Naturals/Transitioners, Where You At?


New Member
Hi All,

Haven't been on in almost a year (Dec 06)...nice to be back (not full time but sometimes) and when I left I remember some of you were also going natural. How has it been going? Are you still natural? Any pics? Any testimonies? I have been in braids primarily and keeping it simple. So far so good. I'll take some pics in Dec when I go to get it professionally flatironed. I haven't used heat since April 06 so it's going to be interesting.

So come out, come out where ever you are.. .fill me in... :look:
*Waving* Hey faith!!! I've been MIA myself for a minute and have been playing catch up the past few days. I remember the last time we communicated, you had just started transitioning and it seems as though you are still on that path :)
HI, Faith. I remember you. I have been natural for the last 4.5 years and will remain natural for the rest of my life. Everything is going well but i will probably get my hair done for Christmas. Not sure if i am braiding or flat-ironing yet.
Hello, all! I've been natural (for the 2nd time) since Feb. 2006 and I am still natural and loving it. I hope that you guys are also enjoying your journeys. SO1913, your hair is looking fabu!
Thanks for the reponses ladies :)

SO1913, yeah...I'm still doing it. I'm in braids all the time so I'm not really sure what this hair of mine is up I just let it be. Still only getting about 4" a year but I'm hoping the kelp I've been taking will increase that a bit. I never knew kelp could help with that but I saw a thread about it. I started taking it for health/wellness reasons but i would be nice if it had that "sideeffect".

So ladies how are you all wearing your hair?

Scribblescrabble you're 4b, what products are you using?
