Naturals, Relaxed, BKTers,...get in here. Yes, Pics...smh.


New Member
Ladies. :look:
The single strand knots, tangles....shrinkage. My hair is doin the most.
I'm seriously about to slather on some creamy crack. NaturalBeauty is not above an addition. :lachen:
Something is definitely about to get done.
So I'm asking of you lovelies to help me out.
If I do decide to relax, what things should I keep in mind so I don't cause a setback? What advice do you wish someone would have told you when you first relaxed? Has heat damage affected the health of your hair if you relaxed while having it?
Naturals, how do you defeat ssks, shinkage, and tangles? If you're fine haired, how do you control breakage with wet buns/wngs?
BKTers..ahhhh the best of both worlds. If I do decide to bkt, what advice should I keep in mind? Do you up protein with a bkt? What can cause a setback? Would heat damage be a problem?
And since I'm in here flashing pics of my hair, lol, what type am I?



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are you fully natural or transitioning? i see alot of straight ends that could either be relaxed ends or heat damage. but you look like 3c/4a to me...whats your regi?
Looks like a 3c/4a mix. Are you completely natural or use heat? The ends seem kinda straight.
yes ma'am. relaxed about 10 years ago. was "heat trained" by a professional for years. its not breaking, so it doesn't bother me, I just slowly cut it off. the back grows much faster, my entire head used to be completely straight about a year ago. :yep:
If I do decide to relax, what things should I keep in mind so I don't cause a setback? What advice do you wish someone would have told you when you first relaxed? Has heat damage affected the health of your hair if you relaxed while having it?

Hi, I typically relax every 3-4 months. I also hardly ever use heat and i never color. When i do use direct heat i use heat protectant and usually let my hair air dry. I dc with heat and get a protien treatment about every 2-3 months- usually a week before relaxing. I also use oils like coconut, olive or castor oils to moisturize. Also since ive read relaxing hair breaks down sulfur bonds I use powdered sulfur and put it into my oils or conditioners.
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Your hair is sooo pretty.Dont relax! The way I try to defeat shrinkage is by twisting and plaiting my hair while it is damp. I never work with loose shrunken hair..So maybe no wash n gos?. I dont have to many ssk but for me,even though I am transitioning ,I defeat them by never having shrunken hair,moisturizing daily and sealing(This helps provide some slip), and I blowdry once every three months for my sew ins. Naturals also defeat them by straightening once a month which is a good idea if you do it properly. Tangles can helped by using an oil or serum for slip to seal, deep conditioning once week, stretching hair. But all in all ssk and tangle are apart of having curly,kinky hair. Hair naturally curls onto itself
Your hair is sooo pretty.Dont relax! The way I try to defeat shrinkage is by twisting and plaiting my hair while it is damp. I never work with loose shrunken hair..So maybe no wash n gos?. I dont have to many ssk but for me,even though I am transitioning ,I defeat them by never having shrunken hair,moisturizing daily and sealing(This helps provide some slip), and I blowdry once every three months for my sew ins. Naturals also defeat them by straightening once a month which is a good idea if you do it properly. Tangles can helped by using an oil or serum for slip to seal, deep conditioning once week, stretching hair. But all in all ssk and tangle are apart of having curly,kinky hair. Hair naturally curls onto itself

Thank you! :grin:

I actually thought about blowdrying my hair on cool maybe twice a month since all I do is bun anyways...but I'm thinking that might be too much manipulation? If i did that I would have to switch up my entire regi...since I cowash, fingercomb and bun...but I'm open to it. Its getting cooler anyways so this might be coming at exactly the right time. I'm trying not to flatiron since I was so addicted the swang....So i'm on a bit of a fast until Feb...:lachen:
About the ssks...I've always experienced them but the longer it gets, especially in my 4a crown area, they're massive. I'll usually try to prevent them by working them out with a little oil, but the rest I just end cutting out.
Thank you soooo much for the response. I really appreciate it. :yep:
Hi, I typically relax every 3-4 months. I also hardly ever use heat and i never color. When i do use direct heat i use heat protectant and usually let my hair air dry. I dc with heat and get a protien treatment about every 2-3 months- usually a week before relaxing. I also use oils like coconut, olive or castor oils to moisturize. Also since ive read relaxing hair breaks down sulfur bonds I use powdered sulfur and put it into my oils or conditioners.

Hi Carisa!
Your hair is so thick and pretty :lick:
Ok so if i do relax, I'll definitely take it slow. No color & air dry until I know how my hair will react to the chemical. Protein determining on what my hair needs. Stretch my relaxers.
How often do you DC?
Be careful with the bunning. I notice when I wear buns more often I get more knots. I guess my hair is twisting on itself while in the bun. Also, if you wash your hair loose that can promote knots. Washing my hair in braids helped tremendously.

Contrary to popular belief heat is not the devil. When used in moderation I think it really does help your hair. I blow mine out every once in a while on medium heat then do a cool shot. I'm not heat trained, nor do I want to be and I don't think it's too much manipulation as long as your hair is detangled before doing it.

Hth and good luck on whatever you choose to do.
I have not relaxed since July 10 I have had some shedding of the relax hair I am dealing with two textures now i am co washing but needing a conditioner that will make my hair look shiny and curly with loose curls is there a product I can buy to achieve that look after I braid out? in other words I am looking for a miracle product

Be careful with the bunning. I notice when I wear buns more often I get more knots. I guess my hair is twisting on itself while in the bun. Also, if you wash your hair loose that can promote knots. Washing my hair in braids helped tremendously.

Contrary to popular belief heat is not the devil. When used in moderation I think it really does help your hair. I blow mine out every once in a while on medium heat then do a cool shot. I'm not heat trained, nor do I want to be and I don't think it's too much manipulation as long as your hair is detangled before doing it.

Hth and good luck on whatever you choose to do.

Thnks so much for this. I never thought about how bunning could produce more knots...but it makes sense.
I might also need to detangle more...finger combing might not be cutting it the longer it gets.
And I completely understand about the heat thing. Love it. I just don't wanna overdo it because I already have heat damage. I feel like my hair now has a nice balance because its not breaking, just limp. But light blowdrying might be incorporated in my regi, to fight the ssks..and shrinkage.
I have not relaxed since July 10 I have had some shedding of the relax hair I am dealing with two textures now i am co washing but needing a conditioner that will make my hair look shiny and curly with loose curls is there a product I can buy to achieve that look after I braid out? in other words I am looking for a miracle product


What are you cowashing with?
do you know how to rollerset? or even a braid/twist out before you bun? i think if your hair/ends are stretched or smooth out more before you bun, then maybe it wouldnt tangle or not up as much...or maybe you could band it or do big twists and let it dry some and then blow it when its almost dry so you dont have to use as much heat and then bun it
do you know how to rollerset? or even a braid/twist out before you bun? i think if your hair/ends are stretched or smooth out more before you bun, then maybe it wouldnt tangle or not up as much...or maybe you could band it or do big twists and let it dry some and then blow it when its almost dry so you dont have to use as much heat and then bun it

I JUST tried banding for the first time this week. It dried then curled right back up! SMH. LOL rollersets are out of the question. :lachen: I'd show you a pic...but then I wouldn't be the only one laughing.
I'm definitely going to maybe do celie braids *NB shudders* or this what you do?
I JUST tried banding for the first time this week. It dried then curled right back up! SMH. LOL rollersets are out of the question. :lachen: I'd show you a pic...but then I wouldn't be the only one laughing.
I'm definitely going to maybe do celie braids *NB shudders* or this what you do?

when i twist my hair wet it just unravels lol but on like a 3day old wash n go i can twist it and it stays and it does stretch it out...i wish my hair could go in a bun lol but i plan on trying it those techniques to reduce tangling when my hair gets longer
If I had ringlets like yours, I would never consider a relaxer!!!

^^^I agree with Newtogrow.

Your texture is so beautiful I'd go with a BKT :yep:. I've been doing bkt's for a year now (used it to transition from relaxers) and my hair's now 100% relaxer-free and healthier than it's been in years.

Since your texture appears to be silky the BKT will probably make your pattern quite loose but with more body than any relaxer could give you (and no strong demarcation mark to worry about). BKT helps with SSKs, and makes detangling a breeze. Plus it's reversible!

The most important thing to keep in mind to avoid a setback with a bkt is to mind the temperature you use during the flatiron step. It's not necessary to go up to the recommended 450F if you feel your hair can't withstand such high heat. You can get acceptable results using 375-410F. Also, make sure you have a good flat iron.

After the treatment, I follow a normal hair-care routine. I try to avoid sulfates in shampoos and conditioners but I don't worry too much about it. I add oils (coconut, hemp, olive, castor) as needed, moisture (sometimes I don't rinse out my conditioner), and protein (strong aphogee 2-step every 4-6 weeks). Deep condition weekly. Oh, and my hair now LOVES cones! (CHI silk infusion or One n' Only moroccan oil).

Please, do not relax!
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For ssk, I usually braid to the very ends but currently I have been flatironing my hair every two weeks and have done two small trims b/c of split ends & ssks. I suggest just keep your hair straight by either braiding, banding, blowdrying or flatironing. I understand b/c somethimes I feel relaxing my hair also.
For ssk, I usually braid to the very ends but currently I have been flatironing my hair every two weeks and have done two small trims b/c of split ends & ssks. I suggest just keep your hair straight by either braiding, banding, blowdrying or flatironing. I understand b/c somethimes I feel relaxing my hair also.

Thank you so much for this! Do you airdry before you flatiron?

^^^I agree with Newtogrow.

Your texture is so beautiful I'd go with a BKT :yep:. I've been doing bkt's for a year now (used it to transition from relaxers) and my hair's now 100% relaxer-free and healthier than it's been in years.

Since your texture appears to be silky the BKT will probably make your pattern quite loose but with more body than any relaxer could give you (and no strong demarcation mark to worry about). BKT helps with SSKs, and makes detangling a breeze. Plus it's reversible!

The most important thing to keep in mind to avoid a setback with a bkt is to mind the temperature you use during the flatiron step. It's not necessary to go up to the recommended 450F if you feel your hair can't withstand such high heat. You can get acceptable results using 375-410F. Also, make sure you have a good flat iron.

After the treatment, I follow a normal hair-care routine. I try to avoid sulfates in shampoos and conditioners but I don't worry too much about it. I add oils (coconut, hemp, olive, castor) as needed, moisture (sometimes I don't rinse out my conditioner), and protein (strong aphogee 2-step every 4-6 weeks). Deep condition weekly. Oh, and my hair now LOVES cones! (CHI silk infusion or One n' Only moroccan oil).

Please, do not relax!

Thank you so much! I have been waiting for a BKTer! Do you do your BKT yourself and where do you get them? How often do you get them? I'm kinda excited to try it...and I think I would try this out before I relax.
I airdry about 85% in braids (8) then I lightly blowdry before I flatiron. I flatiron on 360 deg for 2 swipes and that's all. Sometimes I hot comb the roots if I couldn't get them straight enough with flatiron. Hth.
I'm a 4a/4b natural.

Single-strand knots (:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:): I have not defeated them, but I have found that I have less of them now that I do the home-grown steam treatments with Aubrey Organics White Camellia.

Stretching: I stretch my hair by banding, but you said that was a no-go for you.

Tangles: Tangles have become less of a problem for me now that I detangle PROPERLY and THOROUGHLY. I used to detangle with my fingers and a wide-toothed comb. Using my fingers is fine (I still do), but using a comb as my primary detangling tool is is not fine. The comb takes out more hair than it should, even when I am being gentle. Detangling with my fingers and a paddle brush (followed by one comb-through with the wide-toothed comb to ensure that I have removed all of the shed hair) is a much better option for me. In one of your posts earlier in this thread, you said that finger-combing alone might not be cutting it. I think that may be a good point to evaluate.

It is also very important for me to make sure that I have removed ALL of the shed hair. Many of my tangles and single-strand knots occurred because I got tired of detangling and I left some of the shed hair in with my unshed hair.

I also cut down on tangles by keeping my hair in twists and only wearing twist-outs on the weekends. Wearing any kind of "out" style for an extended period of time is a no-go for me because it contributes to the tangles.

I am fine-haired and I control breakage from wet buns and wash-n-gos by not doing them. Any style that requires my hair to stay wet or to dry in an "out" style is a no-no for me.

Good luck with whatever you decide & please don't be afraid to weigh ALL of your options.
I'm a 4a/4b natural.

Single-strand knots (:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:): I have not defeated them, but I have found that I have less of them now that I do the home-grown steam treatments with Aubrey Organics White Camellia.

Stretching: I stretch my hair by banding, but you said that was a no-go for you.

Tangles: Tangles have become less of a problem for me now that I detangle PROPERLY and THOROUGHLY. I used to detangle with my fingers and a wide-toothed comb. Using my fingers is fine (I still do), but using a comb as my primary detangling tool is is not fine. The comb takes out more hair than it should, even when I am being gentle. Detangling with my fingers and a paddle brush (followed by one comb-through with the wide-toothed comb to ensure that I have removed all of the shed hair) is a much better option for me. In one of your posts earlier in this thread, you said that finger-combing alone might not be cutting it. I think that may be a good point to evaluate.

It is also very important for me to make sure that I have removed ALL of the shed hair. Many of my tangles and single-strand knots occurred because I got tired of detangling and I left some of the shed hair in with my unshed hair.

I also cut down on tangles by keeping my hair in twists and only wearing twist-outs on the weekends. Wearing any kind of "out" style for an extended period of time is a no-go for me because it contributes to the tangles.

I am fine-haired and I control breakage from wet buns and wash-n-gos by not doing them. Any style that requires my hair to stay wet or to dry in an "out" style is a no-no for me.

Good luck with whatever you decide & please don't be afraid to weigh ALL of your options.

Thank you!
Can you tell me more about the aubrey? And do you do your steam treatments home-grown? IS that with the microwaved towel...or do you have another method?

I airdry about 85% in braids (8) then I lightly blowdry before I flatiron. I flatiron on 360 deg for 2 swipes and that's all. Sometimes I hot comb the roots if I couldn't get them straight enough with flatiron. Hth.

Thanks Ms. Blue!
i bkt'd for the first time the beginning of this month & will be doing it again till the summer. I've been natural for about 6yrs now.

I'm not fortunate enough to have your hair type but the bkt did wonders for my hair, no breakage and surprisingly it didn't irritate my scalp like i thought it would (assuming it would be like a relaxer but it wasnt) I had a bulk volume problem but the bkt greatly reduced it so my straight hair doesnt look like a high density wig anymore lol, very sleek now.

i originally wanted to relax cuz I couldn't manage my natural hair anymore but my stylist convinced me to get bkt because of my hair type. She said it's manageable but i'm just to lazy to handle it as carefully as she does lol. The only advice i have is to still pamper your hair.

oh and def keep it straight and dry for the first 3 days. I had never done a wrap w/out clips before but the velcro headband worked wonders and it was hard for me to not do a snatch back for 3 days (esp cuz i teach fitness classes so i just wore a bandana over the headband).

As for care I still deep condition w/castor oil weekly, now do protein treatment every 2 weeks w/Duotex. I don't have to moisturize daily like before I got bkt, just put frizz cream on my ends at nite before I wrap my hair

But my edges got a little wet the first day of treatment so i do press them in the morning.

Good luck w/whatever you decided to do :)
i bkt'd for the first time the beginning of this month & will be doing it again till the summer. I've been natural for about 6yrs now.

I'm not fortunate enough to have your hair type but the bkt did wonders for my hair, no breakage and surprisingly it didn't irritate my scalp like i thought it would (assuming it would be like a relaxer but it wasnt) I had a bulk volume problem but the bkt greatly reduced it so my straight hair doesnt look like a high density wig anymore lol, very sleek now.

i originally wanted to relax cuz I couldn't manage my natural hair anymore but my stylist convinced me to get bkt because of my hair type. She said it's manageable but i'm just to lazy to handle it as carefully as she does lol. The only advice i have is to still pamper your hair.

oh and def keep it straight and dry for the first 3 days. I had never done a wrap w/out clips before but the velcro headband worked wonders and it was hard for me to not do a snatch back for 3 days (esp cuz i teach fitness classes so i just wore a bandana over the headband).

As for care I still deep condition w/castor oil weekly, now do protein treatment every 2 weeks w/Duotex. I don't have to moisturize daily like before I got bkt, just put frizz cream on my ends at nite before I wrap my hair

But my edges got a little wet the first day of treatment so i do press them in the morning.

Good luck w/whatever you decided to do :)

Thank you so much, lol!
The highlighted part concerns me....I'm already having a hard enough time pumping up my fine hair is very dense, but idk...i still want it to look fuller. Maybe I'm greedy, lol.
Thank you for the response! I'm leaning toward the BKT...
hmm NB3 i dunno then cuz my stylist made a point to say it reduces volume cuz she knows that's a concern i have when i wear my hair straight.

but maybe only that kind of bkt reduces volume? don't quote me on this cuz i've only done it once so i don't know if that's something bkt in general does or only the specific brand i got. it's whatever brand the Hair Cuttery offers, i don't know the specific name.

anyways glad i could help out and yes def keep us posted!