Naturals that Flat Iron...Please Advise


New Member
Hey Friends -

How are you guys drying your hair before flat ironing? I am about to flat iron my DD hair - and I put her hair in twists and placed her under the dryer - do you guys still blow dry and THEN flat iron or should I just flat iron her from under the dryer.

Also...are you applying any type of "stuff" (lack of a better word) to the air after it is dry and right before flat ironing...I have some MOP Glisten Shine drops but I don't know if I should use it like Silk Infusion

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
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well I blot my hair (so its NOT dripping wet but damp/dry) and put it into about 6 banded tails. By the next morning they are air dried and wavy straight. If they are still some what damp in the center of the bands. I will take them all down and sit under a hooded dryer for about 10 mins.
i blow dry. i use the comb attachment.
IMO-you should blow dry, it makes it easier to straighten. her hair will be fine.
It's funny you should post this question cuz I was just about to post a thread about the round brush. Now Im not sure how healthy a round brush is for your hair, but I used one for the first time last night and the results were FABULOUS. My avatar has a pic of what my hair usually looks like after being blown dry and flat ironed and the below pic is what my hair looked like after blow drying with the round brush and then going over it with a flat iron.
i usually airdry or hood dry in a wash an go then flatiron. i think ive used a blowdryer only once in my natural hair life.
It's funny you should post this question cuz I was just about to post a thread about the round brush. Now Im not sure how healthy a round brush is for your hair, but I used one for the first time last night and the results were FABULOUS. My avatar has a pic of what my hair usually looks like after being blown dry and flat ironed and the below pic is what my hair looked like after blow drying with the round brush and then going over it with a flat iron.

Oh Andy your hair is beautiful...girl I don't think I have the skillset to pull that off yet...but I will definitely look into it...Thanks!!!
I was just sitting here thinking about the same thing. Walgreens has this blow dryer in sale for 17.99 and I'm wondering if I should get it for when I use my Maxiglide tonight!

I was just sitting here thinking about the same thing. Walgreens has this blow dryer in sale for 17.99 and I'm wondering if I should get it for when I use my Maxiglide tonight!


I would LOVE one of these types of blow dryers - we had this type when I was a kid ...I can control this one so much better...
It is so awkward using the traditional type as I don't halfway know how to do it as smoothly as the other folks...I am a rollersetter! (lol)

I think I may just make a run up to Walgreens and pick this up....Thanks!!!
I dry my hair in Curlformers (CF) without heat. That gives me the benefit of stretched hair without the use of heat, so I that I can save heat use for just the pressing part.

I then spray each CF section, spray with heat John Frieda Frizz Ease Heat Defeat protectant making sure the hair is well covered and the run the flat iron once over it. (I find doing a wet-to-dry press first gives me better results than just pressing dry hair.) Hair looks like it's been blow dried, which might be enough for some people. Only one pass is necessary.

Then I seal the hair with another heat protectant serum (John Frieda Frizz Ease Heat Protection Serum) apply a small section at a time and passing the iron once before moving to the next. The results are smooth hair that feels moisturized and doesn't revert till I wash it.
i dont flat iron often, but you should air dry, why use heat, and then more heat??

I don't really want to airdry as I don't have the time and the reason for the heat so I can control her hair better and would like the style to last for about a week to week and half so it will be less effort me to do her hair for school everyday...

Not to mention that she has ALOT of hair
It's funny you should post this question cuz I was just about to post a thread about the round brush. Now Im not sure how healthy a round brush is for your hair, but I used one for the first time last night and the results were FABULOUS. My avatar has a pic of what my hair usually looks like after being blown dry and flat ironed and the below pic is what my hair looked like after blow drying with the round brush and then going over it with a flat iron.

I am in awe of your hair in this pic. :yep:

When I flat iron, I air dry and use Beyond the Zone Turn Up the Heat heat protectant.
I would LOVE one of these types of blow dryers - we had this type when I was a kid ...I can control this one so much better...
It is so awkward using the traditional type as I don't halfway know how to do it as smoothly as the other folks...I am a rollersetter! (lol)

I think I may just make a run up to Walgreens and pick this up....Thanks!!!
I'm not that great with a regular blow dryer either (one of the reasons I air dry). But I too like the look of that blow dryer. Seems like it would help smooth and dry the hair at the same time.

I remember having a comb attachment for my blow dryer back in the day and really liking that feature.
I have this blowdryer and its great! I blowdry before I flat iron

I was just sitting here thinking about the same thing. Walgreens has this blow dryer in sale for 17.99 and I'm wondering if I should get it for when I use my Maxiglide tonight!

I just finished dd's hair ( she has a lot of hair too). Normally I blow dry first but this time I parted it in sections, braided it and let it air dry. Once it was dry I flat ironed using heat protectant serum. It didn't look any different to me than when I use the blow dryer so I think this will be my method from now on for her hair.
I dont understand the idea of using 2 forms of heat as im sure this will lead to damage somewhere down the line.
I either air dry in sections or roller set and then flat iron. To me it always comes out the same. Whether it was blow dried then flat ironed or air dryed, roller set, and then flat ironed.
Thanks for starting this thread OP. My 8 yr dd has been asking for her hair to be straight. I think you will be fine using the blowdryer (on cool since the dome dryer will do the majority) and then flatiron provided a quality heat protectant is used. You did not indicate this would be an ongoing, so heat damage should be not be problem.

How did it turn out?
I just finished dd's hair ( she has a lot of hair too). Normally I blow dry first but this time I parted it in sections, braided it and let it air dry. Once it was dry I flat ironed using heat protectant serum. It didn't look any different to me than when I use the blow dryer so I think this will be my method from now on for her hair.

This is exactly what I do to my hair.
I blow dry and then i flat iron, i use heat protector since shampooing.
My shampoo is TRESemmé thermal recovery, as well the conditioner. After that i use CHI lifeguard. and also a streghtening cream from tresemmé that looks and feels like gel, and is also thermal recovery =)
It's funny you should post this question cuz I was just about to post a thread about the round brush. Now Im not sure how healthy a round brush is for your hair, but I used one for the first time last night and the results were FABULOUS. My avatar has a pic of what my hair usually looks like after being blown dry and flat ironed and the below pic is what my hair looked like after blow drying with the round brush and then going over it with a flat iron.

This is gorgeous. You did such a great job!

I really wanna try the roundbrush method myself to see how straight I can get my own hair.

I'm scared it won't get straight if I simply flat iron it after air drying. My hair kinks up so close to my scalp that I think that makes it harder to get the roots straight if I were to just air dry.