Naturals that Big Chopped, At what Length did you start to straighten?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies! I wanted to know at what length did you start to straighten your hair after your BC? I bc'd the end of Feb last year and starting growing my hair out around the beginnning of April. I think I have about 4 to 4.5 inches of hair in various places and thought about straightening my hair soon or in April. I wonder if my hair is too short. I'm really scared about using heat and I don't want to mess my texture up. I love my natural styles and natural texture overall, but I wanted something different. I don't want to put a weave in my hair, because I have played weaves out. ( I was really into them back in the day.) I know I'm going to have to go to a salon because I don't have a really good flat iron and I'm scared I'll mess up, since my hair is really coily and shrinks like nobody's business.
I'm transitioning down the natural journey myself, but I would like to know the answer to this as well. But I don't plan on straightening my hair at all for the next 2 years, but this info will greatly come in handy for me and others on down the line. I'm hoping to wait until I'm at least shoulder or below shoulder length stretched when I attempt my first straight do on my natural hair.
I'm transitioning down the natural journey myself, but I would like to know the answer to this as well. But I don't plan on straightening my hair at all for the next 2 years, but this info will greatly come in handy for me and others on down the line. I'm hoping to wait until I'm at least shoulder or below shoulder length stretched when I attempt my first straight do on my natural hair.

I thought about waiting for shoulder length stretched too. I know that will happen around some time this year for me. Right now the back of my hair is about 1 1/2 inches from my collarbone. I really want see about if it is a good idea to straighten it because I have so much going on in April and that will be my Nappyaniversary month. I hope some people start posting because I really want to know.
I am currently at BSL and have never straightened my hair since I have been natural. I think I may want to straighten at WL, but not an inch before that.
After about 6 months I straightened, honestly I think the heat helped my ends stop being so frizzy :yep: so I use a warm (not hot) flat iron on them every 2 months.
i think i had 4-5 inches of hair when i got curious enough to straighten. i know i was about 6 months preggo at the time. but my haid didn't want to lay straight... it kept clumping up in big curls and then trying to revert. and the front looked funny. so i ended up pulling the front back into 2 little pigtails and flipped the rest of my hair out:

I barely ever pressed my hair until it had reached APL. No particular reason why, other than I was focused on growing my hair out and making sure it was in as healthy a state as possible. In other words, I was spending most of my time learning about how to take care of my hair in it's natural state; I figured I'd save learning how to press it once I got a little more length to it and a regimen down...
The first time was about 1.5 years after the chop with my hair reached about shoulder length. I tried when it was above ear length and I looked like a crazy person. LOL So I don't count that.
I'm getting tempted to try now...

I BC'd in July and I was APL. I think my hair (at least the bottom layers) is back at that length or close to it so I'm kinda tempted to see... :look: