Naturals - What is a curl?


Well-Known Member
I am confused about the definition of curls. I have defined 3c ringlets up to the scalp. That is my question. I have individual ringlets that start at the scalp to the ends not curls. Is curls used to mean ringlets or or is there another type of curl that is not ringlets? It seems that all the pics I see look like ringlets to me.
I was under the impression ringlets are a type of curl and not the definition of curls. Curls come in all shapes dependent on the hair type (Z shape and S shape, for instance).

Here is a chart for reference:

I was under the impression ringlets are a type of curl and not the definition of curls. Curls come in all shapes dependent on the hair type (Z shape and S shape, for instance). Here is a chart for reference:

Thank you for your answer but it seems that all the curls are ringlets.
Ringlets are long spiral-shaped curls. Some curls are more circular and curl up or under and appear only once the hair reaches a longer length.

My neighbor's son has loose 2a hair that curls on the ends once it grows past ear length - almost like Farrah flips. If he weren't a grubby little tween, you would swear he had a roller set using purple rollers. :lol:
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Ringlets are long spiral-shaped curls. Some curls are more circular and curl up or under and appear only once the hair reaches a longer length. My neighbor's son has loose 2a hair that curls on the ends once it grows past ear lengthgwoul - almost like Farrah flips. If he weren't a grubby little tween, you would swear he had a roller set using purple rollers. :lol:

Thanks, Would you agree that most 3 and 4 types are ringlets?
Thanks, Would you agree that most 3 and 4 types are ringlets?

For some, perhaps. But I think it depends on the weight and uniform diameter of the individual strands and the absence of "kinks" in each strand.

My fine type 4 "curls" are more like tiny, chaotic circles and waves rather than uniform spirals. My coils = entropy. :lol: They rarely group together and don't have the corkscrew smoothness and uniformity of ringlets.

But maybe that's just how I perceive things after struggling for years to make peace with my rebellious hair...
All ringlets are curls, but not all curls are ringlets.

A ringlet describes a shape/type of curl which is usually large in diameter (a smooth, loose curl). While there are also spirals, s-shapes and z-shapes etcetera (usually tighter, kinkier).
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All ringlets are curls, but not all curls are ringlets.

A ringlet describes a shape/type of curl which is usually large in diameter (a smooth, loose curl). While there are also spirals, s-shapes and z-shapes etcetera (usually tighter, kinkier).

Precisely. Ringlets are curls. If you xhoose to call your curls ringlets, it wouldnt be wrong.
I guess I am confused because I haven't seen any pictures of natural hair that did not look like ringlets to me unless it was an Afro without discernible curl pattern.
I guess I am confused because I haven't seen any pictures of natural hair that did not look like ringlets to me unless it was an Afro without discernible curl pattern.

Everyone does not have a curl pattern. My mother is one of these people. Her hair has random squiggle patterns and it naturally looks like a blow out or picked out fro. She doesn't have enough strands with identical patterns that clumps together so her hair strands just do their own individual thing
My hair didn't show a discernible curl pattern or any kind of curl clumping until I ditched my combs and focused on trying to get moisture into my hair. Now little curls are all I see.
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