this, very gentle, I use this maybe once a month)
Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrate (use this maybe every 2 months, kinda heavy protein)
Organix Coconut Milk Con (love this...has egg white protein too, occasionally use this as a pre-poo; it's great for tangles)
I don't consider henna a protien, I consider it a hair strengthener. Maybe semantics, but I think it's an important distinction.

I henna once a month, deep condition 3-4 times a month, and use a protien (Remedi Moisture Protien stuff in a tub - was the only protien I could find without mineral oil or cones) treatment once a month that I usually mix with my Elasta QP and a lil honey for added moisture. Some months (usually the ones where I add coconut milk to my henna) I don't use protien at all - it'll make my hair TOO strong and brittle.
My hair loves protein....too much moisture makes it break.

I use Motions CPR as my deep conditioner at the moment.
My hair loves protein, too. I use New Era Reconstructor, Duo Tex, Cabellina del Caballos, Suave Extreme Strength, coconut milk, sometimes I add gelatin to my conditioner, whey protein, soy milk or egg.
I use :
  1. my baby Affirm 5n1 reconstructor every other week I'm protective styling
  2. Aphogee treatment for damaged hair every 6 to 10 weeks if not I used as natural protein treatment unflavored gelatin mixed with mayonnaise +one egg
  3. Motions Cpr reconstructor