Naturals: straightening and trimming


Well-Known Member
When you want to get a trim or cut with straight hair, do you do it yourself or do you go to a salon to have it done?

My salon is hours away, and I don't have an appointment. I'm thinking of going the do-it-yourself route, but I've never done it before. I'm wondering how hard it would be. Any thoughts or experiences? Do you prefer to do it yourself or let a professional handle this seemingly impossible task?
I prefer to trim my own hair. So far since being natural, I've gotten it straightened and trimmed once at an Aveda salon. The designer did a good job without trimming off a lot of hair.

When I trim myself, which is what I usually do, I either look closely through my strands and cut off any split ends that I see; or, I will put my hair in big twists and carefully trim off the ends of the twists.

Hope that helps.
I got mines trimmed at the salon. He did it on wet hair. I know some people who do it themselves blow it out and cut it or just trim the ends of their twists.
i blow my hair straight and have a family member do it. occasionally i will search for splits and snip those off one by one.
I bit the bullet and straightened and trimmed my own hair. It didn't turn out great, but it looks okay (I think). I'll post pictures later.