NATURALS: Questions for the BSL & BEYOND Ladies

How often do you comb? What type of comb do you use?
I don't use a comb.

How often do you brush? What type of brush do you use?
Everytime I co-wash my hair I use my paddle brush. That can range from 1-3 times a week depending on how I'm wearing my hair.

How often do you detangle?
Everytime I co-wah

How often do you trim?
I don't. However I do get hair cuts (between 4 to 8 inches) at least every two years. I've been bored with my hair lately so since 2007 I've been getting it cut at least once a year.

What is your staple hair style?
Wash-n-gos. However I'm on a hide your hair challenge so I've been wearing twists either hanging down or some sort of up do and twistouts.

What 1-3 products have helped you retain your growth? Explain.
I don't believe products will help you to retain your hair growth. What you do to your hair however is the main factor. IMHO

What is your #1 motto when it comes to retaining growth?
Don't use heat

Any other treasured tips you want to share?
I keep my hair covered most of the time if I'm not out in public. Meaning I wear a satin scarf. I eat healthy and I exercise. Not sure if that has attributed to my hair growth since I've always done those things, but it can't hurt!! :grin:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE interviews!!!! ladies please keep them coming~ I too have questions like these.
How often do you comb? What type of comb do you use? In the shower, I finger comb as much as I can everytime I wash it. I comb my hair maybe once a week with a paddle brush-but not to fully detangle.

How often do you brush? What type of brush do you use? I don't brush my hair, I just comb while in the shower, or fresh out the shower when it is still wet. I don't comb or brush my hair after it has dried--my hair would all come out

How often do you detangle? I detangle once every 10 days with a paddle brush...use a denman on the ends sometimes. Paddle brush is faster for my thick hair

How often do you trim? I trim maybe once every 3 months. I dust at home. I don't believe in trimming all of your hair when you have a few split ends--just trim those hairs

What is your staple hair style? I don't really have one- It used to be a flat twist out, now its a braid out/high buns

What 1-3 products have helped you retain your growth? Explain. I'm not exactly sure what has helped me retain growth. Maybe my shea butter mixture - shea butter, EVOO, carrot oil and coconut oil...I keep that on my ends

What is your #1 motto when it comes to retaining growth? My number one motto to retaining growth is to not trim every 4-6 weeks if you don't have to. It seems like "Salon Law" that you HAVE to keep trimming it, but you don't. Dusting is the key. Why trim off an inch of all your hair when you have very few split ends or breakage?

Any other treasured tips you want to share? Don't be discouraged if your hair isn't as long as the next persons. The key is to have healthy hair first, and then length if that is what you choose. Patience is the key and to not compare your hair to others- It will drive you crazy
How often do you comb? What type of comb do you use?

I never comb more than once a week, when I wash. Sometimes I can go longer than that if I finger comb that week. I used to use a metal afro pick. Now I use a bone comb.

How often do you brush? What type of brush do you use?

I brush rarely. Probably an average of once a month. The only brush I will use is the Goody Styling Therapy Add+Shine brush.

How often do you detangle?

I generally detangle once a week.

How often do you trim?

Average once every 3 months.

What is your staple hair style?

A twist out. Can be in a ponytail, loose, or a bun. But I must admit, wearing it in a bun gives me fewer tangles by the end of the week.

What 1-3 products have helped you retain your growth? Explain.

Castor oil because it lessens the tangling.
Aveda Damage Remedy Intensive Treatment really strengthens my hair.

What is your #1 motto when it comes to retaining growth?

Do your best to prevent tangling!

Any other treasured tips you want to share?

Take your time. If it's taking too long and you're getting frustrated, put it in a bun and finish it tomorrow.

Thanks in advance!!! :grinwink:
Love this thread!! Its good to know that Im not the only one who doesnt comb my hair just finger comb...I think I would break it if I tried. Nice tips ladies and beautiful hair...keep it coming
How often do you comb? What type of comb do you use?
Too often - every day. Here's my favorite comb:

How often do you brush? What type of brush do you use?
I use a BBB when I wear a bun or pony tail and a Denman when I roller set or twist out

How often do you detangle?
Every day when I comb my hair.

How often do you trim?
Once a year.

What is your staple hair style?
Roller set and buns.

What 1-3 products have helped you retain your growth? Explain.
Oils, ayurvedic powders, and conditioner washes have helped me reduce dryness, shedding, and breakage so growth retention has improved. Regardless of one's products, it's the techniques that count.

What is your #1 motto when it comes to retaining growth?

Any other treasured tips you want to share?
  • Stay away from scissors.
  • Learn how to manage and style your hair yourself.
  • Roller sets are the best for styling.
  • Stay away from direct heat.

I just ordered that comb!