Naturals/Transitioners... What held (or is holding) you back...

My head is too big for the BC. For real. :cool: It would not look cute at all with a TWA so I am being realistic. Over the last 23 months I have cut hella inches off so I am about 90% natural right now- I have about 1 inch of relaxed ends all over. I want big Texas hair and right now I feel like I could possibly transition for another few months in order to really get the "mental transition" :)
I cant let go of my beloved ponytail. I BC years ago and a TWA and I was lost as to what to do with it so relaxed it again. I had no idea about hair forums back then and I know that would have made a difference.
I used to worry I wouldn't look right with short hair(that it would make me look fat), but I went on spring break in Miami, and developed the pictures and I looked so crazy with half of my hair curly and the other half straight. I passed the scissors to my friend right then and cut off all the ends. It wasn't that bad because I had maybe 3-4 inches of natural hair, but it was a shock. I just got some brais the next day and stayed like that for awhile. When I finally took the out I was glad I BC'ed. It's like pulling a band aid off.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Really? Wow... What'd you do with it at that length? Just let it be?
it was so short so I really couldnt do much...everyone liked it though. I personally wouldnt do it again. in about a month or two I was able to use a head band to push my hair back :yep: In about a year I had A LOT of hair :lol:
KiSseS03 said:
My hair is now the longest it has been in my entire life, and it seems like I'm throwing all that work away by chopping.
That's my only reason for not going through with the BC.
I transition for 6 months and then did the BC. I always ask myself if i would do it again. I would do it again. I loved doing my hair there was nothing to it. It was really nice getting to know my hair and what it likes and doesn't like. Yes there was an adjustment. I never ever had hair that short before but I did have my hair cut down way down prior to transitioning. Except the top. When I BC it was a shock to my family, my kids my husband. They had a hard time accepting it but you know acceptance has to start with you and I was loving my hair and so they went right along with me. I heard all the bad comments and some of them I laugh at. I even had someone put a perm on my desk at work. A PERM now that was the real shocker but I got through all of that and its shoulder length, I can't wait until its armpit length. Can't wait. Of course I am still waiting for the top and sides to catch up to the back. Soon.
i just chopped, but my reasoning for waiting was because i wanted my natural hair to grow to its fullest potential, i knew as long as i had relaxed ends, my natural hair was intact.
KiSseS03 said:
...from doing the Big Chop?
when i started transitioning i was in college so i had ZERO money to go to a stylist or anything else. so cutting my hair all off seemed to be a very bad idea because i would have no way to style my hair, test products or do anything else.

longer hair seemed way easier to manage than short hair for me and it was. my transitioning period wasn't bad at all.

lastly and most importantly i do not look good with short hair. no matter how it's styled my hair needs to be at least shoulder length.

even now when i try to wear my hair as a wash in go or curly i can't cause the shrinkage is too great and looks silly. my hair is APL and shrinks up to my cheeks which is a big no no for my face shape :(
bLackButtaFly said:
I used to worry I wouldn't look right with short hair(that it would make me look fat), but I went on spring break in Miami, and developed the pictures and I looked so crazy with half of my hair curly and the other half straight. I passed the scissors to my friend right then and cut off all the ends. It wasn't that bad because I had maybe 3-4 inches of natural hair, but it was a shock. I just got some brais the next day and stayed like that for awhile. When I finally took the out I was glad I BC'ed. It's like pulling a band aid off.

:lol: That is really funny!

I was afraid for about 10 minutes. I BCed cos I was lazy and all that "taking care of my hair" was killing me! I started out with the aim to grow long relaxed hair, then switched to long relaxed hair THEN go natural, then I thought "what's the point?" I may aswell start now from scratch. So I did. Yeah I was worried about how my hair would look short, I'd put on a bit of weight, but it was now or never and laziness won! Admittedly (no big head lol) it turned out fabulous, but I can understand some peoples reservations about their big head or lookin like a lesbian (if those are their issues). I still avoid bold prints to this day as well as wooden beads cos I don't wanna look too ethnic lol
My hair has always been long. The shortest it's ever been was sholder length and even then people would constantly ask what happened to my hair.

I have a big head and think I will look crazy with short hair.
Length had held me back. I transitioned for 13months and then I just got tired of dealing with the 2 textures. Besides it was breaking off every time I washed anyway. I just BC on this past Friday and I'm glad I did. I posted pictures, you should be able to find my thread I posted. You can search by my name if u are interested.
imstush said:
My hair has always been long. The shortest it's ever been was sholder length and even then people would constantly ask what happened to my hair.

I have a big head and think I will look crazy with short hair.

That's me!
I was natural twice and both times I cut my hair short. I'm tired of cutting my hair and I want it to stay long. It takes a long time for it to grow, so I'm not going through the chop thing again.