Naturals: notice a diff in growth after being natural?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Those of u who went natural from years of chemical use: Did you notice if your hair's growth rate increased after being natural for a while? Maybe not RIGHT after the BC or the FC (coined a new term..."final chop" for those that do little chops at a time!) but perhaps after some time?

Just wondering.
I actually noticed it while I was still relaxing. I would relax my hair every 3 months. The first month it would seem like my hair didn't grow at all. Then that ridge of new growth would come and by retouch time I had at least 1 and a half inches. It is hard to tell how my hair grows now because is the same every where.
I chopped August 16 with 1 inch and now I have about 4 inches stretched at the end of november, so yes I would say that my hair grows faster now that I am natural.
mine grows faster because i'm more into my hair...i consciously take care of it(probably would have done the same thing if i was into my hair as a relaxed girl) is much stronger than i give it credit..and i do credit that to being natural
Not me. It grew slowly when I was relaxed and still does. /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif But now I am able to retain the growth I do get. /images/graemlins/up.gif
I only chopped 3 weeks ago, but i notice growth from when i B.C'ed to now. I think it's because i chopped so short that any change in length is very noticeable not because it's growing any faster /images/graemlins/smile.gif. HTH -- jainygirl
I'm with Sassygirl. My hair grows as slowly as before, only about 4 inches per year! But now that I'm natural I've keept almost all of the hair I've grown. All but one inch and I trimmed that away on purpose! When I was relaxed my hair was thin breaking and I had setback after setback. Now that I'm natural I KNOW I'll reach my goal of waist length!
My hair doesn't grow faster but I retain just about all the hair that comes out of my head well except what I trim. I don't have any breakage. I remember when I combed my hair or blow-dried my hair when I was relaxer I always had to worry about breakage. I blow-dried my hair yesterday to trim and I didn't see a single broken hair on my shirt.
I would say, that is has definitely been able to retain more length. You can see the thickness, however when I was relaxed my ends were always split and I suffered badly for 'see through' ends at the back of my hair.
I dont see a big difference in growth rate. I think the reason for me retaining more lenght now is because im just taking better care of it now.
babyblue said:
I dont see a big difference in growth rate. I think the reason for me retaining more lenght now is because im just taking better care of it now.

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